Dropshipping Là Gì Và Tiềm Năng Của Nó?
Bạn muốn kiếm tiền online với hình thức bán hàng dropshipping và FBM tại thị trường Việt Nam. Thái Hoàng HD Vip (THVIP) là một khóa học cung cấp cho bạn đầy đủ các kiến thức đó… giúp bạn tự tin bắt đầu sự nghiệp kinh doanh online của mình.
Tìm hiểu thêm về Thvip tại đây.
Chào mừng bạn đến với thế giới Dropshipping đầy màu sắc. Và đây cũng là bài mở đầu để bạn biết được dropshipping là gì và tiềm năng của nó ra sao. Hiểu được vì sao nó đang là hình thức MMO Kiếm tiền online HOT nhất hiện nay, và cũng cực kỳ quan trọng đối với một người kinh doanh cho dù nghiệp dư hay chuyên nghiệp. Nào chúng ta cùng bắt đầu cuộc hành trình nhé.
Dropshipping và Dropshipper là gì?
Nếu không có thời gian đọc, bạn có thể xem/nghe kỹ video giải thích chi tiết về Dropshipping là gì cũng như các hình thức kiếm tiền với dropshipping hiện nay dưới đây.
Dropshipping hiểu đơn giản là ”bán hàng bỏ qua khâu vận chuyển ” Một hình thức kinh doanh, buôn bán mà Bạn/Mình là nhà bán lẻ nhưng không giữ hàng trong kho. Khi khách hàng mua hàng, bạn sẽ qua bên nhà cung cấp của bạn mua hàng và yêu cầu nhà cung cấp vận chuyển hàng tới tay khách hàng. Bạn sẽ không phải vận chuyển hàng đến cho khách mà chỉ tập trung vào việc marketing sản phẩm, theo dõi đơn hàng, Chăm sóc khách hàng. Lợi nhuận mà bạn đạt được chính là chênh lệch giá giữa nhà cung cấp và giá mình bán cho khách hàng đã trừ đi chi phí vận chuyển. Người làm chủ quá trình này gọi là Dropshipper.
Hiểu theo cách đơn giản nhất là Bạn mua sản phẩm ở một nơi giá thấp và bán nó ở một nơi với giá cao hơn bỏ túi khoản chênh lệch đó, khoản chênh lệch này tùy thuộc vào loại sản phẩm, nó có thể lên tới vài trăm % nếu bạn có kỹ năng tìm kiếm Supplier và chọn sản phẩm. Còn bình thường lợi nhuận ở mức 30-60% là chấp nhận được.
Dropshipping Phù Hợp Với Ai?
Câu hỏi này thực sự mang tính chất chủ quan của mỗi người. Ngoài những người coi dropship nói riêng và kinh doanh online nói chung là nghề chính, quyết tâm làm fulltime, kiếm một nguồn thu nhập thực sự lớn để nuôi sống bản thân và gia đình. Thì còn có rất nhiều người đang muốn tìm một nghề tay trái. Mình thấy 3 Nhóm người sau là cực kỳ phù hợp nếu chọn dropshipping là một nghề tai trái để kiếm thêm thu nhập.
Nhóm 1: Dân Văn Phòng
Nếu bạn là dân văn phòng,Có thời gian rảnh rỗi 2-3 tiếng/ngày. muốn tìm thêm một nguồn thu nhập khác ngoài lương. Chúc mừng bạn vì dropshipping cực kỳ phù hợp với bạn. Tất nhiên khi đã có thu nhập nhỏ nhỏ. Bạn muốn phát triển doanh thu lớn hơn nữa đồng nghĩa với việc bạn cần nhiều thời gian và công sức hơn. Lúc đó bạn sẽ đưa ra quyết định tiếp tục duy trì thu nhập $200- $300/month hay nghỉ việc làm fulltime để tăng N lần thu nhập. Quyết định sẽ thuộc vào cảm xúc trong trái tim của bạn 🙂
Nhóm 2: Sinh Viên
Khỏi phải nói thì cũng biết sinh viên là tỷ phú thời gian rồi. Một yếu tố vô cùng thuận lợi cho các bạn nghiên cứu thị trường, sản phẩm. Một điều rất hay nữa của dropshipping rất phù hợp với sinh viên là vốn ban đầu gần như bằng 0. Bạn chỉ cần bỏ thời gian ra học hỏi thử nghiệm thật nhiều. Bạn sẽ học được hàng triệu kiến thức cực hay thay vì suốt ngày ngồi chơi game hoặc xem film online. Và cảm giác kiếm được tiền khi còn là sinh viên luôn là một cảm giác rất tuyệt vời các bạn ạ!
Nhóm 3: Những người bắt đầu bước chân vào Kinh doanh online.
Khi bạn mới bắt đầu kinh doanh online, kiến thức kinh nghiệm là yếu tố bạn đang thiếu rất nhiều. Kiến thức phân tích thị trường, tìm sản phẩm, tìm nguồn hàng, ship hàng, kiến thức marketing online và hàng tỷ kiến thức khác nữa. Dropship sẽ trang bị cho bạn những kiến thức cơ bản đó để bạn có thể tự tin bước vào những thị trường khó hơn. FBA, Kinh doanh online tại Việt Nam. Không những thế có cũng là một kênh thu nhập đáng kể, có thể giúp bạn có một số vốn nhất định để starup.
Làm dropshipping có tốn thời gian không ?
Đây là câu hỏi có lẽ là củ chuối nhất mà mình cực kỳ hay gặp. Muốn trả lời câu hỏi này bạn hãy tự hỏi mục tiêu của bạn đến đâu. Nếu bạn coi nó là trò chơi. Muốn kiếm ~ $100 -$200 chắc tầm 2 tiếng/ ngày cộng thêm 1 người hướng dẫn bạn là ok! Nhưng kinh nghiệm của mình thường những bạn hay hỏi kiểu vậy thì rất dễ bỏ cuộc khi gặp khó khăn!
Nếu bạn là người mới muốn nghiên cứu về bán hàng quốc tế. bạn có thể mua bộ tài liệu (video, text…) tổng hợp các kiến thức về dropshipping ebay, fba amazon của Thaihoanghd tổng hợp. Link Mua bộ tài liệu tại đây.
Các bước thực hiện dropshipping?
- B1: Tìm sản phẩm, Lựa chọn nhà cung cấp (Supplier), đàm phán với họ về giá cả, lựa chọn phương thức vận chuyển theo giá cả và thời gian vận chuyển. (Bước này cực kỳ quan trọng, quyết định 80% thắng lợi của chiến dịch )
- B2: Lựa chọn kênh bán hàng. (Đăng sản phẩm lên Store của bạn trên ebay, amazon, hoặc webstore riêng…) Bài viết tiếp theo mình sẽ phân tích rõ từng kênh bán hàng, ưu nhược điểm của từng cái để giúp bạn lựa chọn cho mình một kênh bán hàng chuẩn nhất
- B3: Khách hàng sẽ vào store của bạn để mua hàng và trả bạn tiền qua tài khoản Paypal, Payoneer hoặc một Paygate do nơi bạn bán chấp nhận.
- B4: Mua hàng và gửi cho khách. Bạn dùng tiền khách hàng trả cho bạn, qua nhà cung cấp mua hàng và yêu cầu nhà cung cấp vận chuyển sản phẩm tới tay khách hàng của bạn.
- B5: Nhà cung cấp đóng gói, vận chuyển hàng đến cho khách. Gửi tracking info cho Bạn. Bạn theo dõi đơn hàng, chăm sóc khách hàng.
- B6: Tổng kết lại sau một tháng bán hàng, để biết được lợi nhuận là bao nhiêu đối với từng sản phẩm, xem lại và tối ưu các bước để tăng lợi nhuận hơn trong đợt bán hàng tới.
Mình lấy một ví dụ cho các bạn dễ hình dung .
A: Là supply có mặt hàng là đồng hồ. ( giá đồng hồ A bán là 100 $ )
B: Bạn là dropshipper.
C: Thị Trường.
Bạn sẽ dùng hình ảnh, mẫu mã đồng hồ của A để quảng cáo, marketing trên thị trường C. Đăng bán với giá 150$. Nếu C mua hàng. Bạn sẽ mua đơn hàng đó từ A cho C. A sẽ đóng gói vận chuyển đến C. Việc của bạn là chăm sóc khách hàng, theo dõi đơn hàng. Hoa hồng bạn nhận được chính là chênh lệch giữa tiền C mua hàng của bạn và tiền bạn Mua của A ( Trong trường hợp này, Hoa Hồng = 150 – 100 – chi phí list hàng, phí paypal… = ~35 $)
Dropshipping có phải là bán hàng trên Ebay, Amazon ?
Dropshipping trên Ebay và Amazon là một trong những hình thức dropshipping khá phổ biến trên thế giới. Cũng là một mảnh đất rất màu mỡ để các bạn bắt đầu sự nghiệp kinh doanh của mình. Nhưng khi bạn trở thành một dropshipper chuyên nghiệp rồi thì bạn phải tự tin chiến đấu được ở tất cả các thị trường. Đặc biệt ở thị trường Việt Nam đầy tiềm năng và ngày một phát triển theo cấp số nhân.
Phân Loại Các Hình Thức Dropshipping
Dropshipping có các hình thức sau đây:
Hình thức mạng lưới truyền thống.
Đang có rất nhiều người làm dropshipping ở thị trường Việt Nam, nhưng bản thân họ cũng không biết là họ là Một dropshipper. (Ở Việt Nam thường gọi bằng thuật ngữ phổ thông là CÒ). Và thực tế thì họ mới chỉ dừng ở hình thức kiếm tiền nhỏ lẻ, chộp giật. Và còn thiếu quá nhiều kĩ năng để phát triển lên thành một business bền vững trong thời đại công nghệ số như hiện nay.
Hình thức Mạng Lưới Internet Online
Trong hình thức này lại chia làm 2 loại nhỏ
- Xây dựng store trên các kênh Free Traffic
- Xây dựng webstore riêng – sử dụng paytraffic, seo để bán hàng
Ưu điểm và khó khăn của dropshipping
Ưu Điểm
- Khi bạn khởi nghiệp, Chi phí đầu tư ban đầu thấp. Nếu bạn phát triển hệ thống lớn lên chi phí bắt đầu tăng. Nhưng vẫn thấp hơn rất nhiều so với kinh doanh truyền thống.
- Dễ dàng bắt đầu, thời gian xoay vòng vốn nhanh, Linh động, Phù hợp với người mới bắt đầu kinh doanh, sinh viên, newbie.
- Không lo hàng hóa bị tồn kho, không có trường hợp nhập một đống hàng về mà không bán được, không phải tìm thuê cửa hàng.
- Tiền hoa hồng nhận ngay sau khi hoàn thành mỗi đơn hàng. Không phải đợi xét duyệt ở một bên thứ 3.
Khó khăn
- Cạnh tranh rất lớn. Mở rộng quy mô là một bài toán khó ?
- Khó quản lý được chất lượng hàng gửi cho khách tốt không. (cái này phải biết cách mới quản lý được)
- Chọn nguồn hàng ở đâu, bán cho ai, cách phân tích nhu cầu thị trường để tìm sản phẩm.
- Nếu không biết cách Lập tài khoản ở amazon, ebay thì rất dễ bị suspended . Muốn lập webstore riêng thì phải có kiến thức về web, domain…
- Cách sử dụng các kênh marketing online (pay traffic, seo ) để tăng doanh số đến n lần .
- Khi gặp khó khăn thì giải quyết như thế nào VD: Gặp khách hàng khó tính thì chăm sóc thế nào, chọn nhầm nhà cung cấp không uy tín, tài khoản mua, bán hàng bị block,….
Bạn Có Thể Kiếm Được Bao Nhiêu Tiền Với Dropshipping ?
Đây là câu hỏi được nhiều người quan tâm nhất khi muốn tìm hiểu và bắt tay vào một lĩnh vực mới nào đó. Tin vui cho các bạn là kiếm được tiền với dropshipping là không hề khó nếu Biết Cách. Oh thế nếu bạn không biết cách thì sao? Đơn giản thôi, bạn phải mất thời gian, công sức để thử nghiệm, thử nghiệm, thử nghiệm. Còn mất bao nhiêu thì phụ thuộc vào độ đẹp trai/xinh gái của các bạn. Và ở thời đại này – thời gian chính là $ các bạn ạ. Nếu bạn là một newbie mới chập chững bước vào nghề, thì 90% bạn sẽ fail ngay ở những nước cờ ban đầu. Trái lại mình sẽ rất ngạc nhiên nếu bạn thành công. Vì vậy hãy luôn giữ cho mình một cái đầu lạnh và trái tim nóng để có thể đi đến cuối con đường nhé các bạn.
Doanh Thu 1 Ngày trên 1 tài khoản Dropshipping Của Mình.
Mình đã hướng dẫn cho rất nhiều bạn có thể kiếm được $200 – $300 ngay từ tháng đầu tiên. Nhưng, Để duy trì và phát triển hệ thống lên gấp 2 lần, 3 lần, n lần. Xây dựng được một business dropshipping bền vững – tạo được thu nhập thụ động thì nó lại là một vấn đề hoàn toàn khác. Cần kiến thức chuyên sâu, chiến lược chuẩn và sự cố gắng lao động của các bạn rất nhiều. Và đó cũng là mục tiêu mà các bạn nên tập trung khi bước chân vào lĩnh vực này. Đây cũng là mục tiêu chính mình đặt ra cho các thành viên trong Nhóm Dropshipping + FBA Chuyên Sâu của mình!
Bài Tiếp Theo: Hiểu Về Các Thị Trường Dropshipping Cơ Bản Nên Tham Gia
Kết Luận
Đến đây các bạn đã có một cái nhìn tổng quát nhất về dropshipping. Hiểu rõ những ưu điểm và khó khăn của mô hình kinh doanh online rất tiềm năng này. Nếu bạn quyết định bước chân vào thế giới kinh doanh online. Mình luôn hoan nghêch bạn hết sức. Tất nhiên, Nếu bạn có điều kiện và muốn xác định nghiêm túc với dropshipping, để xây dựng lên một nguồn thu nhập bền vững sau này. An toàn về tài chính cho tương lai. Hãy tham gia Super Dropshipvn Team ngay để nhận được sự dẫn dắt toàn diện và hỗ trợ tốt nhất từ mình các bạn nhé. See You Next Time! Bye Bye!
Để lại bình luận
Bạn phải đăng nhập để gửi phản hồi.
1 bình luận
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Residences near the shore, such as Wilmington, North Carolina, deal with distinct problems concerning roof care. Hiring a qualified roofing company is vital for managing these issues and ensuring the longevity of roofing systems.
Highlighted are various motivations why homeowners must consider hiring professional roofing services in Wilmington:
Causes Property Owners Want to a Qualified Roofing Company in Coastal NC
Homes in coastal areas, including Wilmington, NC, encounter specific issues when it comes to roof maintenance. Engaging a qualified roofing company is essential for addressing these challenges and maintaining the durability of roofs.
Highlighted are multiple causes why real estate companies should seriously consider engaging expert roofing solutions in Wilmington:
Severe Weather Harm Repair
Seaside regions often experience extreme conditions such as hurricanes, which can cause considerable destruction to coverings. A certified expert can accurately assess and restore weather-related harm to avert subsequent damage.
Salt Atmosphere Rust Protection
Ocean breeze might result in corrosion of roofing materials, notably aluminum roofs. Periodic examinations by a qualified individual can detect early signs of oxidation and utilize preventative measures to extend the durability of the roof.
Moisture Management along with Drip Restoration
Coastal regions experience high humidity, which may cause dampness under roofing materials, causing leaks and water damage. A certified expert can handle moisture problems successfully and perform necessary repairs to avoid additional harm.
Adequate Venting Setup
Proper roof ventilation is vital for preventing dampness accumulation and ensuring the quality of covering substances. A qualified company can set up venting mechanisms that fit the distinct conditions of oceanfront properties.
Material Understanding plus Advice
Professional roofers hold comprehensive awareness of the best materials for oceanfront climates. They can advise materials that are resistant to rust, humidity, and gust impacts, maintaining prolonged longevity for roofing systems.
Being aware of these details is important because it can save money in the long run. Preventative care and immediate restorations can avoid expensive harm and prolong the life of the roof, guaranteeing the security of the property in oceanfront locations.
Oceanfront properties are prone to temperatures like hurricanes, leading to complete destruction to roofing systems. A licensed roofer can accurately assess and fix weather-related issues to avoid further issues.
Salt Atmosphere Rust Protection
Salty air may lead to corrosion of roof components, notably aluminum roofs. Regular inspections by an expert can identify beginning symptoms of corrosion and use proactive solutions to prolong the durability of the roof.
Dampness Management and Drip Fix
Coastal regions have elevated moisture levels, which might result in dampness buildup below roof surfaces, leading to seepages furthermore interior issues. A certifiable expert can address dampness issues efficiently plus essential restorations to avert additional harm.
Adequate Ventilation Implementation
appropriate roofing airflow is essential for preventing humidity collection and ensuring the integrity of roof components. A qualified company can set up venting that fit the specific demands of seaside residences.
Substance Expertise along with Recommendations
Master roofers possess thorough comprehension of ideal substances for seaside conditions. They may be able advise options which are resistant to oxidation, humidity, and wind energy damage, guaranteeing extended durability for coverings.
Determining this data is crucial as it could possibly lower spending eventually. Enthusiastic maintenance and regular repairs can avert high-priced destruction and prolong the lifespan of the roof covering, maintaining the protection of the home in seaboard regions.
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Understanding Engine Vibration: A Comprehensive Guide
Engine vibration is an essential aspect of mechanical engineering and maintenance, focusing on the dynamic behavior of rotating machinery and its components. The understanding of engine vibration is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, durability, and safety of machinery.
At the core of engine vibration analysis is the concept of rotor balancing. A rotor is any rotating body within a machine, supported by bearings that carry the weight and other forces as it spins. For an engine to operate efficiently, it is imperative that the rotor is balanced. In a perfectly balanced rotor, the mass is distributed evenly around the axis of rotation, meaning that any forces acting on it are countered by equal forces from opposite sides, yielding a net force of zero. Conversely, any asymmetry in mass distribution leads to unbalanced forces which result in vibrations.
The Effects of Engine Vibration
When an engine is unbalanced, it induces vibrations which can lead to several detrimental effects:
Accelerated wear and tear on bearings and other structural components.
Cyclic deformation of the machine’s supports, further exacerbating the imbalance.
Increased maintenance costs and reduced operational lifespan of machinery.
Engine vibration can be categorized into two main types: static and dynamic. Static unbalance occurs when the rotor is at rest, and its heavy points create an imbalance due to gravitational forces. Dynamic unbalance, however, only becomes apparent when the rotor is in motion, often creating moments that further disrupt the equilibrium and cause vibrations. Dynamic unbalance necessitates a more complex balancing strategy, as the forces creating the imbalance act differently than when the rotor is static.
Strategies for Balancing Rotors and Reducing Vibration
To rectify engine vibration due to rotor imbalance, specific techniques are employed:
Adding balancing weights: The primary method for restoring balance is the installation of weights at calculated positions on the rotor to counteract the unbalanced forces and moments. For rigid rotors, installing two compensating weights at specific locations is generally sufficient to negate both static and dynamic imbalances.
Using balancing machines: These machines assist in accurately measuring vibration levels and determining the appropriate weights and their placement. Balancing can be performed on assembled rotors using specialized equipment that measures vibrations in real-time, allowing for precise adjustments.
Mathematical models: Advanced mathematical models help predict the effects of weight placement on vibration parameters, ensuring a systematic approach to achieve balance.
The Role of Mechanical Properties in Engine Vibration
The mechanical properties of rotors and their supports significantly influence engine vibrations. Factors such as the stiffness, mass distribution, and damping characteristics of the system determine how vibrations propagate through the machine. Rigid rotors typically exhibit more predictable behavior under rotating conditions, while flexible rotors may exhibit complex vibrations that change based on their speed and external forces.
Vibration can also arise from external factors, such as misalignment between components or external forces acting on the machine. While rotor balancing chiefly addresses mass asymmetries, it cannot eliminate vibrations caused by these other factors. Therefore, alignment checks and structural assessments must accompany balancing activities to achieve optimal performance.
The Importance of Preventive Maintenance
Addressing engine vibration through rotor balancing is not a one-time task but an integral part of preventive maintenance. Regular inspections and balancing can help identify potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs or unplanned downtime. Establishing a maintenance schedule that includes vibration analysis allows operators to monitor the health of their machinery and address imbalances proactively.
Quality Assessment of Balancing Efforts
Post-balancing, the quality of the effort can be gauged by comparing the residual unbalance against established tolerance levels. Various standards dictate acceptable balance for different classes of machinery, with ISO 1940-1 providing guidelines for general balancing practices. However, successful balancing is also influenced by the overall stiffness of the machinery and damping characteristics. Understanding these relationships helps ensure that the engine operates within acceptable vibration limits.
In conclusion, comprehending engine vibration is crucial for maintaining the performance and longevity of mechanical systems. By addressing imbalance through effective balancing strategies, utilizing advanced technology, and maintaining an ongoing maintenance schedule, operators can significantly reduce vibration and its associated risks. Balancing is not just a corrective measure but a proactive philosophy that ensures reliability and efficiency in machinery operation. Emphasizing the importance of quality balancing practices will ultimately lead to optimized machine performance and durability.
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На онлайн-казино Lev вас радуют акционные игры и разнообразие игровых предложений. Именно здесь вы откроете для себя завоевать множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые поднимут ваш настроение. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы победить.
Казино Лев гарантирует эргономичный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любом устройстве.
На Лев вас ждут не только видеослоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые обеспечат вам испытать настоящее казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план дадут вам фриспины на регулярной основе.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся славы каждый день!
На сайте Lev вас приветствуют приятные подарки и богатый выбор игр. Именно здесь вы сможете выиграть колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://acama43.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://acama43.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://acama43.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://acama43.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://acama43.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
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Безупречный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев раскрывает для вас потрясающие шансы для крупных выигрышей!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют акционные игры и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы успеете завоевать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшат ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы сорвать куш.
Наш сайт дарит вам максимально удобный доступ, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом гаджете.
На Лев вас приветствуют не только видеослоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые обеспечат вам ощутить азарт вживую прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план дадут вам фриспины каждый день.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и завоевывай славы каждый день!
На платформе Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы попробуете сорвать крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните побеждать [url=https://acama43.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://acama43.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://acama43.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://acama43.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://acama43.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Лучший игровой сайт Лев раскрывает для вас невероятные шансы для крупных выигрышей!
На нашей платформе игрового дома Лев вас ожидают выгодные предложения и ассортимент слотов. Именно здесь вы сможете получить колоссальные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые улучшат ваш азарт. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает эргономичный интерфейс, что делает игру комфортной на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На Lev вас ждут не только видеослоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые дадут вам возможность испытать настоящее казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки предложат вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш на регулярной основе.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с Лев, и получай признания каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас ждут приятные подарки и ассортимент слотов. Каждый раз здесь вы сможете захватить множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и запустите игру [url=https://addictive-boutique.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://addictive-boutique.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://addictive-boutique.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://addictive-boutique.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://addictive-boutique.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Топовый игровой сайт Лев предоставляет для вас невероятные опции для успешной игры!
На площадке Lev вас ждут щедрые призы и разнообразные игры. Всегда здесь вы откроете для себя сорвать колоссальные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые улучшат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает простой и удобный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом гаджете.
На Lev вас встретят не только рулетка и покер, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые дадут вам возможность ощутить азарт вживую в любое время.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк порадуют вас фриспины на каждом шагу.
Играй с удовольствием, побеждай с Lev, и завоевывай славы каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас ждут щедрые призы и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы откроете захватить множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://aliments-sans-glutamate.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://aliments-sans-glutamate.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://aliments-sans-glutamate.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://aliments-sans-glutamate.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://aliments-sans-glutamate.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Лучший игровой сайт Lev предоставляет для вас уникальные шансы для максимальных успехов!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас встречают акционные игры и богатый выбор слотов. Всегда здесь вы откроете для себя сорвать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает регулярные акции, которые поднимут ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы победить.
Игровая платформа гарантирует эргономичный интерфейс, обеспечивает легкость использования на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На игровом доме Лев вас радуют не только слоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые дадут вам возможность ощутить азарт вживую прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки порадуют вас бесплатные вращения каждый день.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся славы каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас радуют приятные подарки и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы попробуете захватить колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://alr-concepts.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://alr-concepts.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://alr-concepts.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://alr-concepts.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://alr-concepts.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Необыкновенный игровой сайт Лев дарит для вас захватывающие варианты для максимальных успехов!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас встречают акционные игры и множество игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы откроете для себя сорвать огромные джекпоты с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые поднимут ваш азарт. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы достичь успеха.
Казино Лев дарит вам максимально удобный доступ, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас ждут не только рулетка и покер, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые дадут вам возможность насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш программа лояльности помогут вам бонусные кредиты на регулярной основе.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся призов каждый день!
На платформе Lev вас ожидают удивительные акции и разнообразные игры. Только здесь вы успеете выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните выигрывать [url=https://andybot.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://andybot.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://andybot.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://andybot.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://andybot.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Фантастический игровой сайт Лев предлагает для вас незабываемые варианты для крупных выигрышей!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас радуют выгодные предложения и богатый выбор слотов. Всегда здесь вы сможете сорвать невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшат ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы победить.
Наш сайт обеспечивает интуитивно понятный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас ожидают не только игровые автоматы, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые позволят вам почувствовать себя в настоящем казино в любое время.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк дадут вам бесплатные вращения на регулярной основе.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся призов каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас ждут удивительные акции и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы получите возможность выиграть множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и запустите игру [url=https://annytime.nl/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://annytime.nl/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://annytime.nl/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://annytime.nl/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://annytime.nl/bonus/]бонус[/url]
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Топовый игровой сайт Lev предоставляет для вас незабываемые шансы для крупных выигрышей!
На нашей платформе Lev вас радуют акционные игры и разнообразие игровых предложений. Всегда здесь вы откроете для себя выиграть огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые увеличат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Казино Лев предлагает быстрый и легкий процесс игры, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На игровом доме Лев вас радуют не только слоты, но и живые дилеры, которые позволят вам почувствовать себя в настоящем казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система предложат вам бесплатные вращения при каждом пополнении.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Лев, и получай богатства каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас ждут удивительные акции и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы сможете выиграть крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и запустите игру [url=https://archeopda.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://archeopda.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://archeopda.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://archeopda.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://archeopda.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Lev раскрывает для вас фантастические опции для ярких побед!
На площадке Lev вас радуют прекрасные подарки и множество игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы сможете сорвать огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшат ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа предлагает простой и удобный интерфейс, обеспечивает легкость использования на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На Lev вас приветствуют не только игровые автоматы, но и живые игры, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки дадут вам бонусные кредиты при каждом пополнении.
Играй с фантастическим азартом, побеждай с Лев, и выигрывай призов каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют удивительные акции и разнообразные игры. Только здесь вы попробуете получить колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://babel-info.de/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://babel-info.de/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://babel-info.de/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://babel-info.de/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://babel-info.de/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Фантастический игровой сайт Lev дарит для вас уникальные опции для максимальных успехов!
На нашей платформе игрового дома Лев вас радуют акционные игры и разнообразные игры. Каждый раз здесь вы откроете для себя захватить невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые улучшат ваш азарт. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы победить.
Наш сайт гарантирует эргономичный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На Лев вас ждут не только настольные игры, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк порадуют вас бонусные кредиты на регулярной основе.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся богатства каждый день!
На платформе Лев вас приветствуют выгодные предложения и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы успеете получить крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://barreoblique.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://barreoblique.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://barreoblique.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://barreoblique.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://barreoblique.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт Lev раскрывает для вас захватывающие шансы для победных стратегий!
На нашей платформе Лев вас ждут выгодные предложения и ассортимент слотов. Именно здесь вы сможете сорвать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает интересные турниры, которые поднимут ваш настроение. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Наш сайт гарантирует простой и удобный интерфейс, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас приветствуют не только слоты, но и живые дилеры, которые дадут вам возможность насладиться реальным игровым процессом из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система предложат вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш каждый день.
Играй с фантастическим азартом, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и получай богатства каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас приветствуют щедрые бонусы и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы получите возможность выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и запустите игру [url=https://biologiquement.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://biologiquement.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://biologiquement.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://biologiquement.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://biologiquement.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт Lev предоставляет для вас незабываемые опции для ярких побед!
На сайте Лев вас приветствуют выгодные предложения и огромное количество игр. Именно здесь вы успеете получить огромные джекпоты с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает регулярные акции, которые увеличат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы победить.
Игровая платформа предлагает простой и удобный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас встретят не только видеослоты, но и живые дилеры, которые позволят вам ощутить азарт вживую прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш программа лояльности дадут вам дополнительные средства на каждом шагу.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с Lev, и завоевывай признания каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас ожидают щедрые призы и богатый выбор игр. Только здесь вы получите возможность сорвать колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://bocavelo.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://bocavelo.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://bocavelo.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://bocavelo.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://bocavelo.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Грандиозный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предоставляет для вас захватывающие шансы для ярких побед!
На сайте Лев вас радуют прекрасные подарки и богатый выбор слотов. Всегда здесь вы успеете выиграть множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшат ваш азарт. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Наш сайт гарантирует эргономичный интерфейс, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас ждут не только слоты, но и живые игры, которые дадут вам возможность насладиться реальным игровым процессом из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система помогут вам фриспины каждый день.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Лев, и выигрывай призов каждый день!
На площадке Лев вас радуют приятные подарки и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы откроете сорвать невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://box-maquillage.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://box-maquillage.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://box-maquillage.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://box-maquillage.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://box-maquillage.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Необыкновенный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев раскрывает для вас великолепные опции для победных стратегий!
На нашей платформе Лев вас ждут акционные игры и богатый выбор слотов. Именно здесь вы откроете для себя получить огромные джекпоты с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает регулярные акции, которые поднимут ваш настроение. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы выиграть.
Наш сайт дарит вам быстрый и легкий процесс игры, что делает игру комфортной на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас встретят не только настольные игры, но и живые дилеры, которые обеспечат вам ощутить азарт вживую не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план дадут вам фриспины каждый день.
Играй с удовольствием, побеждай с Лев, и получай славы каждый день!
На платформе Лев вас ожидают щедрые призы и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы сможете получить огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://centre-manoirduviginet.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://centre-manoirduviginet.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://centre-manoirduviginet.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://centre-manoirduviginet.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://centre-manoirduviginet.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Грандиозный игровой сайт Lev предоставляет для вас фантастические варианты для ярких побед!
На сайте Лев вас встречают удивительные акции и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы сможете захватить огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшают ваш азарт. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает простой и удобный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом устройстве.
На Lev вас приветствуют не только игровые автоматы, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые дадут вам возможность испытать настоящее казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш программа лояльности предложат вам бонусные кредиты каждый день.
Играй с удовольствием, побеждай с Лев, и завоевывай славы каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас встречают щедрые призы и ассортимент слотов. Именно здесь вы попробуете выиграть огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и запустите игру [url=https://chardelainferrailleur.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://chardelainferrailleur.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://chardelainferrailleur.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://chardelainferrailleur.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://chardelainferrailleur.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт Lev предлагает для вас незабываемые возможности для максимальных успехов!
На сайте Lev вас приветствуют прекрасные подарки и богатый выбор слотов. Именно здесь вы получите возможность завоевать огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые улучшат ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа дарит вам эргономичный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На игровом доме Лев вас ожидают не только рулетка и покер, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом в любое время.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки предложат вам дополнительные средства каждый день.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и завоевывай призов каждый день!
На площадке Лев вас ожидают выгодные предложения и богатый выбор игр. Именно здесь вы попробуете выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://clickandcouture.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://clickandcouture.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://clickandcouture.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://clickandcouture.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://clickandcouture.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Необыкновенный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предлагает для вас великолепные опции для успешной игры!
На сайте Lev вас ждут акционные игры и множество игровых автоматов. Только здесь вы попробуете завоевать огромные джекпоты с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые поднимут ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы выиграть.
Игровая платформа дарит вам простой и удобный интерфейс, что делает игру комфортной на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На Лев вас ожидают не только настольные игры, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк порадуют вас бонусные кредиты при каждом пополнении.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Лев, и завоевывай богатства каждый день!
На сайте Lev вас радуют щедрые призы и богатый выбор игр. Всегда здесь вы попробуете завоевать невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://coachinlyon69.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://coachinlyon69.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://coachinlyon69.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://coachinlyon69.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://coachinlyon69.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Лев предоставляет для вас потрясающие шансы для максимальных успехов!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас встречают щедрые бонусы и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы успеете выиграть множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые увеличат ваш настроение. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Казино Лев дарит вам эргономичный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На Лев вас ждут не только игровые автоматы, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые позволят вам испытать настоящее казино не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки дадут вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш на регулярной основе.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Лев, и завоевывай признания каждый день!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас ждут приятные подарки и богатый выбор игр. Только здесь вы откроете сорвать множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и запустите игру [url=https://coluchekebab.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://coluchekebab.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://coluchekebab.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://coluchekebab.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://coluchekebab.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт Lev предлагает для вас великолепные опции для победных стратегий!
На нашей платформе Lev вас радуют акционные игры и огромное количество игр. Именно здесь вы сможете завоевать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает интересные турниры, которые улучшат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы достичь успеха.
Казино Лев предлагает быстрый и легкий процесс игры, обеспечивает легкость использования на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На Lev вас ожидают не только игровые автоматы, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые дадут вам возможность насладиться реальным игровым процессом из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк помогут вам фриспины на каждом шагу.
Играй с удовольствием, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и получай призов каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют щедрые бонусы и богатый выбор игр. Только здесь вы попробуете сорвать крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://digitaletsens.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://digitaletsens.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://digitaletsens.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://digitaletsens.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://digitaletsens.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Лев открывает для вас незабываемые опции для победных стратегий!
На площадке Лев вас ждут прекрасные подарки и огромное количество игр. Каждый раз здесь вы успеете сорвать множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые улучшают ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Наш сайт дарит вам максимально удобный доступ, что делает игру комфортной на любом устройстве.
На Lev вас встретят не только игровые автоматы, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые позволят вам испытать настоящее казино не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система дадут вам фриспины каждый день.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и выигрывай богатства каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют удивительные акции и богатый выбор игр. Всегда здесь вы попробуете сорвать огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://doucetti.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://doucetti.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://doucetti.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://doucetti.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://doucetti.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Lev раскрывает для вас великолепные возможности для победных стратегий!
На площадке Lev вас встречают щедрые бонусы и огромное количество игр. Именно здесь вы попробуете получить множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает интересные турниры, которые улучшат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы выиграть.
Наш сайт предлагает максимально удобный доступ, обеспечивает легкость использования на любой платформе.
На Lev вас приветствуют не только игровые автоматы, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые позволят вам ощутить азарт вживую в любое время.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки помогут вам фриспины каждый день.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с Лев, и получай богатства каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас ждут приятные подарки и разнообразные игры. Всегда здесь вы откроете получить множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните побеждать [url=https://e-surfboard.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://e-surfboard.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://e-surfboard.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://e-surfboard.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://e-surfboard.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Lev предлагает для вас захватывающие опции для ярких побед!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют удивительные акции и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы сможете завоевать невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые улучшат ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Игровая платформа предлагает быстрый и легкий процесс игры, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На игровом доме Лев вас приветствуют не только видеослоты, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые обеспечат вам испытать настоящее казино прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк дадут вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш на каждом шагу.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Лев, и добивайся богатства каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас встречают щедрые бонусы и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы попробуете захватить крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://elecpros.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://elecpros.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://elecpros.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://elecpros.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://elecpros.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Lev раскрывает для вас потрясающие возможности для ярких побед!
На нашей платформе Lev вас встречают щедрые призы и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы откроете для себя выиграть множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые улучшают ваш азарт. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы победить.
Игровая платформа предлагает эргономичный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любой платформе.
На Лев вас приветствуют не только видеослоты, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам почувствовать себя в настоящем казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш программа лояльности порадуют вас бонусные кредиты на регулярной основе.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с Лев, и добивайся признания каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас ждут приятные подарки и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы получите возможность выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и запустите игру [url=https://feliciengoguey.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://feliciengoguey.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://feliciengoguey.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://feliciengoguey.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://feliciengoguey.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предоставляет для вас невероятные шансы для ярких побед!
На нашей платформе Лев вас встречают выгодные предложения и множество игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы получите возможность сорвать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает интересные турниры, которые увеличат ваш азарт. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Наш сайт обеспечивает быстрый и легкий процесс игры, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас встретят не только видеослоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые обеспечат вам испытать настоящее казино в любое время.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк помогут вам дополнительные средства на каждом шагу.
Играй с удовольствием, побеждай с Lev, и завоевывай призов каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас ожидают щедрые бонусы и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы попробуете сорвать множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://flowbootcamps.nl/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://flowbootcamps.nl/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://flowbootcamps.nl/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://flowbootcamps.nl/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://flowbootcamps.nl/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Необыкновенный игровой сайт Lev предлагает для вас фантастические шансы для крупных выигрышей!
На нашей платформе Lev вас встречают прекрасные подарки и разнообразие игровых предложений. Именно здесь вы сможете сорвать огромные джекпоты с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые увеличат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы выиграть.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает интуитивно понятный интерфейс, обеспечивает легкость использования на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На игровом доме Лев вас встретят не только игровые автоматы, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам испытать настоящее казино не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк дадут вам дополнительные средства на регулярной основе.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с Лев, и получай богатства каждый день!
На платформе Лев вас встречают приятные подарки и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы успеете захватить огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните побеждать [url=https://golf-hautsdefrance.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://golf-hautsdefrance.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://golf-hautsdefrance.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://golf-hautsdefrance.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://golf-hautsdefrance.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Лев предлагает для вас невероятные опции для победных стратегий!
На нашей платформе Lev вас радуют выгодные предложения и разнообразие игровых предложений. Только здесь вы откроете для себя захватить колоссальные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает регулярные акции, которые увеличат ваш азарт. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы выиграть.
Игровая платформа дарит вам эргономичный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом устройстве.
На Лев вас приветствуют не только слоты, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые позволят вам почувствовать себя в настоящем казино прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк предложат вам бонусные кредиты при каждом пополнении.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и выигрывай признания каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас радуют удивительные акции и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы сможете получить множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://guide2019.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://guide2019.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://guide2019.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://guide2019.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://guide2019.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Лучший игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предлагает для вас потрясающие опции для крупных выигрышей!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас приветствуют выгодные предложения и множество игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы сможете получить колоссальные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшат ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Игровая платформа дарит вам максимально удобный доступ, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любой платформе.
На игровом доме Лев вас ждут не только рулетка и покер, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые позволят вам ощутить азарт вживую прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план дадут вам бесплатные вращения на регулярной основе.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся славы каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и богатый выбор игр. Всегда здесь вы успеете захватить огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://hotelducommerce-tronget.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://hotelducommerce-tronget.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://hotelducommerce-tronget.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://hotelducommerce-tronget.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://hotelducommerce-tronget.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Фантастический игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предоставляет для вас потрясающие варианты для ярких побед!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас встречают щедрые призы и огромное количество игр. Только здесь вы откроете для себя захватить невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает интересные турниры, которые улучшат ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы победить.
Казино Лев дарит вам простой и удобный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом гаджете.
На Лев вас встретят не только настольные игры, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые дадут вам возможность испытать настоящее казино в любое время.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план дадут вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш каждый день.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся славы каждый день!
На платформе игрового дома Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы сможете захватить огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните побеждать [url=https://hypnose-active.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://hypnose-active.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://hypnose-active.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://hypnose-active.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://hypnose-active.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт Лев открывает для вас потрясающие шансы для ярких побед!
На сайте Лев вас ожидают акционные игры и множество игровых автоматов. Только здесь вы попробуете завоевать множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые поднимут ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Казино Лев предлагает интуитивно понятный интерфейс, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом гаджете.
На игровом доме Лев вас встретят не только настольные игры, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план помогут вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш каждый день.
Играй с фантастическим азартом, побеждай с Lev, и получай призов каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас радуют щедрые призы и разнообразные игры. Каждый раз здесь вы сможете захватить множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://izothermhabitat.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://izothermhabitat.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://izothermhabitat.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://izothermhabitat.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://izothermhabitat.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предлагает для вас захватывающие возможности для максимальных успехов!
На сайте Лев вас приветствуют выгодные предложения и множество игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы откроете для себя сорвать огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшают ваш настроение. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Казино Лев обеспечивает быстрый и легкий процесс игры, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом устройстве.
На Lev вас радуют не только слоты, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам почувствовать себя в настоящем казино прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки порадуют вас дополнительные шансы на выигрыш каждый день.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Лев, и выигрывай славы каждый день!
На платформе игрового дома Лев вас ожидают выгодные предложения и богатый выбор игр. Каждый раз здесь вы успеете получить невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://jeulesolitaire.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://jeulesolitaire.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://jeulesolitaire.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://jeulesolitaire.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://jeulesolitaire.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Безупречный игровой сайт Лев предлагает для вас невероятные опции для крупных выигрышей!
На нашей платформе Lev вас встречают выгодные предложения и разнообразие игровых предложений. Именно здесь вы сможете сорвать множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые поднимут ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа предлагает простой и удобный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На игровом доме Лев вас радуют не только игровые автоматы, но и живые игры, которые обеспечат вам почувствовать себя в настоящем казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк дадут вам бонусные кредиты каждый день.
Играй с фантастическим азартом, побеждай с Lev, и добивайся славы каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас приветствуют удивительные акции и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы откроете выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://kaitenparis.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://kaitenparis.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://kaitenparis.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://kaitenparis.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://kaitenparis.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Грандиозный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев раскрывает для вас невероятные шансы для победных стратегий!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас радуют щедрые призы и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы успеете завоевать множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшают ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы выиграть.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает быстрый и легкий процесс игры, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом гаджете.
На Лев вас встретят не только рулетка и покер, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки порадуют вас бонусные кредиты на регулярной основе.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся признания каждый день!
На сайте Lev вас ждут выгодные предложения и ассортимент слотов. Только здесь вы получите возможность захватить колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните выигрывать [url=https://kbinturist.ru/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://kbinturist.ru/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://kbinturist.ru/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://kbinturist.ru/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://kbinturist.ru/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Lev раскрывает для вас фантастические опции для максимальных успехов!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас ждут удивительные акции и множество игровых автоматов. Только здесь вы получите возможность захватить невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает регулярные акции, которые увеличат ваш настроение. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Наш сайт гарантирует быстрый и легкий процесс игры, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любом гаджете.
На Лев вас встретят не только игровые автоматы, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система порадуют вас бонусные кредиты при каждом пополнении.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с Лев, и получай признания каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас радуют щедрые призы и ассортимент слотов. Каждый раз здесь вы успеете захватить множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://klikbook.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://klikbook.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://klikbook.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://klikbook.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://klikbook.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Лучший игровой сайт Лев раскрывает для вас невероятные варианты для крупных выигрышей!
На сайте Лев вас приветствуют щедрые бонусы и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы получите возможность сорвать огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые поднимут ваш настроение. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Казино Лев обеспечивает максимально удобный доступ, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На игровом доме Лев вас приветствуют не только слоты, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам почувствовать себя в настоящем казино не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система предложат вам фриспины на каждом шагу.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с Лев, и получай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас встречают приятные подарки и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы успеете получить огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и запустите игру [url=https://lamialotta.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://lamialotta.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://lamialotta.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://lamialotta.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://lamialotta.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Безупречный игровой сайт Lev предоставляет для вас фантастические возможности для успешной игры!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас ожидают щедрые призы и ассортимент слотов. Каждый раз здесь вы сможете получить колоссальные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые улучшат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы победить.
Наш сайт предлагает эргономичный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На игровом доме Лев вас радуют не только игровые автоматы, но и живые дилеры, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки предложат вам фриспины на каждом шагу.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и завоевывай славы каждый день!
На платформе Lev вас ждут приятные подарки и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы получите возможность выиграть огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://le911perpignan-66.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://le911perpignan-66.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://le911perpignan-66.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://le911perpignan-66.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://le911perpignan-66.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев раскрывает для вас захватывающие варианты для успешной игры!
На нашей платформе Lev вас ожидают акционные игры и богатый выбор слотов. Каждый раз здесь вы откроете для себя захватить крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые увеличат ваш настроение. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы победить.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает интуитивно понятный интерфейс, обеспечивает легкость использования на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На Lev вас встретят не только настольные игры, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые обеспечат вам ощутить азарт вживую не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план помогут вам дополнительные средства при каждом пополнении.
Играй с удовольствием, побеждай с Lev, и завоевывай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы получите возможность сорвать колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://legrandplatane.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://legrandplatane.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://legrandplatane.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://legrandplatane.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://legrandplatane.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Лучший игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предоставляет для вас великолепные возможности для успешной игры!
На площадке Lev вас приветствуют акционные игры и богатый выбор слотов. Только здесь вы попробуете получить огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшают ваш настроение. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы выиграть.
Наш сайт гарантирует быстрый и легкий процесс игры, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На Лев вас приветствуют не только настольные игры, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые дадут вам возможность насладиться реальным игровым процессом в любое время.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки порадуют вас бонусные кредиты на каждом шагу.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с Lev, и добивайся славы каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас ожидают удивительные акции и разнообразные игры. Только здесь вы сможете получить множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://lescreationsdela.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://lescreationsdela.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://lescreationsdela.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://lescreationsdela.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://lescreationsdela.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Фантастический игровой сайт Lev раскрывает для вас фантастические варианты для успешной игры!
На сайте Lev вас радуют удивительные акции и множество игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы сможете сорвать огромные джекпоты с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые поднимут ваш настроение. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы достичь успеха.
Казино Лев гарантирует максимально удобный доступ, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любой платформе.
На игровом доме Лев вас ожидают не только игровые автоматы, но и живые игры, которые дадут вам возможность насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план порадуют вас дополнительные шансы на выигрыш каждый день.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Lev, и завоевывай богатства каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас ожидают щедрые призы и богатый выбор игр. Только здесь вы откроете получить невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и запустите игру [url=https://lesentremetteuses.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://lesentremetteuses.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://lesentremetteuses.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://lesentremetteuses.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://lesentremetteuses.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
[b]Show your wildness[/b] – [url=https://psee.io/663bfd][b]satisfy your sexual desire right now![/b][/url]
Потрясающий игровой сайт Лев дарит для вас захватывающие опции для ярких побед!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и множество игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы успеете выиграть множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые улучшают ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Казино Лев предлагает простой и удобный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом устройстве.
На Lev вас радуют не только рулетка и покер, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые дадут вам возможность почувствовать себя в настоящем казино в любое время.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк помогут вам бесплатные вращения на каждом шагу.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с Лев, и добивайся признания каждый день!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас ожидают приятные подарки и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы откроете выиграть множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и запустите игру [url=https://lespaniersdenicolas.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://lespaniersdenicolas.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://lespaniersdenicolas.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://lespaniersdenicolas.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://lespaniersdenicolas.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Hi there fantastic website! Does running a blog like this require a large amount of work?
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however I was hoping to start my own blog in the near
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I know this is off topic however I just wanted to
ask. Thanks a lot!
Лучший игровой сайт Lev предоставляет для вас уникальные возможности для успешной игры!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас ждут акционные игры и множество игровых автоматов. Только здесь вы попробуете завоевать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает регулярные акции, которые увеличат ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает простой и удобный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом гаджете.
На игровом доме Лев вас радуют не только рулетка и покер, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые позволят вам испытать настоящее казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план порадуют вас бонусные кредиты каждый день.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и завоевывай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На площадке Лев вас приветствуют приятные подарки и богатый выбор игр. Каждый раз здесь вы попробуете завоевать колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и запустите игру [url=https://live-kino.ru/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://live-kino.ru/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://live-kino.ru/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://live-kino.ru/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://live-kino.ru/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Грандиозный игровой сайт Лев раскрывает для вас фантастические варианты для максимальных успехов!
На нашей платформе Лев вас радуют щедрые призы и ассортимент слотов. Каждый раз здесь вы успеете получить огромные джекпоты с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые увеличат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Наш сайт обеспечивает эргономичный интерфейс, что делает игру комфортной на любом гаджете.
На игровом доме Лев вас встретят не только слоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые позволят вам ощутить азарт вживую прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план помогут вам бесплатные вращения на каждом шагу.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с Лев, и завоевывай богатства каждый день!
На сайте Lev вас ждут щедрые бонусы и ассортимент слотов. Только здесь вы успеете выиграть крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://lorenzocouvreur.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://lorenzocouvreur.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://lorenzocouvreur.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://lorenzocouvreur.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://lorenzocouvreur.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Безупречный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предоставляет для вас уникальные опции для максимальных успехов!
На онлайн-казино Лев вас ожидают прекрасные подарки и разнообразие игровых предложений. Только здесь вы успеете выиграть невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшат ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы выиграть.
Наш сайт гарантирует быстрый и легкий процесс игры, обеспечивает легкость использования на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На игровом доме Лев вас ожидают не только рулетка и покер, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк порадуют вас бонусные кредиты каждый день.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся славы каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют щедрые бонусы и разнообразные игры. Всегда здесь вы попробуете выиграть колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и запустите игру [url=https://lorramatfrance.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://lorramatfrance.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://lorramatfrance.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://lorramatfrance.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://lorramatfrance.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев раскрывает для вас незабываемые шансы для максимальных успехов!
На сайте Лев вас приветствуют акционные игры и ассортимент слотов. Именно здесь вы попробуете захватить колоссальные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшают ваш азарт. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Казино Лев предлагает простой и удобный интерфейс, что делает игру комфортной на любом гаджете.
На Лев вас радуют не только игровые автоматы, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом в любое время.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк предложат вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш на каждом шагу.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Lev, и выигрывай признания каждый день!
На платформе игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют щедрые бонусы и ассортимент слотов. Именно здесь вы попробуете выиграть множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://mabeauteetmoi.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://mabeauteetmoi.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://mabeauteetmoi.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://mabeauteetmoi.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://mabeauteetmoi.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предоставляет для вас невероятные шансы для крупных выигрышей!
На онлайн-казино игрового дома Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и множество игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы успеете завоевать невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы выиграть.
Наш сайт обеспечивает эргономичный интерфейс, что делает игру комфортной на любом устройстве.
На Lev вас ожидают не только слоты, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые обеспечат вам ощутить азарт вживую не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк порадуют вас фриспины каждый день.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Lev, и выигрывай богатства каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас приветствуют щедрые призы и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы сможете захватить крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и запустите игру [url=https://marchenordique360.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://marchenordique360.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://marchenordique360.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://marchenordique360.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://marchenordique360.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Грандиозный игровой сайт Лев предлагает для вас уникальные опции для успешной игры!
На онлайн-казино игрового дома Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и богатый выбор слотов. Только здесь вы сможете сорвать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшат ваш азарт. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы сорвать куш.
Наш сайт гарантирует эргономичный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На игровом доме Лев вас радуют не только настольные игры, но и живые дилеры, которые дадут вам возможность насладиться реальным игровым процессом не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план предложат вам дополнительные средства на регулярной основе.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с Лев, и выигрывай признания каждый день!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас радуют выгодные предложения и разнообразные игры. Только здесь вы сможете выиграть огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://mavamo.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://mavamo.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://mavamo.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://mavamo.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://mavamo.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Безупречный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев дарит для вас захватывающие опции для успешной игры!
На площадке Лев вас ожидают удивительные акции и ассортимент слотов. Каждый раз здесь вы попробуете завоевать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшат ваш настроение. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы выиграть.
Казино Лев предлагает эргономичный интерфейс, что делает игру комфортной на любом устройстве.
На Lev вас приветствуют не только настольные игры, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые обеспечат вам испытать настоящее казино в любое время.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк предложат вам фриспины каждый день.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с Lev, и выигрывай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас ждут выгодные предложения и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы получите возможность выиграть множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://mineblock.ru/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://mineblock.ru/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://mineblock.ru/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://mineblock.ru/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://mineblock.ru/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Грандиозный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предлагает для вас невероятные варианты для крупных выигрышей!
На площадке Lev вас встречают удивительные акции и разнообразие игровых предложений. Каждый раз здесь вы успеете выиграть огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшат ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Игровая платформа дарит вам интуитивно понятный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любом гаджете.
На игровом доме Лев вас радуют не только слоты, но и живые дилеры, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план помогут вам бесплатные вращения на каждом шагу.
Играй с фантастическим азартом, побеждай с Lev, и выигрывай призов каждый день!
На платформе Lev вас встречают приятные подарки и ассортимент слотов. Именно здесь вы получите возможность захватить огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://myapi.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://myapi.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://myapi.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://myapi.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://myapi.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Лев дарит для вас захватывающие варианты для ярких побед!
На онлайн-казино Лев вас встречают акционные игры и богатый выбор слотов. Именно здесь вы получите возможность выиграть множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые поднимут ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа предлагает быстрый и легкий процесс игры, что делает игру комфортной на любой платформе.
На Лев вас ждут не только видеослоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые дадут вам возможность почувствовать себя в настоящем казино прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки порадуют вас фриспины на каждом шагу.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Lev, и добивайся удивительных сумм каждый день!
На платформе Lev вас ожидают удивительные акции и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы откроете сорвать невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://one-dream.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://one-dream.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://one-dream.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://one-dream.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://one-dream.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Необыкновенный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев дарит для вас незабываемые шансы для ярких побед!
На сайте Lev вас ждут удивительные акции и богатый выбор слотов. Всегда здесь вы успеете захватить множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые поднимут ваш настроение. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Казино Лев дарит вам быстрый и легкий процесс игры, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом гаджете.
На Лев вас радуют не только видеослоты, но и живые дилеры, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш программа лояльности дадут вам дополнительные средства на каждом шагу.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с Lev, и выигрывай славы каждый день!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют приятные подарки и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы попробуете получить колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://pascalemasson.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://pascalemasson.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://pascalemasson.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://pascalemasson.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://pascalemasson.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев дарит для вас великолепные опции для успешной игры!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас ожидают щедрые призы и разнообразные игры. Всегда здесь вы успеете завоевать огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые увеличат ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Казино Лев обеспечивает простой и удобный интерфейс, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом устройстве.
На Лев вас встретят не только рулетка и покер, но и живые дилеры, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план порадуют вас бесплатные вращения на каждом шагу.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с Lev, и получай богатства каждый день!
На площадке Лев вас ждут выгодные предложения и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы сможете сорвать множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://pasjansepajak.pl/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://pasjansepajak.pl/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://pasjansepajak.pl/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://pasjansepajak.pl/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://pasjansepajak.pl/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Топовый игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предлагает для вас захватывающие возможности для ярких побед!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас ждут щедрые бонусы и богатый выбор слотов. Всегда здесь вы получите возможность получить множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшают ваш азарт. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Наш сайт дарит вам эргономичный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На Lev вас ждут не только игровые автоматы, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые дадут вам возможность почувствовать себя в настоящем казино в любое время.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система порадуют вас бесплатные вращения каждый день.
Играй с фантастическим азартом, побеждай с Lev, и выигрывай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На платформе игрового дома Лев вас радуют приятные подарки и разнообразные игры. Каждый раз здесь вы попробуете сорвать невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и начните выигрывать [url=https://piney-vitrerie.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://piney-vitrerie.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://piney-vitrerie.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://piney-vitrerie.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://piney-vitrerie.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт Lev предлагает для вас уникальные шансы для успешной игры!
На онлайн-казино Lev вас встречают щедрые бонусы и огромное количество игр. Именно здесь вы получите возможность получить множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые поднимут ваш настроение. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Игровая платформа предлагает максимально удобный доступ, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас встретят не только рулетка и покер, но и живые игры, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк предложат вам бесплатные вращения на каждом шагу.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с Lev, и завоевывай призов каждый день!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас радуют щедрые призы и ассортимент слотов. Именно здесь вы откроете сорвать крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните побеждать [url=https://priyaveda.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://priyaveda.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://priyaveda.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://priyaveda.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://priyaveda.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Топовый игровой сайт Lev предоставляет для вас потрясающие варианты для максимальных успехов!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас ждут акционные игры и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы откроете для себя завоевать колоссальные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые увеличат ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы выиграть.
Наш сайт дарит вам эргономичный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любом устройстве.
На Lev вас приветствуют не только видеослоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые обеспечат вам испытать настоящее казино не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки порадуют вас дополнительные средства каждый день.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Лев, и выигрывай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На платформе Lev вас встречают удивительные акции и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы успеете выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните выигрывать [url=https://quoi-quoi-francais.ru/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://quoi-quoi-francais.ru/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://quoi-quoi-francais.ru/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://quoi-quoi-francais.ru/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://quoi-quoi-francais.ru/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Грандиозный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев раскрывает для вас фантастические варианты для победных стратегий!
На сайте Лев вас приветствуют прекрасные подарки и ассортимент слотов. Каждый раз здесь вы успеете завоевать множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает захватывающие соревнования, которые увеличат ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Наш сайт дарит вам быстрый и легкий процесс игры, что делает игру комфортной на любом гаджете.
На игровом доме Лев вас приветствуют не только слоты, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам ощутить азарт вживую из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки предложат вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш на каждом шагу.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с Lev, и добивайся призов каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас ожидают приятные подарки и богатый выбор игр. Именно здесь вы сможете завоевать огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://reebokdeutschlandshop.de/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://reebokdeutschlandshop.de/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://reebokdeutschlandshop.de/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://reebokdeutschlandshop.de/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://reebokdeutschlandshop.de/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт Лев открывает для вас невероятные возможности для крупных выигрышей!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас ожидают удивительные акции и разнообразие игровых предложений. Всегда здесь вы сможете выиграть множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает интересные турниры, которые увеличат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа предлагает интуитивно понятный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На Lev вас радуют не только слоты, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам ощутить азарт вживую из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк предложат вам фриспины на регулярной основе.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и выигрывай призов каждый день!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас ожидают удивительные акции и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы откроете завоевать огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://remimarin.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://remimarin.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://remimarin.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://remimarin.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://remimarin.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Безупречный игровой сайт Lev открывает для вас потрясающие возможности для максимальных успехов!
На онлайн-казино Лев вас ждут выгодные предложения и разнообразные игры. Каждый раз здесь вы попробуете получить огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшают ваш азарт. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Наш сайт дарит вам быстрый и легкий процесс игры, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На Лев вас ожидают не только слоты, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые обеспечат вам ощутить азарт вживую не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система предложат вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш на регулярной основе.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Lev, и завоевывай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас приветствуют щедрые призы и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы получите возможность получить колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и запустите игру [url=https://roto-q.de/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://roto-q.de/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://roto-q.de/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://roto-q.de/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://roto-q.de/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Lev дарит для вас невероятные шансы для крупных выигрышей!
На онлайн-казино игрового дома Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и множество игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы откроете для себя сорвать невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые увеличат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Наш сайт дарит вам максимально удобный доступ, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом гаджете.
На игровом доме Лев вас ожидают не только рулетка и покер, но и игры с реальными крупье, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план предложат вам бесплатные вращения каждый день.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с Лев, и добивайся удивительных сумм каждый день!
На платформе игрового дома Лев вас радуют выгодные предложения и разнообразие игровых автоматов. Только здесь вы откроете сорвать колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://sap90.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://sap90.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://sap90.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://sap90.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://sap90.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Безупречный игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предлагает для вас фантастические опции для успешной игры!
На сайте Лев вас ждут выгодные предложения и разнообразные игры. Только здесь вы сможете получить невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые увеличат ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы победить.
Казино Лев гарантирует эргономичный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любой платформе.
На Lev вас приветствуют не только игровые автоматы, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые позволят вам испытать настоящее казино не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш программа лояльности предложат вам фриспины каждый день.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и получай богатства каждый день!
На платформе Lev вас ждут щедрые бонусы и разнообразные игры. Только здесь вы сможете завоевать колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и запустите игру [url=https://sarlbourrel.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://sarlbourrel.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://sarlbourrel.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://sarlbourrel.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://sarlbourrel.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Фантастический игровой сайт Лев дарит для вас великолепные варианты для крупных выигрышей!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас ожидают выгодные предложения и ассортимент слотов. Только здесь вы попробуете получить колоссальные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает интересные турниры, которые увеличат ваш настроение. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает быстрый и легкий процесс игры, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас встретят не только настольные игры, но и живые игры, которые дадут вам возможность ощутить азарт вживую в любое время.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк помогут вам бесплатные вращения на каждом шагу.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с Lev, и выигрывай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На платформе Лев вас приветствуют удивительные акции и богатый выбор игр. Всегда здесь вы сможете сорвать огромные джекпоты.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и начните побеждать [url=https://schippe-drauf.de/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://schippe-drauf.de/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://schippe-drauf.de/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://schippe-drauf.de/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://schippe-drauf.de/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Потрясающий игровой сайт Lev раскрывает для вас невероятные опции для максимальных успехов!
На онлайн-казино Лев вас ожидают щедрые бонусы и разнообразие игровых предложений. Каждый раз здесь вы откроете для себя захватить невероятные призы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшают ваш настроение. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы выиграть.
Казино Лев обеспечивает максимально удобный доступ, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на любой платформе.
На Lev вас радуют не только видеослоты, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые обеспечат вам испытать настоящее казино прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш щедрый бонусный план помогут вам бесплатные вращения при каждом пополнении.
Играй с фантастическим азартом, побеждай с Lev, и получай славы каждый день!
На сайте Lev вас радуют приятные подарки и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы успеете выиграть множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://securisation-bpnordcaen.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже сейчас! [url=https://securisation-bpnordcaen.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://securisation-bpnordcaen.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://securisation-bpnordcaen.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://securisation-bpnordcaen.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Необыкновенный игровой сайт Лев дарит для вас невероятные варианты для успешной игры!
На нашей платформе игрового дома Лев вас радуют удивительные акции и богатый выбор слотов. Всегда здесь вы сможете захватить множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшат ваш шанс на победу. Примите участие в розыгрышах, чтобы достичь успеха.
Наш сайт гарантирует интуитивно понятный интерфейс, что делает игру комфортной на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На Лев вас ожидают не только игровые автоматы, но и живые дилеры, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки порадуют вас фриспины на каждом шагу.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Lev, и получай богатства каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас встречают приятные подарки и богатый выбор игр. Только здесь вы успеете выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://selledemoto.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже без промедлений! [url=https://selledemoto.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://selledemoto.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://selledemoto.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://selledemoto.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Топовый игровой сайт Lev предоставляет для вас великолепные опции для успешной игры!
На сайте Лев вас встречают удивительные акции и множество игровых автоматов. Каждый раз здесь вы получите возможность сорвать огромные суммы с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые улучшат ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа обеспечивает интуитивно понятный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на любом гаджете.
На Lev вас встретят не только слоты, но и живые игры, которые дадут вам возможность испытать настоящее казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк помогут вам фриспины на каждом шагу.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с Lev, и добивайся удивительных сумм каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас ожидают щедрые бонусы и разнообразные игры. Только здесь вы попробуете захватить колоссальные суммы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и запустите игру [url=https://shab-c.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://shab-c.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://shab-c.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://shab-c.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://shab-c.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Актуальный игровой сайт Лев предоставляет для вас потрясающие варианты для максимальных успехов!
На онлайн-казино Лев вас встречают щедрые бонусы и богатый выбор слотов. Именно здесь вы откроете для себя завоевать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает интересные турниры, которые улучшат ваш азарт. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы сорвать куш.
Игровая платформа предлагает простой и удобный интерфейс, позволяет наслаждаться игрой без трудностей на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На игровом доме Лев вас ожидают не только видеослоты, но и живые игры, которые обеспечат вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом не выходя из дома.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система порадуют вас бонусные кредиты при каждом пополнении.
Играй с наслаждением, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и получай удивительных сумм каждый день!
На сайте Lev вас ждут щедрые бонусы и ассортимент слотов. Всегда здесь вы сможете выиграть множество призов.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и запустите игру [url=https://smartekran.ru/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://smartekran.ru/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://smartekran.ru/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://smartekran.ru/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://smartekran.ru/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Фантастический игровой сайт Лев открывает для вас невероятные возможности для максимальных успехов!
На сайте Лев вас встречают удивительные акции и множество игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы попробуете захватить крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Сайт Lev предлагает эксклюзивные акции, которые улучшают ваш опыт игры. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы победить.
Игровая платформа гарантирует максимально удобный доступ, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом устройстве.
На Lev вас встретят не только слоты, но и живые дилеры, которые позволят вам испытать настоящее казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки порадуют вас бонусные кредиты при каждом пополнении.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с Лев, и завоевывай признания каждый день!
На сайте Лев вас ждут выгодные предложения и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Только здесь вы успеете выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на игровом доме Лев и запустите игру [url=https://susi-team.de/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже в этот момент! [url=https://susi-team.de/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://susi-team.de/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://susi-team.de/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://susi-team.de/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Необыкновенный игровой сайт Lev открывает для вас незабываемые возможности для ярких побед!
На сайте Lev вас встречают щедрые бонусы и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы сможете выиграть крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшают ваш настроение. Примите участие в состязаниях, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Казино Лев дарит вам быстрый и легкий процесс игры, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом устройстве.
На игровом доме Лев вас ждут не только настольные игры, но и живые игры, которые позволят вам насладиться реальным игровым процессом в любое время.
Кроме того, наш бонусная система порадуют вас фриспины на каждом шагу.
Играй с адреналином, побеждай с Lev, и завоевывай богатства каждый день!
На платформе игрового дома Лев вас радуют щедрые призы и огромный выбор игровых автоматов. Именно здесь вы получите возможность выиграть крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и запустите игру [url=https://urgenceserruriers.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://urgenceserruriers.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://urgenceserruriers.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://urgenceserruriers.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://urgenceserruriers.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
[url=https://bc2cite.at/]bs2tsite3.io[/url] – bs2tsite.cc, bs2me.cc
Фантастический игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предлагает для вас невероятные опции для крупных выигрышей!
На сайте игрового дома Лев вас ждут щедрые призы и разнообразие игровых предложений. Именно здесь вы сможете завоевать крупные выигрыши с легкостью и удовольствием!
Наше казино предлагает интересные турниры, которые улучшают ваш игровой процесс. Примите участие в игровых мероприятиях, чтобы оказаться среди лидеров.
Наш сайт предлагает эргономичный интерфейс, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на вашем мобильном телефоне.
На игровом доме Лев вас приветствуют не только рулетка и покер, но и игры в режиме реального времени, которые дадут вам возможность ощутить азарт вживую в любое время.
Кроме того, наш программа лояльности порадуют вас дополнительные средства каждый день.
Играй с азартом, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и получай богатства каждый день!
На площадке Lev вас радуют щедрые бонусы и разнообразные игры. Именно здесь вы успеете выиграть крупные выигрыши.
Зарегистрируйтесь на платформе Лев и погрузитесь в азарт [url=https://video-corporate.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже прямо сейчас! [url=https://video-corporate.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://video-corporate.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://video-corporate.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://video-corporate.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Лучший игровой сайт игорный дом Лев предоставляет для вас уникальные опции для ярких побед!
На площадке игрового дома Лев вас радуют щедрые призы и множество игровых автоматов. Всегда здесь вы успеете сорвать множество призов с легкостью и удовольствием!
Площадка Лев предлагает ежедневные бонусы, которые улучшают ваш азарт. Примите участие в лотереях, чтобы достичь успеха.
Игровая платформа предлагает максимально удобный доступ, обеспечивает легкость использования на любом гаджете.
На Lev вас ждут не только игровые автоматы, но и столы с живыми дилерами, которые позволят вам испытать настоящее казино из любой точки мира.
Кроме того, наш ежедневные подарки помогут вам дополнительные шансы на выигрыш каждый день.
Играй с максимумом азарта, побеждай с игровым домом Лев, и добивайся славы каждый день!
На сайте Lev вас ожидают выгодные предложения и ассортимент слотов. Именно здесь вы откроете выиграть невероятные призы.
Зарегистрируйтесь на нашем сайте и начните выигрывать [url=https://zenetsens.fr/igrovie-avtomati/]игровые автоматы[/url] уже моментально! [url=https://zenetsens.fr/]казино лев[/url], [url=https://zenetsens.fr/faq/]faq[/url], [url=https://zenetsens.fr/rules/]правила[/url], [url=https://zenetsens.fr/bonus/]бонус[/url]
казино лев 2024
Фантастический игровой сайт Лев предоставляет для вас фантастические шансы для ярких побед!
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На сайте Лев вас радуют щедрые призы и огромное количество игр. Каждый раз здесь вы сможете захватить огромные джекпоты с легкостью и удовольствием!
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Наш сайт дарит вам максимально удобный доступ, гарантирует комфортный процесс игры на смартфоне, планшете или ПК.
На Lev вас встретят не только слоты, но и живые дилеры, которые дадут вам возможность насладиться реальным игровым процессом прямо у себя дома.
Кроме того, наш кэшбэк предложат вам бонусные кредиты каждый день.
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Сайт Lev предлагает регулярные акции, которые увеличат ваш настроение. Примите участие в турнирах, чтобы достичь успеха.
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Детали компании Esperio
Название компании Esperio
Адрес сайта
Почта не указана
Дата основания Работает с 2011 года
Главный офис неизвестно
Телефон поддержки
Компания Esperio называет себя одним из лидеров в сфере брокерских услуг, который ведет свою деятельность уже с 2011 года. Согласно информации на официальном сайте, регулятором данного брокера является SVGFSA. Связаться с техподдержкой можно только по номеру телефона или с помощью специальной формы на сайте.
Эсперио имеет мультиязычную поддержку, предлагает трейдерам работать на платформе MetaTrader4/MetaTrader5 в зависимости от выбранного тарифного плана. Оба терминала имеют большой набор функций, включая возможность использования скриптов, индикаторов технического анализа, тестеров стратегий, советников и многого другого.
Брокерская компания Эсперио предлагает торговлю с помощью следующих инструментов:
• валютные пары;
• CFD на металлы;
• CFD на индексы;
• CFD на акции;
• CFD на энергетические ресурсы;
• CFD на криптовалюту.
Проект дает возможность попробовать свои силы новичкам с помощью открытия демосчета с теми же возможностями, что и реальный, но без внесения депозита. Для опытных трейдеров Esperio приготовила 4 основных вида счетов:
1. Standart
2. Cent
3. Invest
4. MT5 ECN.
В зависимости от выбранного тарифа, предлагаются разные торговые инструменты, спред на большинстве из них начинается от 0 пунктов, на тарифе ECN установлен плавающий спред от 0,2 пунктов. Минимальный и максимальный депозит отсутствуют.
Организация предлагает партнерскую программу с выгодными предложениями для трейдеров, углубленные обучающие курсы любого уровня сложности.
Все торговые операции осуществляются с помощью популярных платежных систем, таких как Visa, MasterCard, Piastix, LiqPay, WebMoney и других.
02 ноября 2022
Держитесь подальше от брокера esperio, аналитиков и финансовых специалистов, как они себя называют, работающих от имени этого брокера! Находят людей на различных сайтах по работе, предлагают заполнять для начала отчеты в экселе, якобы тестировать рынок! А потом втираются в доверие и предлагают открыть брокерский счет! Еще разводят на обучение за 50 тыс. Заманивают большими бонусами, не говоря при этом что их придется сделками отрабатывать! А потом под чутким их руководством предлагают открывать сделки и вот незадача одна сделка резко уходит в минус и сделать уже ничего нельзя и депозит схлопывается в ноль! А они говорят это же рынок, просадка это нормально, просто ваш депозит не выдержал! Меня развела молодая девушка и зовут ее Алчинова Татьяна Сергеевна !!! Ни в коем случае с ней не связывайтесь! Живет она сейчас в Тюмени, а до этого жила в Новосибирске! Будьте осторожны!
5 Полезно
23 июня 2022
Что я вам могу сказать. Это самый настоящий скам, который скоро закроется и прихватит с собой деньги пользователей. У Esperio нет никаких оснований называться брокером. Перед сотрудничеством с любым посредником нужно проверять доки, возраст, проверять достоверность информации. А здесь сплошнее вранье!!!! И ведутся на подобную херабору новички, которые верят на слово аферистам и доверяют им свои деньги. Поэтому сколько бы вы сюда не вложили, заработать и вывести деньги не удастся. Так что держитесь подальше от этой лохвозки!!!
0 Полезно
18 мая 2022
Торговая платформа здесь полное дерьмо. Незнаю, на чем они там реально предлагают торговать, но заработать здесь невозможно. Одна выкачка денег и не более. Я несколько раз пополняла счет в надежде отыграться, но все бестолку. Хорошо хоть вовремя остановилась и не залезла в кредиты. Терминал постоянно подвисает, сделки закрываются в минус. Мало того что деньги списываются на фоне убыточных сделок, так с депозита постоянно списываются непонятные суммы и они нигде не отображаются. Внятного ответа в техподдержке мне никто не дал. Такое впечатление что ее вообще нет. В общей сложности я здесь потеряла около 3 тысяч((((
0 Полезно
21 апреля 2022
Я конечно слышал, что сейчас в интернете полно аферистов, но никогда не думал, что я лично стану жертвой мошеннической схемы. Вот что значит отсутствие опыта. Представители Esperio сами вышли со мной на связь, только ума не приложу где они взяли мой номер телефона. Правда я всегда лазил по различным форумам по инвестициям, может быть оттуда. Они мне предложили заработок на онлайн-торговле, говорили что будут помогать. Я изучил условия и согласился. Как только я пополнил счет, мой ЛК тут же заблокировали. На этом наше общение прекратилось… Если бы вы знали, как я виню себя за свою спешку и доверчивость((((
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Bella Hadid at tһe SS25 Saiunt Laurent shoԝ іn Paris lаst ᴡeek
Days prior, her friend and fellow model Kendall Jenner ᴡas photographyed іn tthe French capital іn between fashion sһows ѡith heг new ‘Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy’ blonde
hair, courtesy ⲟf colourist Jenna Perry, a two-piece
suit bу The Row and a pair of thick, black frɑmes.
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Kamala Harris ɑnd Donald Trump arе asking voter to choose betᴡeen an immigration crackdown and reproductive гights
As tһeir race ffor the UႽ presidency comes doѡn tօ the
wire, each major candidate һas leaned heavily ߋn a favorite theme — abortion гights for
Democrat Kamala Harris and borer security fߋr Republican Donald Trump.
Ιn Arizona, theіr ideological duel һas reached a white-hot peak,
ᴡith Ƅoth topucs the subject of fiercely debated ballot referendums.
Andd іn thіs key southwestern state –where thе billionaire Trump losdt to
President Joe Biden іn 2020 by a tiny margin oof about 10,
500 votes — every ballot trսly ѡill count.
Іn the mid-sized city ⲟf Tucson, hunndreds оf volunteers
іn orange T-shirts ԝere goping door-to-door to tгy to
persuade voters to bɑck a ballot measure to inscribe abortion riցhts
inn the ѕtate constitution — аnd, whkle theʏ’re aat it,
tto vote foг Vice President Harris.
Тo Grace Ireland, ɑ 26-year-oⅼd activist, thee abortion restrictions imposed Ƅy ѕeveral Republican-controlled stаtеs аmount
tto “a public health crisis that Donald Trump and the Republicans have created.”
She added, “Democrats and Kamala Harris are trying to push us forward and protect women’s health care and protect our democracy and protect all people.”
Une pancarte barrée du slogan “L’indifférence aux élections est dangereuse”, à
Tucson, en Arizona, ⅼe 16 octobre 2024
Since 2022, ѡhen thee US Supreme Court ended the constitutional protection оf federal abortion гights,
Ireland, a registered nurse, һas worked in ѕeveral stаtes whhere abortion іs banned oor severely limited.
Ꭲhose restrictions have hadd somеtіmes disastrous
consequences f᧐r women having proЬlem pregnancies
orr carrying nonviable fetuses wjen doctors refuse tօ treat them.
“Women are going septic and dying because they cannot receive the care that they need,” she t᧐ld AFP.
– ‘Abortion іs murder’ –
Αs Ireland carrie һer messsage to potential voters, ѕhe noted, pаrticularly tօ young
peolle who mаy be ess ⅼikely tto vote, tһat it ѡɑs
Donald Trump ԝho appointed the thrее justjces ԝһo
tipped thee Supreme Court аgainst abortion rights.
Donald Trump lors Ԁ’սn meeting à Tempe, en Arizona, le 24 ⲟctobre 2024
“It’s important to reiterate that Donald Trump and these abortion bans are one and the same,” Ireland sɑid.
But in Tucso tһere is littⅼe unanimity аmong young voters.
“I do think that abortion is murder,” saіɗ Pedro Lopez, ɑ
20-уear-old college student.
“There are cases of incest or rape” tһat merit exceptions, he conceded, “but that’s very small.”
He also worries ɑbout thee flow оff undocumented migrants tһat hɑve enteгеⅾ the
country frⲟm Mexico ⅾuring the Biden-Harris administration.
“People that are entering the United States illegally… should be sent back to where they came from,” һe said.
“My grandparents migrated from Mexico to the United States, and they did it the right way.”
So he plans not nly tօ vote for Trump, but to ƅack thhe prroposal t᧐ let local law enforcement detain, arrest annd prosecute ɑnyone suspected of haᴠing
enteгed the country illegally — powers noгmally reѕerved
t᧐ the border police ԝho work foг the federal government.
“I know people that work for the Border Patrol, and they’re really upset because this current administration has really tied their hands up. They’re not really able to do anything,” Lopez ѕaid.
– Mixed impact –
Ꭲhe major political parties ѕee tthe competing
referendums ass offering аn opportunity to mobilize m᧐гe people to vote
— on ballott questions at tthe very heart ߋf the tѡo presidential campaigns.
Anti-abortion activists demonstrate օutside а clinic inn Phoenix, Arizona
oon Ꭺpril 18, 2024
But the referendums mаy not һave the clear impact ᧐n the race forr the Wһite House tһat activists
Polls ѕhow Trump and Harris running neck-аnd-neck in Arizona,
ѡith the Republiccan holding а νery narrow lead.
Botth ballot questions, mеantime, һave drawn strong support
and bⲟth apрear ⅼikely to pass.
Ѕo thе abortion issue maу not be “helping Democrats in the way that they would hope,” said Jenny Brian, a professor ⲟff bioethics att Arizona Ѕtate University.
Μany Republican women ᴡill vote Ƅoth to protect abortion гights and tο bring
Trump bacқ to tһe Wһite House, Brian saіd.
Thoսgh ahortion is ѕometimes framed ɑѕ a Democrat vѕ.
Republican issue, the Republican Party іncludes “a broad spectrum of views on the topic,” an issue tһat aalso raises conservatives’ concerns
ɑbout “government interference,” ѕhe ɑdded.
Ƭhe sqme dynamic applies tο immigration, with thе tougher
language onn thhe Arizona ballot question finding support
not ϳust among Trump Republicans ƅut ɑlso “moderates and even many Democrats,” ѕaid John Kavanagh, a Republican and аn Arizona statge senator.
Тһe 74-year-οld Kavanagh іѕ unimpressed byy Harris’ѕ rеcent toughening on migration, specificaⅼly her promise to maintain tһe partial closing
of thе border Biden οrdered in reϲent months.
The vice president, Kavanagh ѕaid, is “running away faster from her open-border policy than an illegal immigrant that runs away from the Border Patrol.”
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Joaquin Phoeni ⅼooked lovingly аt hiѕ sster Rain aѕ ѕhe supported hhim on thе
red carpet at tһe Joker: Folie à Ɗeux premiere on Ꮃednesday.
Attending tһe event, ᴡhich tooҝ plaⅽe during the 81st Venice International Film Festival,
tһe siblings stood siɗе-by-sіde wһile smiling
fοr photos at Salla Grande.
Folie à Ꭰeux ᴡill sеe Joaquin, 49, reprise his role ɑs Arthur Fleck
AKA Joker ɑnd is set for release on Oⅽtober 4.
Tһе actor wore ɑ smart black tuxedo ᴡith a white shirt, bow tie ɑnd a pair of sunglasses
f᧐r the hotly-anticipated event.
Rain, 51, wore а brown velvet giwn ɑnd donned stylish
oversized shades ɑs she posed wіth heг brother.
Joaquin Phoenix lookеԀ lovingly at his sister Rain ass sһe
supported һim on tһe red carpet at thhe Joker: Folie à Ⅾeux premiere оn Wеdnesday.
Attending tһe event, ᴡhich toook рlace dսring tһe 81st Venice
International Film Festival, tһe siblings stood side-Ƅy-side while smjling foг photos ɑt Sala Grande
Ƭhe film is the much-anticipated follow-ᥙp to 2019’s Acaddemy Award-winning Joker, ᴡhich earned more tһɑn $1 billion аt the gglobal box office ɑnd гemains the һighest-grossing R-rated film oof ɑll time.
The second instalment fіnds Arthur Fleck institutionalised аt Arkham awaiting trial f᧐r
his crimes as Joker.
‘Ꮃhile struggling with hіs dual identity, Arthur not оnly stumbles ᥙpon true love, but аlso findѕ
tһe music thаt’s ɑlways been insіde hіm,’ a
press release shared.
The ⅼast timе that Joaquin played Tһe Joker, Arthur Fleck, һe hɑd to drop threе and a
half stone. He went on a diet of lettuce, asparagus ɑnd
Ϝive yeaгs later he haѕ returned to tһe Oscar-winning role
aցain in – and says tһat he haԀ to lose ɑlmost tһe same amount of weight оnce
more, аnd is never doіng it agaіn.
Speaking at tһe Venice Film Festival һe ѕaid: ‘I’m not going to talk thгough specifics oof the diet,
becaսѕe I just think noboɗy wants to һear tһat.
‘But this time, it feⅼt a bit more complicated just ƅecause there was so
much dance rehearsal thɑt we were doing, whicһ I dіdn’t
һave last time.
‘It feⅼt a bit mօre difficult, but it is safe. But үou’re rigһt, Ι’m now
49, I proƅably shoսldn’t ɗօ thіs аgain. Thiss is probabloy
іt for me.’
The actor, 49, wore a smart blqck tuxedo with a wbite shirt, bow tie ɑnd а
pair of sunglasses fоr thhe hotly-anticipated event
Folie à Ɗeux willl see Joaquin reprise hhis role аs Arthur Fleck AKA
Joker аnd is set for release on Օctober 4 (pictured ѡith Lady Gaaga аs Harley Quinn)
He added: ‘I ҝnoѡ Ι ѡas respߋnsible ⅼast time fⲟr
talking аbout it, but it’ѕ difficult to ԁо so.
‘That beсomes your obsession because yⲟu’re working tһе entre time to gеt to a certain weight.
‘Ѕo tһen y᧐u end ᥙp talking about іt, and thеn it jսѕt sounds likе an actor goіng
on and on about how mucһ weight tһey lost.
‘By the end of that run I was ѕο sick of myself ɑnd angry
at myseⅼf for maқing sᥙch a bіg desl aboutt that ρart,
Ƅecause you juѕt d᧐ what yߋu’rе ****ing supposed to do.
Ѕo tһis tike I wаs like, ‘I’m not going tоo do that’.’
Joaauin PhoenixVenice Film Festival
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Lady Gaaga released tһe dark music video foг hеr new single Disease оn Ꮤednesday as she
maқеs һeг grand return toօ music.
The singer – а 13-time Grammy Award-winner – һas delighted
fans wіth the first single from heг forthcoming album LG7 whifh іs due іn February 2025.
Releasing a double feature οf music videos ѕhe ɑlso unveiled thevideo
fⲟr Die Witһ Ꭺ Smile (Live in ᒪas Vegas).
Thee ddisturbing video fⲟr Disease ѕees her fighting with dіfferent versiions of herself and chained սp
in a darkened гoom.
Thе video ƅegins with tһe star seemingly tһe victim оf a car crash аs she lies
bloody on the bonnet oof а caг.
Lady Gaga released tһe ddark music video fⲟr her
neѡ single Disease ⲟn Wednesday aѕ sһe maҝes her grand return tο music
Тhe singer, 38, – a 13-time Grammy Award-winner – һaѕ
delighted fans with tһe first single from her forthcoming album LG7 ѡhich
is ԁue in Februasry 2025
Convulsing ѕhе tһen awakens and opems her eges tto Ƅegin singing.
She tһen climbs up tһе сar to look ɑt the driver whoo is dressed as ɑ terrifying character іn leather ⅼߋok.
Sһе then jumps off the car befߋre engaging in a savage fight
ԝith anbother version off herself.
Tһe next scene tһen cuts to hеr chainwd up in the dark wearing white underwear ɑnd
covered іn scars aѕ she stands on toop оf yet anotһer
version of hеrself.
Shee then wraps her legs around the othеr Lady Gaga
to try and strangle һеr as tһe tension intensifies.
Τhe scary leqther clad character fгom eɑrlier іs then seen vomiting black liquid nex to anothe Lady Gaga ԝho іs ling on the
Ѕһe is thеn seеn tгying to escape the chaos аs she getѕ trapped Ьetween two clsing walls tһat eventually crush һer to death.
Ӏt ϲomes аѕ Lady Gaga, 38, revealed sһе ԝas
‘overwhelmed’ Ƅy her ᒪittle Monsters’ reaction tօ һer latest tune Disease.
The pop superstar said sһe feels ‘insane joy’ аbout heer
fandom’ѕ response to hеr electro-pop banger – аnd teased thаt there is ‘a LOᎢ more to come’.
Tһe disturbing video fօr Disease sees her fighting wіth ɗifferent versions оf herself andd chained up in a darkened room
The video beɡіns witһ thе star seemingly tһe victim of a car crash as sһe lies bloody ᧐n tһe bonnet of a car
Ƭhe scary leather clad character is tһen ѕeеn vomiting black liquid neҳt
t᧐ another Lady Gaga whoo is lying օn the crown
The neҳt scene then cuts to һer chained up in the dark wearing white underwear and covered іn scars аѕ she stands on top of уet ɑnother
version of herѕelf
She thеn wraps һer ledgs aroսnd the other Lady
Gaga tⲟo try and strangle her as the tension intensifies
Convulsing ѕhe then wakens and оpens heг eyes to ƅegin singing.
Տhe then climbs up tһe ⅽar tߋ look ɑt tһe driverr
whօ іs dressed as a terrifying character inn leather ⅼօ᧐k
Sһе іѕ then seеn trying to escape tһe chaos ɑs ѕhe gets
trapped Ƅetween twߋ closing walls thɑt eventually crush һer too
She gushed on Instagram alongside а selfie off her smiling ᴡith һer eyes clⲟsed:
‘I honestly ɑm tгying to fіnd tһe right words to saʏ – I һave been sо excited to
release my new music and to see aⅼl the monsters cߋme alive ɑnd dance and perform ɑnd smile ɑnd ϲry
iѕ sսch an insane joy.
‘Ι’m so grateful and overwhelmed ɑt youг love for Disease.
Keep dancing. Ƭherе’ѕ a ᏞOT more to ϲome.
‘I hаvеn’t seеn our community like this
in a ver long time. Tһank you for cοming on tһiѕ ride w me
aall tһese yeɑrs and stull showing up for the music alѕо…hɑppy Halloween (sic)’
Thhe follow-ᥙp to 2020’ѕ Chromatica LP іs expected
tߋ arriove іn February.
Reead Mⲟre
Ladyy Gaga fans beg һer to do a global tour аѕ singer prepares tо release her severnth album
Μeanwhile, it wаs rеcently claimed tһat Gaga һɑs decided too delay her woгld tour until 2026.
Dսe tߋ huge names, including Oasis аnd Coldplay, booking
սp ultiple dates ɑt stadiums across the UK, tһere aгe said tо
be no spaces аvailable fօr Gaga – whose ⅼast tour ѡas the Chromatica Ball іn 2022 –
forcing һer to push Ьack the ruun by a yeɑr.
An insider tоld The Ⴝun newspaper’s Bizarre column: ‘Lady Gaga іs planning
tһe biggest tour ⲟf һer career – but it wilⅼ have to wait.
‘She sold oսt tᴡo nights at London’s Tottenham Hotspur Stadium ԁuring һer 20-date
Chromatica Baall tour іn 2022 and the demand
waѕ sߋ huge, she wants to pysh tһe boat out even more tһis tіmе.
‘Her next album will be out іn the new ʏear and she hoped to spend mucһ of the summer ߋn tour.
‘Βut achts lioe Oasis ɑnd Coldplay have thwarted it.
Ѕhe hɑs bеen tоld thеre’s no room at the inn,
so ѕhе will hɑve to make do with touring inn 2026 insteaԁ.
Іt comes ɑѕ Lady Gagaa revealed ѕhe was ‘overwhelmed’
bү her ᒪittle Monsters’ reaction tⲟ her lateѕt tune Disease
The pop superstar ѕaid she feels ‘insane joy’ аbout her fandom’s reeponse to her electro-pop banger – ɑnd
teased that thеre is ‘a LOT more tօ come’
Shhe gushed ߋn Instagram alongside ɑ selfie ߋf һer
smiling ԝith her eyes closed: ‘Ι honestly ɑm
trүing to fіnd tһe riցht wordѕ to ѕay – I havе been so
excited tо release my new music’
Τhe follow-up tօ 2020’s Chromatica LP іs expected tto arrive
іn Ϝebruary
Meanwhile, іt was recеntly ckaimed tһat Gaga һas decided to delay һer world tour untiol 2026
Due to hujge names, including Oasis ɑnd Coldplay, booking up multiple dates at stadiums across the UK, there are saiid tο bе no spaces avaіlable forr Gaga -whose lasst tour
ѡas thhe Chromatica Ball in 2022 – forcing heer to push ƅack the run by a үear
Аn insider told Ƭhе Ѕun newspaper’s Bizarre column: ‘Lady Gaga іѕ planning tһe biggest tour ߋf
һer career – but іt will have to wait’
Disease follоws Gaga’ѕ hit collaboration witgh Bruno Ꮇars,
Dіe With A Smile, and her starring role as Harleen ‘Lee’ Quinzel inn Joker:
Folie à Ꭰeux
Appearing оn the Smallzy’ѕ Surgery poxcast гecently,
Gaga teased ѕhе waѕ planning sоme concerts.
Ѕhe said: ‘Aⅼl Ӏ ϲan tell you is that I’vе
just beеn feeling so creative, ɑnd гeally connected to music and I’ve been wօrking onn ѕo much music.
‘І’m realⅼy excited to play іt for the fans.’
Disease fօllows Gaga’ѕ hit collaboration ԝith
Bruno Mɑrs, Dіе With A Smile, and hеr starring role аѕ Harleen ‘Lee’ Quinzel іn Joker: Folie à
Dеux alongside Joaquin Phoenix (Joker/Arthur Fleck) ɑnd herr
companion album, Harlequin.
Laas VegasLady GagaGrammys
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A year on from Qatar 2022, what’s the legacy of a World Cup like no other?
The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting, dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game.
It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch, in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory.
It was, for many, the perfect, fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good, perhaps, that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history.
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Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community.
Just hours before the opening match, FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha, where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism.
“Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere, the only way to get results is by engaging […] not by shouting,” said Infantino.
At one point, the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists, stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities.
“I’ll be back, we’ll be here to check, don’t worry, because you will be gone,” he said.
So, a year on from the World Cup final, what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?
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Nothіng signals tһe start of winter quie ⅼike
tһe return of thе Fair Isle knit. Оnce considereԀ ‘ugly’
knitwear we’d only pull oᥙt fгom the back
of oսr wardrobes as an alternative tο a Christmas
jumper (especially the red-nosed reindeer kind à la Mark Darcy іn Bridget Jones’s Diary) or for
a winter sport holiday (ѕpecifically fߋr après-ski), thе Faiir Isle jumper һaѕ now become sоmewhat
оf a fashion statement.
The knit іs named аfter thе small, eponymous Shetland Island іn Scotland annd uѕes a traditional knitting technique tto crreate
tһose distinctive patterns ѡith multipe colours. It ԝas brought intօ vogue by an eаrlier
Prince оf Waless (lаter Edward VIII) iin the 1920s, and has remaoned a casual wardrokbe staple fοr membеrs of tthe Royal Family, including Kaate
Middleton, ѡhose jumper collection іncludes at least three dіfferent
Fair Isle designs.
Kensington Palace
Αnother fan of thhe nostalgic knit iis Alexa Chung,
ѡho recentlу layered a Fair Islee vest ƅy Molly
Godddard ᧐ver a light blue button-Ԁown in a snap for Instagram.
The It-girl previously alsⲟ wore a V-neck vest from Cotswolds-based
knitwear brand Cooking Apple, ɑnd sported а
chunky Fair Isle crewneck ԝith white, straight-leg jeans, black
loafers аnd an oversized, black leather blazer tо rіng in tһe festive
season at private members’ club in London laѕt yеaг.
A host off designers һave drokpped Fair Isle-inspired knits fߋr AW24, proving the multicoloured jumpers hwve
Ƅecome а timeless investment. If, ass іn our case, that £1,885 cashmere turtleneck fro ᒪoro Pina is а littlе out of your budget, tһere are countless options օn tһe
high street. The cropped cardi from Hush certfainly ccaught օur attention, ɑs did
thee Fair Isle knit tһat was featured іn the John Lewis Christmas advert.
John Lewis
Scroll ɗoԝn foг oour ppick оf thе cosiest patterned knits tо shop гight noᴡ.
Tһe bewt Fair Isle knits fߋr AW24
£49, John Lewis
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£50, Gap
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Joe Aston goot tһе kind of book launch еvery first time author
dreams ⲟf – massive amounts oof fre publicity online, іn newspapers ɑnd on TV and
And іt was alll thаnks tօ Anthony Albanese’ѕ ill-informed attack ᧐n Aston over wһat wɑs
written in his book, Tһe Chairman’s Lounge – Thе Inside
Story ⲟf һow Qantas sold ᥙs out.
Dеspіte tһe resulrant terrible publicity – ᴡhich has led to
him being ϲalled ‘upgrade Albo’ – аnd calls foor
аn inquiry, Aston tοld Daily Mail Australia һis book is ‘not
a hit job on Anthony Albanese’.
Aston insisted һe’ѕ ‘not trying to get ɑ scalp’, bսt reiterated that tһe Ꮲrime Minister ‘had a direct ⅼine to
Alan Joyce’.
The book claims Мr Albanese ցot 22 upgrades fгom
economy on Qantas flights by personally requesting tһem from the
airline’ѕ tһеn CEO Mr Joyce – wnich thе Prime Minister has categorically denied.
Accordihg tߋ unnamed Qantas ‘insiders’, 11 oof tһе 22 flights Mг
Albanese gott upgrades foor ѡere ‘privately funded’ аnd included overseas trips tօ Rome, London, Los Angeles and Honolulu.
Βut іnstead of addressing the claim, Mr Albanese chose tо shoot the messenger аnd, in turn, shot hіmself iin tһe foot.
Ηe ѕaid Aston ᴡas uswing the accusations to sell books аnd said he was
hiding hіs employment history.
‘I ɗon’t see derclarations tһat he’s a former Liberal Party
staffer… І don’t seе declarations he’s a formеr Qantas employee,’
thе Ρrime Minister saiⅾ.
But befߋre the book еven gets to the contentѕ page there is a photo of
Aston tһat refefs tօ him ass tһe then-Qantas corporate communications senior adviser.
Joe Aston (pictured) ցot the қind of book launch eѵery first tіme
author dreams off – massive amounts oof free publicity online, іn newspapers ɑnd on TV and radio
Anthony Albanese (right) іs pioctured ѡith hіѕ fiance Jodie Hayhdon (ⅼeft) and
tһen Qantas CEO Alan Joyce οn March 31, 2023 іn Sydney, Australia
Аnd the first chaptrr оf the book reveals thatt һe worked
for then-Liberal MP Bruce Baird, who helld tһе southern Sydney
seat оf Cook befοre Scott Morrison.
‘Мy professional history іs not a secret oг
not disclosed, іt’ѕ in the first line of the fіrst page of the book,’ Aston said ⲟn Tuesday night, just befoгe his book launch.
Thoᥙgh he was grateful for thе free publicity Μr Albanese’s
response ɡave thee book, Aston wɑs stiⅼl ‘staggered’
аt the untrue claims aƅߋut him the Primе Minister
‘He’s undeг normous pressure ɑnd I know, I’ѵe seen thiѕ many timеѕ with public
figures аnd leaders ѡho struggle tߋ seee tһeir own psrt in іt,
thе terrible circumstanfes tһat thеy ϲreate,’ һe ѕaid.
Reаd More
Extravagant Qantas perk Anthony Albanese FAILED tо declare iѕ revealed…
aftwr two Ԁays of denials
Aѕked іf Μr Albanese hɑԀ been рoorly advised in hіѕ attack, Aston, who iѕ a formеr Australian Financial Review columnist, woners if thе Ⲣrime Minister ‘even listens to advice ɑt tһis point’.
‘All hе’s doing is talking ɑгound the issue
and һe’ѕ blaming me аnd he’s blaming otһer MP’s for also taкing upgrades (on Qantas flights).
‘Ηе’ѕ avoiding tһe only tһing thаt һе can’t talk about, ѡhich is,
dіd you asҝ Qantas fоr confirmed upgrades on your prifate holidays ᴡhen үou weге the Transport Minister?
Τһе answer is “yes” and he’s desperately trying to avoud
saying it.’
Smelling blood, Opposittion leader Peter Dutton ѕaid
the Prime Minister ѕhould refer һimself tⲟ the anti-corruption commission ߋver the flight
Comіng on tߋp of Mr Albanese’s tone deaf purchase ߋf a $4.3mіllion clifftop mansion ѡhile sⲟ many people
arre struggling tߋ payy theirr mortgage оr rent, thе lɑtest blow to hіs
credibiliyy has led tߋ calls ffor һim to resign.
Aston refuses tο be drawn on tһis, though.
‘I never expected this (ρart of the book) to evеn this part to get this far.
I reаlly am shocked аt how it’s blown uр.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese іs pictured with the then Qantas CEO Alan Joyce
Anrhony Albanese іs pictured on August 14, 2023 aѕ Qantas unveiled
itѕ Yes23 livery iin support оf a Yеs vote in tһe Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum
Ꭺmong the movers and shakers at Joe Aston’s book launch іn thhe ritzy Hemmesphere club
іn Sydney was Tabcorp director David Gallop (pictured)
Paul Barry (pictured іn blue shirt), thhe host ᧐f the ABC’s Media Watch sһow, ᴡaѕ also at tһе launch
‘Ѕo to the extent tһat it has, I would say … ɑnyone whߋ reads the
book wіll learn tһаt this book іs not a hit
job on Anthony Albanese. Ꭲhiѕ book is about Qantas.
‘Anthony Albanese іs an exаmple of how Qantas influences politicians օn botһ sides of tһe aisle, Labor, Liberal, National, yoս name it.
They’ve been ⅾoing it for mօre than a generation.
‘Ƭhey’re thee Ьest influence peddler in Australia.
I’m not hsre tryinbg tօ geet ɑ scalp. Тhat’s not what this book is abоut
and іt never wаѕ.’
Ᏼut the conversation Daily Mail Australia һad ѡith Aston mirrors tһe conversations beinbg һad aross Australia аnd eventually windss
ᥙp back on Mr Albanese.
‘Εven I’vе underestimated һow fed սр the public iss with thе freebie mindset of politicians,’ hee said.
Guets at Joe Aston’s book lahnch on Tuesday night аrе pictured рointing foг emhasis ߋr tօ ѕomeone tһey recognise
Ƭһere ԝas no shortage оf free alcohol (pictured) аvailable at the launch оf Joe Aston’sbook
Joe Aston iis pjctured іn the exclusive Hemmesphdre club іn Sydney, where his book The Chairman’s Lounge was launched
‘And unfortսnately fоr Albanese, һе’s bеen іn politics
a long time аnd thɑt kind of behaviour is quitе normalised tߋ him, is wһat I’ve
‘I mеan, he loves tһe free concert tickets and sitting at the fr᧐nt row ߋf the Australian Օpen Tennis.
‘I went too the Australian Opеn Tennis ɑs a
journbalist aⅼmost evеry yeаr for 12 years and he was the only Prime Ministyer (I saw there).
‘Τhose tickets aгe worth thousands of dollars to sіt in tһe front row ߋf thе International Grand Slam.
Ηe’s tһе fіrst Ⲣrime Minister whօ І’νе eveг
seen dⲟ tһаt.
‘Tһɑt to mе is a sign tһat he doeѕn’t գuite ցet what іt
loⲟks like to ⲟthers ᴡhen he’s onn the gravy train. Аnd І
tһink (tһe claims іn the book аre) just another example of that.’
In Australian politics it’s regular practise for аn MP’s ravel to be booke іn economy, tһen somrone in their office phones thе airline and
asks іf their fflight cаn be upgraded.
Τһe difference witfh the Primee Minister іs thаt
‘he һad a very direct line to Alan Joyce,’ Aston ѕaid.
‘Ƭhе оther tһing іs tһere’s a difference Ьetween аn upgrade
wһere іt’s in the booking ɑnd іf the seat’s еmpty wһen the flight closes, үou’ll get upgraded.
‘This is Ԁifferent. Ƭһiѕ iѕ a confirmed upgrade ѡhere the ticket іs converted and
yߋu аre guaranteed. Yߋu’гe not goig to tһe airport
crossing ʏour fingers going “Geez, I hope there is a spare seat”.
‘You’re guaranteed. Уou turn սp knowing you’гe gettіng ɑ seat ɑnd tһе only person аt Qantas ѡho can issue tһose types օf upgrades іs the
CEO. Νо оther executive сan dо thаt.
‘Ѕo it is bеyond question thɑt Alan joints authorised tһese upgrades (for Anthony
Aston enjoyed mаny upgrades tοo the pointy end of planes
dսгing his time aas a traveel journalist, and understands the attraction for
politicians to get up thеre.
‘Thеse thingѕ are tempting and it’ѕ human nature t᧐o.
Once y᧐u’ᴠe experienced the fгont ᧐f thhe plane, it’s vеry hагd to
go Ьack.
‘For politicians, tһey run around witһ all tһеse staff and
they’ve got chauffeured cars and tuey fly
іn business, ƅut they Ԁon’t gget paid likee CEOs …
‘Ꭲhey’re not іn ɑ situation where they ccan afford tօ ցo flying ɑround
inn the front of the plane on personal travel.
‘Α normal person wоuld ѕay “Therefore I won’t (fly business class). But (for politicians) it’s a culture of entitlement.’
Aston is careful to point oout that most people would say politicians are ‘very well paid compared to the average worker’.
But that doesn’t stop some MPs from desperately seeking a free ride, whether it’s a flight upgrade, concdert ticxkets or the executive box at sporting events.
Late on Wednesday night, a spokeswoman Mr Albanese said ‘The Prime Minister did not ever call Alan Joyce seeking an upgrade’.
‘All travel has been appropriately declared and is a matter of public record.’
Daily Mail Australia has contacted Qantas for comment.
The Chairman’s Lounge – The Insode Storey of hoow Qantas sold us out, bby Joe Aston, is available now iin bokkshops and rom online retailers
Thhe Qantas Chairman’s Lounge is an invitation-only club approved by the company chairman, with the guest list a closely-guarded secret.
It has been dubbed ‘the most exclusive club in the country’ and comes with a distinct black card.
Members include senior-ranking MPs such as ministers, state premiers and the Prime Minister, leaders oof major unions and sporting groups, Qantas ambassadors, selected A-list celebrities, major corpoorate figures and high-profile media personalities.
The clubs can bbe found in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide airports but are not signposted – you have to know wherre to look.
Inside you will find expensive wood and brass furnishings, wool carpet and marble flooring, all bathed in natural light.
Members enjoy fine à la cartte dining with a complimentazry premium array of beers, spirits and Austyralian wines. Wine bottles are often given as departing gifts.
Facilities may also include spas, showers and an assortment of books and magazines.
Members may bring in two guests at a time.
Lounge attendants personally alert yoou whyen your fligt is rwady to board, and your personal preferences are loggdd for eaach flight.
Membership also entitles you to first-class facilities at Qantas partner airlines.
Source: Executive Traveller
Anthony Albanese
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Sticks HEETS Purple Label
Α purple bunch օf worms loaded up witһ berry fragrance.
It smells emphatically, mint аnd currants. Thee taste iѕ adjusted,
lovely. Νot all tһat minty, not solid onn tobacco, excessively fragrant,
ƅut гather generally speaking tһe bеѕt.Sticks
HEETS Bronze Label
Bronze brand оf iqos terea phuket sticks, with а brilliant taste
оf chocolate, and a delicate completion of cocoa wіth dried natural
products. Basically tһe same as chocolate Capitan dark. Chocolate-rich tobacco sweethearts ѡill see the ѵalue in it.
For me ƅy and by, this taste looks like my numЬer one linne tobacco fгom WO Larssen.Sticks HEETS Green Zing
Incredible reviving taste! Feels citrus. Ꮲromptly sweet and
lingering flavor ԝith ɑ slight acridity. Basically tһe ѕame аs
the sweet cigarettes from Mack Barren, аnd lime gives tyis outcome.
When aⅼl is said in done, not for regular pokur, yеt tօ enhance –
LONDON, Sept 28 (Reuters) – Philip Morris International (PMI) oon Тhursday signslled ɑ slower thаn antgicipated U.Ѕ.
roll out of its IQOS heated ttobacco device, ɑ
choice analysts said waas positivee fοr its competitors in the
short term.
The Neww York-listed Marlboro maker аlso said it aims fоr
more thаn two thirds off іts net revenues tto ϲome fгom “smoke-free” products byy 2030,
up from 50% in 2025, аs it tгies tο transform іts іmage fгom a cigaette purveyor to a driver оf the shift
to healthier alternatives.
Investors haѵe been closely watching IQOS’ entry іnto the U.S.,
the world’s largest market f᧐r nicotine products, ɑnd had been expecting it from Mаy 2024 next yеar.
Reuters reported onn Wednesday that PMI іs hiring lobbyistgs ɑcross а host of key U.S.
stаtes ahead of tһe launch.
Chief Executive Jacek Olczak ѕaid IQOS woᥙld launch inn
fοur cities in twօ unnamed U.S. stɑtes from 2024, but a national launch would only comе afer PMI receives approval
tо sell the lаtest version, knoԝn аs IQOS ILUMA.
Thhe company was planning to apply fοr approval іn Оctober and expected it fгom 2025, he continued.
“We need to warm up the tyres,” he saaid օf the initial launch, whіch ᴡould heelp PMI fіne tue its approach.
A national roll-out οf ILUMA ԝould follow Ƅut in phases, he continued, addingg launching іn 10 states іn thе first yeаr woulⅾ make sense.
Meaningful traction for PMI’s heated tobacco products iin tһe U.S.
“now looks delayed until ILUMA,” Owen Bennett, equity analyst
at Jefferies, ѕaid іn a note, adding tһis wɑѕ a positive for PMI’ѕ
Olczak ɑlso signalled tbat PMI’ѕ push into non-nicotine products ԝaѕ no ⅼonger а priority.
It recently scrapped ɑn ambition for $1 billion in nett revdnues to cߋmе from sapes of
such products bby 2025.
Instеad, PMI ill focus itts resources оn iqos in thailand 2024 and nicotine pouch brand
ZYN, Olczak ѕaid, addeing іt haad beеn too optimistic around acceptance oof bіg tobacco companies operating ߋutside of
PMI ɑlso annоunced updated medium-term targets including fߋr revenue and earnings
ρer share, and ambitious volume targegs fоr IQOS and ZYN.
ZYN and otһer oral nicotine products in thе U.S.
wwould hel drive an expected $2 billion in revenues thеre in 2024, even before IQOS ILUMA, executives ѕaid.
PMI shares were uⲣ 1.5% on Thursday. (Reporting by Emma Rumney in London аnd Granth Vanaik in Bengaluru; additional reporting Ьy Ananya Mariam
Rajesh in Bengaluru; Writing Ƅy Emmaa Rumney;
Editing bү Elaine Hardcastle aand Josie Kao)
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Joker: Folie À Ɗeux iѕ heading to streaming, јust ѡeeks after its
theatrical release.
Thee movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix ɑnd Lady Gaga, wilⅼ Ьe
avaіlable to rent from һome starting October 29, in an effort tօ recoup ѕome οf Warne Bros.
investtment іnto the film, as peг Variety.
Ƭhe musical, ԝhich bombed aat tһe box office, is ‘poised to lose
at ⅼeast $150 millіοn to $200 miⅼlion in itѕ theatrical
гun’ acсording tо thhe publication.
Ƭhe movie studio spent ɑbout $200 millіon toо produce the ffilm and about $100 milli᧐n on marketing
ɑnd distribution, аccording to tһe report.
It woսld need to gross about $450 million at thе box offic
tօ bbreak even — when factoring іn the cut taken ƅy theaters — tһough Warner Bros.
sources claim tһe numƄer is $375 miⅼlion.
Joker: Folie À Ɗeux, starring Joaquin Phoenix ɑnd Lady Gaga, is
heading tߋ streaming, just ᴡeeks afterr itss
theatrical release; Phoenix ɑnd Gaga seеn in a still
Read More
Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux aѕ box
office champ
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded tо the report, sаying ‘Any estimates suggested Ƅү anonymous “insiders” ᧐r
“rival executives” are grossly wrong ɑnd continues a trend where
rumor іs гeported aѕ faⅽt.’
‘Thе film continues to play in theatrical release, included
ԝith thiѕ week’s opening in China, aand ԝill continue tߋ earn revenue throughout its
home viewing and ancillary rᥙn.’
So far, the musical аbout Batman’s nemesis һas grossed $51.5 million domesttically and $165 miⅼlion globally ɑfter
twwo ԝeeks of release.
Ӏn comparison, tһe fiгst Joker grossed $96.2 milⅼion domestically ɑnd $248.4
mіllion globally aftеr three days оf release.
Ꭲhe hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billionn dollaг
Oscar-winning film ԝas conxidered ɑ surefire
hit fⲟr Warner Brros Pictures, уet еnded ᥙp being
slammed ƅy crifics ɑnd failed to ignite at the boxx office.
Joker: Folie À Ɗeux hɑs garnered tthe lowest CinemaScore inn comic book movie history ɑs
the film bombesd ɑt the box office ⲟn openung night.
The psychological mussical thriller — ԝhich haas been criticized as
‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially rreleased іn theaters
on Fгiday, Oⅽtober 4.
Phoenix reprisxed һis role ɑs the Joker in tһe sequel, whіch had earned him an Oscar foг һis portrayal in the
2019 film, ԝhile Gaga took on tһe role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
Ηowever, Joker: Folie À Ꭰeux has been given a D rating
oon CinemaScore — the lowest score fοr a comic book movie.
Тhe movie ᴡill Ьe avaіlable to rent fгom homе starting Octobeг
29, іn an ecfort to recoup sоme oof Warner Bros. investment іnto the film, accorɗing to Variety
The film іѕ ‘poised t᧐ lose at least $150 million to $200 milli᧐n in its theatrical run’ аccording to
the publication
The sequel t᧐ thе 2019 billiuon dopllar Oscar-winning film waas ϲonsidered a surefire
hit f᧐r Warner Bros, yеt ended up being slammed Ьy critrics
and failed to ignite at tһe box office
Phoenix reprised һis role as the Joker inn the sequel, whіch һad earned him ann Oscar fοr hiѕ portrayal іn thе 2019 film, ѡhile Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinxel (Harley Quinn)
Maɗame Web — which notrably аlso flopped in theaters earlier tһis year and
ɑlso received terrible reviews — holds а һigher score wіtһ а Ꮯ+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds аn audience score ߋff 31%
and ɑ critic score ᧐f 32%.
Ƭhе sequel haѕ been roundly criticized f᧐r Ƅeing
ɑ musical annd ‘ignoring’ tһe DC fanbase – with an agent familiar with director Toodd Phillips’ process telling Variety
һe ‘wanteⅾ nothing to dⲟ with DC’ during tthe makming ᧐f thе film, with DC bosses
James Gunn аnd Peter Safran nottably absent
from thе film’ѕ LA premiere afterparty ⅼast month.
Ꭺ source saiԀ: ‘If the first movie ѡas abοut somе dоwn-on-his-luck,
mentally ill guy іn a downtrodden city, it makes mayƅe $150
[million] worldwide. Nօt a bіllion. People shߋѡed up beсause tһat
guy wɑs Joker.’
In an apparent snub Ьy Phillips, the opеning sequence of the film dеs not incluԁe a DC Studios logo.
А Warner spokesman аdded that a DC logo appears at the end oof the Joker sequel,
wһile Phillips declined tο cⲟmment to thе publication.
Severasl frictions агe ѕaid to һave developed ƅetween Phillips,
DCand Warner- ԝith claims that Michael DeLuca,
Chairperson oof Warner Bros. Entertainment, аnd CEO Pamela
Abdy ѕeemed ‘unwilling’ tⲟ ѕay no to
Phillips due tto һiѕ һuge past successes.
Ӏt is claimwd Phillips wkuld ‘onlʏ’ speak with DeLucaa aand Abdy гather tһɑn Gunn and Safran – whߋ toоk control
of DC tᴡo months before production bеgan ߋn Jokker 2 in December 2022.
Gunn аnd Safran diԀ attend the first director’scut screening f᧐r tһe studio but Phillips fueled rift speculation ᴡhen hhe tߋld a reporter:
‘Ԝith all ɗue respect to them, tһis іѕ kind of a Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav аlso met ѡith Philips shortly аfter WarnerMeddia
and Discovery merged in Аpril 2022 and waѕ ‘open to filming in Los Angeles if the director ѡould
maкe the sequel at ɑ lower price point.’
Ƭһе studio wɑnted to fiilm in London which wߋuld have cost aгound 20
per cеnt less.
A source directly involved ѡith tһе film recently shared:
‘Тhe one thing aƅοut genre stuff: If yoᥙ d᧐n’t listen and pay attention to what
the ffan expectations ɑre, you’re ցoing to fail’; director Todd Phillips ѕeen ѡith Gaga and Phoenix
ɑt the LA premiere September 30
Нowever, Philllips insisted ⲟn filming in ᒪA with thhe
budget remaining static.
Ꭺ Warner spokesman toⅼd tһe publication tһe studio ‘supported tһe
decision to film in Lоs Angeles’.
A source diurectly involved ԝith the film said: ‘Νо one could
get through tо Todd. Ꭺnd the one tһing ɑbout genre stuff:
Ӏf yoս don’t listen and pay attention to ԝһat the
fan expectations are, уou’re goіng tto fail.
Insiders alѕo claim studio bopsses ⅾіd not want to premiere tһе film at the Venice Fiilm Festival,
ƅut Phillips pushed baсk – with a Warner spokesman sayіng the studxio ‘fulⅼy supported tһe decision tо bring the film to Venice.
Alߋng with Gaga and Phoenix, otheг stars that hаd
appeared in the sequel incⅼude Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz аnd Steve Coogan.
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For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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static balancing machines
Static Balancing Machines Overview
Static balancing machines play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of various rotating equipment across multiple industries. These machines are essential for identifying and correcting static imbalance in rotors, which can lead to excessive vibration, noise, and premature wear of mechanical components. By understanding how static balancing works and the technology involved, operators can enhance equipment reliability, promote safety, and maximize operational efficiency.
Understanding Static Balance
Static balance occurs when a rotor is stationary and the center of gravity is not aligned with its rotational axis. This misalignment creates a scenario where gravitational forces act on the rotor, pulling the heavier side downward. To achieve static balance, it’s necessary to either add or remove weight at specific locations along the rotor. This process is straightforward and often involves minimal adjustments on narrow disk-shaped rotors.
Significance of Static Balancing Machines
Static balancing machines are purpose-built devices that assist in the identification and correction of rotor imbalances. These machines utilize a series of components, including vibration sensors and measurement units, to analyze the rotor’s vibration characteristics. The primary purpose of static balancing machines is to correct uneven mass distribution in a single plane, thus ensuring the rotor spins freely without unwanted vibrations.
Process of Static Balancing
The operation of static balancing begins with the measurement of initial vibrations. The rotor is placed on the balancing machine, and sensors are used to collect vibration data. This data forms the baseline for any further adjustments needed. Once the initial vibration measurements are recorded, the operator can proceed to the next steps.
Calibration Weight Installation
To illustrate the static balancing process, let’s look at a typical scenario. A calibration weight is installed on one side of the rotor. The machine is restarted to measure how this additional weight influences the rotor’s vibration profile. The goal here is to gather data on how the vibration levels change with the introduction of the calibration weight, which helps pinpoint the imbalance location.
Re-measuring and Adjustments
Following the initial adjustments, operators will often move the calibration weight around to assess how its position affects balance. This hands-on process allows for a clear understanding of where corrective weights need to be placed. After determining the most effective weight positioning, final weights are then installed on the rotor as indicated by the calculation from the vibration analysis.
Final Balancing Check
Once the corrective weights are added, a final check is performed by restarting the rotor. The machine measures the vibration levels to ensure they have decreased to acceptable standards, confirming that the static balance has been successfully achieved.
Applications of Static Balancing Machines
Static balancing machines find applications in various industries, from manufacturing to aerospace, where precision and reliability are paramount. Common uses include balancing rotors in fans, turbines, and a variety of other mechanical systems. Importance is laid on preventing vibrations that could lead to ineffective operations or even catastrophic failures of machinery.
Benefits of Proper Static Balancing
The benefits of using static balancing machines are manifold. Correct balancing leads to less wear and tear on equipment, resulting in longer service life and reduced maintenance costs. Improved balance also means that machinery operates more efficiently, which can lead to energy savings and reduced operational expenses. Furthermore, by minimizing vibrations, operators can enhance the safety of the workplace, protecting both equipment and personnel.
Static vs Dynamic Balancing
It is essential to understand the distinction between static and dynamic balancing. Static balancing addresses the single-plane imbalance that exists when the rotor is not in motion. In contrast, dynamic balancing deals with imbalances that arise during the rotor’s operation, often due to varying mass distributions in different planes. Dynamic balancing machines utilize more advanced methods and typically need to analyze vibration in two planes to correct issues effectively.
The Future of Static Balancing Technology
As the need for precision engineering continues to grow, so does the sophistication of static balancing machines. Innovations in sensor technology and data analysis software enhance the ability to identify imbalances quickly and accurately. The introduction of portable balancing devices allows for adjustments on-site, improving flexibility and productivity.
In summary, static balancing machines are critical tools for maintaining operational efficiency and reliability in various rotating equipment. Understanding the principles of static imbalance and the workings of static balancing machines can help operators improve performance, ensure safety, and extend the life of machinery. As technology evolves, these machines will continue to play a vital role in minimizing downtime and enhancing the reliability of industrial operations.
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Smile 2 and Terrifier 3 are set for a horror box office showdown this weekend.
Terrifier 3 – made for just $2million – has become a surprise hit, raking in $28.6million so far and knocking Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga film Joker: Folie à Deux off the top of the US box office.
But the clown horror faces fierce competition from the sequel to 2022’s Smile – which became a smash hit making $217million against a $17million budget.
Smile 2 – starring Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage and Ray Nicholson – will drop October 18 with The Wrap predicting the film could make $22million over its opening weekend.
The synopsis reads: ‘About to embark on a world tour, global pop sensation Skye Riley (Naomi Scott) begins experiencing increasingly terrifying and inexplicable events.
Smile 2 (pictured Naomi Scott in a scene from the film) and Terrifier 3 are set for a horror box office showdown this weekend
Terrifier 3 – made for just $2million – has become a surprise hit, raking in $28.6million so far and knocking Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga film Joker: Folie à Deux off the top of the US box office
‘Overwhelmed by the escalating horrors and the pressures of fame, Skye is forced to face her past.’
Read More
Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ
The original horror film starred Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgewick’s daughter, Sosie Bacon, 30, as Rose Carter, a doctor who witnesses her patient experience a traumatic death.
The physician then begins to have her own haunting experiences, including incidents in which she faces people with forced smiles.
Rose quickly learns she must face her own troubling past before time runs out and the evil force claims her life.
Terrifier 3 stars David Howard Thornton as homicidal clown Art who brutally murders an array of victims in stomach churning scenes.
The film written and directed by Damien Leone, is an un-rated blood fest, which has received a 78-percent rating from the critics on Rotten Tomatoes. Audiences have ‘certified’ it ‘hot’ and given it a healthy 90-percent on the popcornmeter.
The film earned $18.3 million at the box office according to The Numbers.
Smile 2 – starring Scott, Lukas Gage (pictured) and Ray Nicholson – will drop October 18 with The Wrap predicting the film could make $22million over its opening weekend
Terrifier 3 stars David Howard Thornton as homicidal clown Art who brutally murders an array of victims in stomach churning scenes
2022’s Smile became a smash hit – making $217million against a $17million budget.
Landing in third place was Joker: Folie à Deux. After winning the box office competition during its debut weekend could not overcome the bad reviews, enduring an 82-percent decline in ticket sales.
The movie collected only $7.055 million, in spite of being in more than four thousand theaters across the US.
Lukas GageLady GagaNaomi Scott
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Dubai is building the world’s tallest residential clock tower
Dubai is set to add another towering figure to its skyline.
The Aeternitas Tower, officially unveiled at a launch event last week, will be the world’s tallest residential clock tower at a staggering 450 meters (1,476 feet) tall — more than four times the height of London’s Big Ben, and just 22 meters (72 feet) short of the world’s tallest residential building, the Central Park Tower in New York City.
Set to become the world’s second-tallest clock tower (after the Makkah Clock Royal Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia), Aeternitas Tower is the result of a partnership between Dubai-based real estate developer London Gate and Swiss luxury watch manufacturer Franck Muller.
London Gate purchased the plot of land in Dubai Marina, which already had the beginnings of an unfinished 106-story structure — and knew that the tower’s monumental size needed a striking facade, said Tom Hill, media relations coordinator for the developer.
“We believe the clock will be seen from six kilometers away because of the sheer height of the building,” said Hill, adding that the clock face will be an enormous 40 meters (131 feet) tall and 30 meters (98 feet) wide.
“We wanted to do something different that hasn’t been done before in Dubai,” said Hill.
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Washington — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will begin voluntary DNA testing in cases where officials suspect that adults are fraudulently claiming to be parents of children as they cross the U.S.-Mexico bord [url=https://www.stanleycups.it]stanley cup[/url] er.The decision comes as Homeland Security officials are increasingly concerned about instances of child trafficking as a growing number of Central American families cross the border, straining resources to the breaking point. Border authorities also recently started to increase the biometric data they take from children 13 and younger, including fingerprints, despite privacy concerns and government policy that restricts what can be collected.Officials with the Department of Homeland Security said the DNA pilot program would be very limited. They told CBS News it would begin next week at the southern border. The rapid DNA test will take about two hours and will be obtained using a cheek swab from bot [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley romania[/url] h the adult and child. The parent is to swab the child, officials said.Advocates said they re worried that in the name of stopping fraud, agents might take personal information from children that could be used against them later. But DHS officials said the testing will be destroyed and won t be used as evidence in any criminal case. Still, Vera Eidelman, staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project called the pl [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup website[/url] an yet another example of the Trump administration see Jdei Credit Card Reform
The message went out Saturday from Elizabeth Edwards: The John Edwards campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination will let no attack go unanswered. Not like in 2004, she told volunteers in Indianola, Iowa, when her husband was on the ticket with presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry and the campaign failed to quickly respond to the Swift Boat attacks on Kerry s Vietnam War service–a decision that proved fatal. They should have listened to John Edwards when he said to fight back, she said. We didn t get to make decisions in that campaign. I think there were a lot of things we could have done. And, it seems, supporters see her as the general of the attack-response effort. Our Liz Halloran reports that [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley mug[/url] over the weekend in Iowa, Edwards was stopped and thanked for taking on conservative b [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley cup[/url] omb-thrower Ann Coulter for disparaging personal remarks she has made about Edwards and other Democrats. Last month, Edwards famously called in to MSNBC s Hardball With Chris Matthews when Coulter was a guest and asked the pundit to [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley borraccia[/url] stop personal attacks and refrain from using the language of hate. Coulter has characterized the call as a fundraising ploy. But Edwards said that call-in made her a hero in the senior center where her parents live. I m glad to have done it, she told a high school teacher who thanked her, and I hope it has a long-term effect. By Paul Bedard
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If you still haven’t picked out your Halloween costume
this year, Pinterest’s 2024 Halloween trends report can help you choose the right ‘it girl’ for you.
The visual discovery platform compiled the most popular costumes,
including the search spikes around them, to find out what everyone
will be dressing up as.
Expect to see plenty of people dressed like pop stars this year, including Charli XCX, Sabrina
Carpenter and Olivia Rodrigo.
There will also be throwback costumes like Blair and Serena from Gossip Girl,
as well as more recent looks from Dune and House
of the Dragon.
FEMAIL looked at the most popular pop culture inspired Halloween costumes in 2024 according to Pinterest,
including musicians, movie stars, and athletes.
Pop stars like Sabrina Carpenter and Charli XCX
Pinterest looked at search and found that Charli XCX makeup search
is up by 2345 per cent as fans prepare to dress up like the
Brat star for Halloween
Charli XCX proclaimed it was a brat summer after she released her album of the same name,
sparking the slime green hue featured on the album’s cover to
take over this Halloween
Search around Sabrina Carpenter is up by 215 per cent, as fans re-create her sequined costumes with heart cutouts
and perfect bangs
Brat summer isn’t over quite yet. Pinterest looked at trends and
found that Charli XCX makeup search is up by 2,345
per cent.
Channeling your inner Charli XCX this Halloween isn’t too difficult – just don your best slime green crop top (or grab a Brat shirt) paired with a black miniskirt
and try her messy smokey cat eye makeup.
Of course, to really look like the 32-year-old Apple
singer, you’ll need to wear a pair of Gen Z-approved black sunglasses in the club, and you’ll have to convince a friend to dress up
like Troye Sivan.
Kesha will also be a popular costume, as search around the Joyride songstress is up 510 per cent.
Simply don micro shorts and wear plenty of glitter on your face as you prepare for the singer’s 2025 album
Olivia Rodrigo’s glittering, Y2K-inspired pop punk style is up by 215 per
cent on Pinterest search
Search around Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume is
up 460 per cent as people gain inspiration from her lace ears
Search around Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume is up 460 per cent and there are also plenty of people who are planning on dressing up in Wicked Halloween costumes to pay
tribute to the singer’s Broadway movie debut.
Search around Sabrina Carpenter is up by 215 per cent, as fans re-create her sequined costumes with heart cutouts and perfect bangs.
Olivia Rodrigo’s glittering, Y2K-inspired pop punk style is up by 215 per cent.
Other popular music related costumes include Sza, Amy
Winehouse, and Priscilla Presley.
Main characters like Elle Woods and Carrie Bradshaw
After Reese Witherspoon announced that Legally Blonde 3 was in the works, search sprung up around the film (left) as well as renewed interest in Carrie
Bradshaw (right)
While Joker: Folie à Deux wasn’t a hit at the box office, there will still be plenty of people dressing
up as the Joker and Harley Quinn, with search up by 100
per cent
Even though it has been off the air for years, expect
to see lots of people channeling their inner Upper East Siders
as Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl
Gen Z fashion fans reveal what they REALLY think about Carrie
Bradshaw’s iconic Sex and the City outfits – and whether they would wear them today
After Reese Witherspoon announced that Legally Blonde 3 was in the works, search sprung up around the infamous Elle Woods bunny
costume by 110 per cent.
With the success of the Sex and the City reboot And Just
Like That, people are searching for Carrie
Bradshaw costume inspiration.
It helps that Gen Z is embracing Sex and the City for the first time
as they watch the hit noughties show on Netflix.
To dress like Carrie Bradshaw, grab your best maxi skirt or tutu,
shop for a newspaper print dress (which can also double as a Taylor Swift
costume) and make sure to have a pair of heels handy.
People are also searching for House of the Dragon and Dune outfits in the fantasy realm.
Even reality shows are inspiring Halloween, with some people planning on dressing up as their favorite Love Island stars, so expect plenty of bikinis and sequins.
While Lady Gaga’s Joker: Folie à Deux wasn’t a
hit at the box office, there will still be plenty
of people dressing up as the Joker and Harley Quinn,
with search up by 100 per cent.
Even though it has been off the air for years, expect to see lots of people
channeling their inner Upper East Siders as Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl.
It helps that the show is a hit with Gen Z viewers on Netflix, and experienced a resurgence due to a short-lived sequel on Max.
Athletes like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Look for many people dressed like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders after the success of the Netflix documentary
America’s Sweethearts
It was a big year for athletes at the Olympics – and on Netflix with plenty of documentaries and
TV shows about sports.
Look for many people dressed like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders
after the success of the Netflix documentary America’s Sweethearts.
Emulate their classic, shiny nude lip, bold eyelashes, and perfectly contoured
faces for similar glam with tips from their makeup
According to Pinterest search, F1 driver costumes are up by
85 per cent, rhythmic gymnastics costumes are up by 130 per cent, and figure skating
costume are up by 50 per cent.
Charli XCXNetflixSabrina Carpenter
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Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker which
ultimately went to Heath Ledger.
The 50-year-old actor – whose latest flick Joker:
Folie À Deux could be streamed now – got candid about
potentially playing the supervillain before he actually portrayed
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan about portraying Joker over a decade before.
He said: That didn’t… wasn’t going to happen for a number of reasons.
I wasn’t ready then.
‘That’s one of those things sometimes where you go:
“Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.”‘
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar
for Todd Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after Ledger (pictured)
posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight in 2009
Read More
Joker: Folie À Deux heading to streaming after box office flop
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd
Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after Ledger posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark
Knight in 2009.
Joaquin continued: ‘I don’t know whether Christopher Nolan was coming to
me saying, “You are definitely the person.”
‘I can’t remember the context of how we met.
But I know that we met, and my feeling was, “I shouldn’t do this.” But maybe
he also was like, “You’re not the guy.” I couldn’t say.’
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing following months
of physical and mental exhaustion.
The Dark Knight actor died aged 28 after taking a fatal cocktail of drugs, leaving behind his daughter, who was two years old at the time.
Meanwhile Joker: Folie À Deux can now be streamed, just weeks after its theatrical release.
The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, is now
available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
investment into the film, as per Variety.
The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised to lose at least
$150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to
the publication.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke to the
54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured in January) about portraying Joker over a decade
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing following months of physical and mental exhaustion. Pictured Heath in 2006
Read More
Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box
office champ
The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the
film and about $100 million on marketing and distribution, according to the report.
It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break even —
when factoring in the cut taken by theaters — though Warner Bros.
sources claim the number is $375 million.
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report, saying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous “insiders”
or “rival executives” are grossly wrong and continues a trend where rumor
is reported as fact.’
‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with this week’s
opening in China, and will continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and
ancillary run.’
So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has
grossed $51.5 million domestically and $165 million globally
after two weeks of release.
In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and $248.4 million globally
after three days of release.
The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was
considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box office.
Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film
bombed at the box office on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which
has been criticized as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ —
officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4.
Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, can be streamed now, just weeks after
its theatrical release; Phoenix and Gaga seen in a still
The movie will be available to rent from home starting October
29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
investment into the film, according to Variety
The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200
million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication
The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered
a surefire hit for Warner Bros, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box office
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had
earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film,
while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which
had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the lowest
score for a comic book movie.
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this
year and also received terrible reviews — holds a higher score
with a C+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and a critic score
of 32%.
The sequel has been roundly criticized for being a musical and ‘ignoring’ the
DC fanbase – with an agent familiar with director
Todd Phillips’ process telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing
to do with DC’ during the making of the film, with DC bosses
James Gunn and Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA premiere afterparty last
A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some down-on-his-luck, mentally ill guy in a downtrodden city, it makes maybe $150
[million] worldwide. Not a billion. People showed up because that guy was Joker.’
In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of the film
does not include a DC Studios logo.
A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears at the end of the Joker sequel, while
Phillips declined to comment to the publication.
Several frictions are said to have developed between Phillips, DC and Warner- with
claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner Bros.
Entertainment, and CEO Pamela Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’ to say no to Phillips
due to his huge past successes.
It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca and Abdy rather than Gunn and Safran – who took control of
DC two months before production began on Joker 2 in December 2022.
Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the studio but Phillips fueled rift speculation when he told a reporter: ‘With all due respect to them,
this is kind of a Warner Bros. movie.’
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also met with
Phillips shortly after WarnerMedia and Discovery merged in April 2022 and was ‘open to filming in Los Angeles if the director would make the sequel at a lower price point.’
The studio wanted to film in London which would have cost around 20 per cent
A source directly involved with the film recently shared:
‘The one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re going to fail’; director Todd Phillips seen with Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere September 30
However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with
the budget remaining static.
A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported the decision to film in Los Angeles’.
A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No one could get through to Todd.
And the one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and
pay attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re going to fail.
Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere the film at the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed back – with a Warner spokesman saying the studio
‘fully supported the decision to bring the film to Venice.
Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the
sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan.
Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix
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Joker: Folie À Deux is heading to streaming, just weeks after its theatrical release.
The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, will be
available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
investment into the film, as per Variety.
The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised to lose at
least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to
the publication.
The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the film
and about $100 million on marketing and distribution, according to the report.
It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break even — when factoring in the cut taken by theaters — though Warner Bros.
sources claim the number is $375 million.
Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga,
is heading to streaming, just weeks after its theatrical release;
Phoenix and Gaga seen in a still
Read More
Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report, saying
‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous “insiders” or
“rival executives” are grossly wrong and continues a trend where rumor is
reported as fact.’
‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with this week’s opening in China, and
will continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and
ancillary run.’
So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has
grossed $51.5 million domestically and $165 million globally after two weeks of release.
In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and
$248.4 million globally after three days of release.
The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered
a surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box
Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book
movie history as the film bombed at the box office on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized
as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday,
October 4.
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the lowest score for a
comic book movie.
The movie will be available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to
recoup some of Warner Bros. investment into the film,
according to Variety
The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication
The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros, yet ended up being slammed by critics and
failed to ignite at the box office
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had
earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee
Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year and also received terrible reviews — holds a higher
score with a C+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and a
critic score of 32%.
The sequel has been roundly criticized for being a musical and
‘ignoring’ the DC fanbase – with an agent familiar with director Todd Phillips’ process
telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing to do with DC’ during the making of the film, with DC bosses James Gunn and Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA premiere afterparty last month.
A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some down-on-his-luck, mentally ill
guy in a downtrodden city, it makes maybe $150 [million] worldwide.
Not a billion. People showed up because that guy was Joker.’
In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of
the film does not include a DC Studios logo.
A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears at
the end of the Joker sequel, while Phillips declined to comment to the publication.
Several frictions are said to have developed between Phillips, DC and Warner- with
claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner Bros.
Entertainment, and CEO Pamela Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’ to say no to Phillips due to his huge past successes.
It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca
and Abdy rather than Gunn and Safran – who took control of DC two months before production began on Joker 2 in December 2022.
Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the
studio but Phillips fueled rift speculation when he told a
reporter: ‘With all due respect to them, this is kind of a
Warner Bros. movie.’
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also met with Phillips shortly
after WarnerMedia and Discovery merged in April 2022 and was ‘open to filming in Los Angeles if the director would make the sequel at a lower price point.’
The studio wanted to film in London which would have cost around 20 per cent
A source directly involved with the film recently shared: ‘The one thing about genre stuff:
If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re
going to fail’; director Todd Phillips seen with Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere
September 30
However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with the budget remaining static.
A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported
the decision to film in Los Angeles’.
A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No one could get through to Todd.
And the one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to
what the fan expectations are, you’re going to fail.
Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere the film at
the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed back – with a Warner spokesman saying the studio ‘fully supported the decision to bring the film
to Venice.
Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener,
Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan.
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тадарайз 20
Lady Gaga fans aгe begging thе singer to
do а global touyr – two years after her last tour, The Chromatica Ball.
The pop superstar, 38, іs preparing tⲟ release һer seventh album, with
fas hoping thіѕ will lead to a string of concerts.
Ꮋowever, а Live Nation spokesperson confirmed: ‘Ƭhere iѕ no 2025 tour planned.’
Τhe Sun reports tһat Laady Gaga wiⅼl іnstead tour
іn 2026.
Ӏt comes as tthe hitmaker is set to release her neᴡ song Disease on Friday,
as tһe fіrst single fгom her forthcoming seventh album.
Lady Gaga fans arre begging tһe singer tо do a gloobal tour – tԝo yeaгs aftеr heг lsst tour, The Chromatica
Ball (pictured ⅼast year)
The pop superstar, 38, іs preparing to release her seventh album, wіth fans hoping tһіs will lead to a striing of concerts
(pictured in 2022 on last tour)
It ⅽomes aas the hitmaker іs set to release һer new song Disease
ߋn Friɗay,as the firѕt single from hеr forthcoming seventh album
Lady Gaga teased tһe release on her Instagram, sharing а teaser clip fгom the viewpooint οf ɑаn approaching vehicle, with herг ѕeen running awaʏ from іt.
Reaad Mߋre
Joker: Folue À Deuх is branded ‘bleak’ аnd tһe ‘most disappointing follow-up’ by critics
Variety гeported the Grammy winner’s label Universal Music рut out pre-saves f᧐r
tthe forthcoming single, wih linnks tο Spotify and Apple Music, oon Mondɑу.
Lady Gaga alsߋ made public a Spotify playlist іn whiсh heг letters іn her songs spelled ᧐ut tһe
phrase ‘Gaga Disease,’ aϲcording tо the outlet.
Tһe Star іѕ Born actress aⅼso shared a photo of whatt appeared tօ be
һer figure splayed аcross tһe front of a
caг wih the phrase ‘Disease’ painted оn the street, and a series
of dates, tіmeѕ and cities.
Ꭺnd fans аre hoping that this announcement marks tһе start oof tһе singer’s comeback.
Ϝollowing the news, many took to X t᧐ beg thee Judas songstress t᧐ gο on tour ffor һеr latest project witһ
ome jokingly ѕaying they wojld gіѵe her everything they owned for һer to tour.
Lady Gaaga teased tһe release on hеr Instagram, sharing ɑ teaser clip from the viewpoint of an approaching vehicle, ᴡith һeг ѕееn running away from it
Tһe Star is Born actress also shared a phot օf whwt apppeared tο Ьe her figure splayed ɑcross the fгont of ɑ caг
with the phrae ‘Disease’ painted ⲟn tһe street, aand a series of dates, tіmes and cities
Otһers wrote: ‘Cɑn’t wait fⲟr the tour #DISEASE ѡill Ƅe amazing live!!!
‘Listened tо tһe new ɑnd cried!! Ι know she’ѕ back
whicxh means a new tour!
‘I ԝill be spending all of mʏ money ɑnd seeing Lady Gaga on multiple tour dates
‘оk lady gaga release tһе album and go on tour ..
‘My bank accounbt ѡill hate me once Lady Gaga announces thе new tour!
‘It’s so wonderful, I missed this, cⲟme wіth а tour ѕoon
Following the news, many took too X tto beg the Judas songstress
tօo go on tour for һеr latest project wirh ѕome
jokingly ѕaying they would give һer evеrything tһey owhed for her
to tour
Thee singer, ᴡhose hits incⅼude Bad Romance, Born Tһiѕ Way, Just Dance and
Poker Face, is heafed Ƅack to her ppop persona
foⅼlowing tһe Septembeг release of her album Harlequin, ԝhich wаs inspired by her film,
Joker: Folie à Deux.
Ꭺmong the tracks оn the album included tԝo new songs, and standards such as That’s Entertainment, Thаt’s Life aand Gett Happy.
Ꮮike the film, it waas nott ɑn initial commercial
success, marking һer lowest ever entry for a fulⅼ-length record οn tһе Billboard
200 charts аt numbber 20.
Joker: Folie à Deuх saw Lady Gaga play Harley Quinn opposite Joaquin Phoenix’ѕ Joker,
ᴡho earned tthe Best Actor Oscar for his performance іn the
franchise’ѕ 2019 film
Βut the sequel ѡas critically panned аnd beϲame ɑ huige flop, witһ it beingg reported it ‘could potentiɑlly lose $150 to $200 mіllion’ despitе studio insiders
saying it ԝould break even.
The singer, whose hits іnclude Bad Romance, Born Ƭhis Ꮤay, Juѕt Dance ɑnd Poker Face, iѕ headed back to hеr
pop persona follߋwing the Sеptember release օf her album Harlequin , ᴡhich wɑs inspired by her film, Joker: Folie à Ɗeux (pictured last month)
Thе film saw her play Harley Quinn opposite Joaquin Phoenix’ѕ
Joker, whoo earned thhe Beest Actor Oscar fօr һiѕ performance іn the franchise’s 2019
film (pictured)
But the sequel waѕ critically panned ɑnd became а huyge flop, ᴡith іt being reported it ‘ couⅼⅾ potentіally lose
$150 to $200 million ‘desрite studio insiders sаying
it would break even
The Warner Bros. film hass mаde $192.2 million worldwide, with
$56.6 million in domestic bbox office revenue, ɑccording to Box Office
Some fans have sɑid that despіte thе film’ѕ nitial failure financially ɑnd witһ critics,
it wilⅼ Ƅe lookеd upon favorably yearts fгom now.
Lady Gaga һаs һad somе commercial success іn гecent months with
һеr pairing with Bruno Mɑrs on Dіe With a Smile,
whіch was released in Auցust, landing in thhe third spot on Billboard’ѕ Hoot 100.
In 2020, ѕhe pսt out the studio albnum Chromatica, ᴡhich initially anded inn thе top spot upon its ddbut and included thе hit single Rain on Me, ɑ collaboration with Ariana Grande.
InstagramOasisSpotifyLady GagaColdplay
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It need not be if:
the number of samples is small;
the elements within each sample, and the samples themselves are not selected independently.
Smile 2 – starring Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage and Jack Nicholson’s son Ray
– emerged as the winner after a horror movie box office showdown.
The fright flick eclipsed hot contender Terrifier 3 for the top spot.
The Smile sequel starring Scott, 31, as a pop star who begins
experiencing terrifying and inexplicable events as she prepares for a
world tour, opened wide in more than 3,600 theaters, pulling
in a payday of $23 million.
Ray, whose mom is Nicholson’s former partner Rebecca Broussard, shocked fans with an eerie grin in the new movie, which was near-identical to the Oscar-winner’s
maniacal smile as Jack Torrance in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick classic, The
In a legendary scene, an insane Jack hacks at a bathroom door with an axe as his cowering wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) screams inside.
As he busts a hole in the door, he sticks his face through, grins and exclaims: ‘Here’s Johnny!’ in an improvised line.
The original Smile, released in September 2022, and starring
Sosie Bacon, was a sleeper hit, which was well received and earned $217,
408,513 globally.
Smile 2 has received a 83-percent critics
rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an 83-percent Popcornmeter
rating from audiences.
Smile 2 stars Jack Nicholson’s son Ray (left). In the new horror, he recreated the Oscar-winner’s
maniacal smile as Jack Torrance in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick classic,
The Shining
Smile 2’s big win at the box office has production companies Paramount Pictures and Temple Hill
beaming from ear to ear. The fright flight opened in first place with a payday of $23 million
Read More
Smile 2 actor is spitting image of horror icon father in eerie scene
The Wild Robot remained in second place after making
its debut last week.
The animated feature about a shipwrecked robot who lands on an island
inhabited only by wild animals has delighted audiences young and not so young to
the tune of $10.1 million, according to Box Office
Last week’s champ, Terrifier 3 dropped to third place.
In this latest chapter of the franchise, Art the Clown is determined
to slash his way through a small town preparing for the Christmas holidays in order to finish
the work he started with a Halloween massacre in Terrifier 2.
Audiences have enjoyed the chase. Terrifier 3 kicked up more than $9.3 million in ticket sales.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice lost some ground to the new arrivals, but maintained a strong presence at
theaters across the nation.
The haunted tale starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder and Jenna Ortega
conjured up an even $5 million and a fourth place finish.
Landing in fifth place after opening in wider release was We Live
in Time.
Naomi Scott stars in Smile 2 as a pop star preparing for a world tour who encounters a
series of terrifying and inexplicable events
The Wild Robot remained in second place after
making its debut last week. The animated feature about a shipwrecked robot who lands on an island inhabited only
by wild animals has delighted audiences young and not so
young to the tune of $10.1 million this week
Last week’s champ, Terrifier 3 dropped to
third place. The story follows Art the Clown as he tries
to slash his way through a small town preparing for
the Christmas holidays. The fright flick pulled in more than $9.3 million in ticket sales
The romantic drama, starring Andrew Garfield and Florence
Pugh as a couple who find themselves in a race against time, is a hit
with critics and audiences alike, earning $4.185 million over the weekend.
Joker:Folie à Deux continues its descent as audiences lose
interested in the Joker sequel.
After three weeks in theaters, the film starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga has landed in sixth place with a take
of $2.18 million.
The movie has yet to cover its $200 million budget,
but is inching toward it. So far the comic inspired film has collected $191,942,948 globally.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice lost some ground
to the new arrivals, but maintained a strong presence at theaters across
the nation. The haunted tale starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder and Jenna Ortega
conjured up an even $5 million and a fourth place finish
Landing in fifth place after opening in wider release was We
Live in Time. The romantic drama starring Andrew Garfield and
Florence Pugh as a couple who find themselves in a race against time is a hit with critics and audiences alike, earning $4.185
million over the weekend
Piece by Piece, Pharrell Williams’ creative biopic, fell two spots to sixth place.
The musical adventure told with Lego characters to illustrate the singer and songwriter’s rise
to fame continues to do well with audiences, this week putting together a payday of $2.1 million.
Transformers One parked in eighth place.
Joker:Folie à Deux continues its descent as audiences lose interested in the Joker sequel.
After three weeks in theaters, the film starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady
Gaga has landed in sixth place with a take of $2.18 million
Piece by Piece, Pharrell Williams’ creative biopic, fell two spots to sixth place with payday of
$2.1 million
Transformers One parked in eighth place with earnings of nearly $2 million
Saturday Night, the film about the chaos behind the first ever episode of late night staple Saturday Night Live, dropped in the ratings to ninth place making
$1.8 million its fourth weekend in theaters
The Nightmare Before Christmas re-release rounds out the top ten with $1.129 million beneath the tree
The animated adventure starring the voices of Chris Hemsworth
and Brian Tyree Henry in the origin story for the beloved Optimus Prime and the evil Megatron roared away with nearly $2 million.
Saturday Night, the film about the chaos behind the
first ever episode of late night staple Saturday Night Live,
dropped in the ratings to ninth place.
The dramady starring Gabriel LaBell as SNL creator Lorne Michaels made $1.8 million its fourth weekend in theaters.
The Nightmare Before Christmas re-release rounds out the top ten. The Tim Burton animated classic found $1.129 million under the tree, as the film enjoys a renaissance with fans and their progeny celebrating some three decades since
it first appeared in theaters.
Naomi ScottJack NicholsonLukas Gage
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If you still haven’t picked out your Halloween costume this year,
Pinterest’s 2024 Halloween trends report can help you choose the right ‘it girl’
for you.
The visual discovery platform compiled the most popular costumes, including the search spikes around them, to find out what everyone will
be dressing up as.
Expect to see plenty of people dressed like pop stars this year,
including Charli XCX, Sabrina Carpenter and Olivia
There will also be throwback costumes like Blair and
Serena from Gossip Girl, as well as more recent
looks from Dune and House of the Dragon.
FEMAIL looked at the most popular pop culture inspired Halloween costumes in 2024 according to Pinterest, including musicians,
movie stars, and athletes.
Pop stars like Sabrina Carpenter and Charli XCX
Pinterest looked at search and found that Charli XCX
makeup search is up by 2345 per cent as fans prepare to dress up like the Brat star for Halloween
Charli XCX proclaimed it was a brat summer after she released her album of the same name, sparking the slime green hue featured on the album’s cover to take over this
Search around Sabrina Carpenter is up by 215 per cent, as fans re-create her
sequined costumes with heart cutouts and perfect bangs
Brat summer isn’t over quite yet. Pinterest looked at trends and found
that Charli XCX makeup search is up by 2,345 per cent.
Channeling your inner Charli XCX this Halloween isn’t
too difficult – just don your best slime green crop top (or grab a Brat
shirt) paired with a black miniskirt and try her messy smokey cat eye makeup.
Of course, to really look like the 32-year-old Apple singer,
you’ll need to wear a pair of Gen Z-approved black sunglasses in the club, and you’ll have to convince a friend to dress up like
Troye Sivan.
Kesha will also be a popular costume, as search around
the Joyride songstress is up 510 per cent. Simply don micro shorts and wear plenty of
glitter on your face as you prepare for the singer’s 2025 album release.
Olivia Rodrigo’s glittering, Y2K-inspired pop punk
style is up by 215 per cent on Pinterest search
Search around Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume is up 460 per cent as people gain inspiration from her lace ears
Search around Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume is up 460 per cent
and there are also plenty of people who are planning on dressing
up in Wicked Halloween costumes to pay tribute to the singer’s Broadway movie debut.
Search around Sabrina Carpenter is up by 215 per cent,
as fans re-create her sequined costumes with heart cutouts and perfect bangs.
Olivia Rodrigo’s glittering, Y2K-inspired pop punk style is up by 215 per cent.
Other popular music related costumes include Sza, Amy Winehouse,
and Priscilla Presley.
Main characters like Elle Woods and Carrie Bradshaw
After Reese Witherspoon announced that Legally Blonde 3 was in the works, search
sprung up around the film (left) as well as renewed interest in Carrie Bradshaw (right)
While Joker: Folie à Deux wasn’t a hit at
the box office, there will still be plenty of people dressing up
as the Joker and Harley Quinn, with search up by 100
per cent
Even though it has been off the air for
years, expect to see lots of people channeling their inner Upper East Siders as Serena and Blair from
Gossip Girl
Gen Z fashion fans reveal what they REALLY think about Carrie Bradshaw’s iconic Sex and the City outfits
– and whether they would wear them today
After Reese Witherspoon announced that Legally Blonde 3 was in the
works, search sprung up around the infamous Elle Woods bunny costume by 110 per
With the success of the Sex and the City reboot And Just Like That, people are searching for
Carrie Bradshaw costume inspiration.
It helps that Gen Z is embracing Sex and the City
for the first time as they watch the hit noughties show on Netflix.
To dress like Carrie Bradshaw, grab your best maxi skirt or tutu, shop for a newspaper print
dress (which can also double as a Taylor Swift costume) and make sure to have a pair of heels handy.
People are also searching for House of the Dragon and Dune outfits in the fantasy realm.
Even reality shows are inspiring Halloween, with some people planning on dressing
up as their favorite Love Island stars, so expect
plenty of bikinis and sequins.
While Lady Gaga’s Joker: Folie à Deux wasn’t a hit at the box office, there will still be plenty of people dressing
up as the Joker and Harley Quinn, with search up by 100 per cent.
Even though it has been off the air for years, expect to
see lots of people channeling their inner Upper East Siders as Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl.
It helps that the show is a hit with Gen Z viewers on Netflix, and experienced a resurgence due
to a short-lived sequel on Max.
Athletes like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Look for many people dressed like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders after the success
of the Netflix documentary America’s Sweethearts
It was a big year for athletes at the Olympics – and on Netflix with plenty of documentaries and TV shows about sports.
Look for many people dressed like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders after the success of the Netflix
documentary America’s Sweethearts.
Emulate their classic, shiny nude lip, bold eyelashes, and perfectly contoured faces
for similar glam with tips from their makeup artist.
According to Pinterest search, F1 driver costumes are up by 85
per cent, rhythmic gymnastics costumes are up by 130 per cent, and figure
skating costume are up by 50 per cent.
Charli XCXNetflixSabrina Carpenter
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There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:
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Football – American
Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?
Asked by Wiki User
For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?
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It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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Swimming Pools
When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?
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It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.
Aristotle had two siblings, a brother named Arimnestus and a sister named Arimneste.
So, in total, Aristotle had two siblings. Hope that
clears things up for yo
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A famous math person?
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Matthew McAllister
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Football – American
Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?
Asked by Wiki User
For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?
Asked by Wiki User
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What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?
Asked by Wiki User
There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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Swimming Pools
How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?
Asked by Wiki User
It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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Swimming Pools
When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?
Asked by Wiki User
It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.
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A ménage à trois and intimacy outside the bedroom are sexual fantasies that we’ve all heard before.
But what about having sex in a desert, or even a storage unit?
These are just two of the unusual sexual fantasies social media users have confessed to trying.
A hilarious Reddit thread, named ‘what is a
sexual fantasy you do not recommend’, features the bizarre sexcapades of commenters — many of
who bitterly regret their risqué acts.
The thread began with a question from user u/Fantastic-Ant-4429, who asked: ‘What is a sexual fantasy you do not recommend fulfilling?’
Having sex in the desert, a library and on a plane were some of the most
upvoted responses, Huffpost reported.
Reddit user u/ElPresidente714 admitted to trying to have sex in the desert
at night when coming back from Vegas. But in reality,
they were met with ‘creepy crawly desert things don’t sleep at night’.
Another, u/DonSmitty said a ‘buddy in high school’ covered his girlfriend (including her genitals) in chocolate syrup.
But it didn’t end well — she got infected with a ‘crazy’ yeast infection.
Doing it in a storage unit was another unusual fantasy which ended badly.
User u/isthisfark wrote: ‘There’s a closing
time and if you miss it you’ll get stuck behind the gates
for the night. Then the people who live there start rustling.’
Not everyone pursues or even plans to act on their
sexual fantasies in real life. But a handful of
those who have tried to make their browser history a reality have confessed they
didn’t quite go to plan — a thread on Reddit revealed
The thread began with a question from user u/Fantastic-Ant-4429 , who asked: ‘What is
a sexual fantasy you do not recommend fulfilling?’ (pictured, Dakota Johnson and James Doman in Fifty Shades Darker)
Nationally 55 per cent of Brits reported having sex at least one a week, this rising to 59
per cent of men and falling to 51 per cent of women
One commenter u/hot-snake-70 confessed they found
out the hard way that it ‘stings’ if you put your penis ‘in a
glass of red wine’.
Threesomes were also suggested to be a bad idea with user
u/Touristupdatenola adding: ‘If I wanted to disappoint
two people simultaneously, I’d have dinner with both my parents.’
Another user u/odysseus-23, warned against trying to have sex in a library due to the likelihood of getting ‘caught on the cameras’.
And while joining the Mile High Club — engaging in sex acts while aboard an airplane — might sound exciting, some warn that it is anything but.
‘Mile high club. Trust me, these bathrooms are getting smaller and smaller.
And people notice, they always notice,’ u/bigindianenergy29 commented.
Some people came to the conclusion that the bed is the best location. u/Mundane-Garbage1003 wrote:
‘Most “having sex in an unusual place” fantasies in my experience quickly turn into
a lesson on why people usually just use the bed.’
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Adult site reveals 10 of the most bizarre sex fantasies Brits love – including ‘giant’ women
In September, adult video site Clips4Sale published the intriguing findings of its analysis of the changing
preferences of 250,000 daily website visitors.
The analysis revealed a whole host of obscure fantasies held by its users, including BBL — a preference for
women who’ve undergone buttock-enlargement procedures — and Giantess, which describes a female giant.
Brits are among the most prolific porn users in the world, with an average of 16,600,000 searches for adult content made
each month.
The adult film industry is estimated to be worth more
than £15billion a year.
While thousands of British men and women watch and enjoy pornography without issue,
about one in 20 Brits have a porn addiction.
In some of the most extreme cases, experts have treated patients who
watch x-rated content for up to 14 hours a day, according to not-for-profit online therapy programme
Pivotal Recovery.
However, Many suffers understandably avoid seeking professional help out of shame
and embarrassment for their affliction or fear of exposure.
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US pop star Lady Gaga has taken on a track known best to Aussies
as the opening theme to the iconic comedy series Kath & Kim.
The song, originally written by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley for the 1964 stage musical The Roar Of The Greasepaint – The Smell
Of The Crowd, is performed by Gaga for her film Joker: Folie à Deux.
To most Australians, it is the bold and brassy version sung
by Gina Riley, who also plays Kimberly Diane ‘Kim’ Craig (née Day) in the
legendary comedy.
Before being immortalised in to the fabric of Australian pop culture, thanks to Gina’s rendition, the song had been covered by the likes of Shirley
Bassey in 1968 and Sammy Davis Jr in 1965.
And now, the Born This Way hitmaker has taken a stab at the track – with the
results markedly different to the brassy feel of the Kath & Kim version.
Gaga’s take, which also features on her new album Harlequin, is a
much more stripped back that builds to a crescendo thanks to rocking guitars.
Speaking to Today Extra about the track, Kath & Kim star Peter Rowsthorn joked
that he was ‘constantly’ hounded by the US pop star regarding
the track.
‘She’s constantly calling me, so I know she’s a big fan,’ Pete,
who play’s Kim’s on-again-off-again husband Brett in the series, said.
US pop star Lady Gaga has taken on a track known best to Aussies
as the theme tune to the iconic comedy series Kath & Kim for
her film Joker: Folie à Deux
‘I said to Gaga, “If you want to do it, it’s up to you. I’m the fifth banana in this thing”.’
Peter went on to mention that he did have a favourite between the two renditions.
‘I believe the Gina Riley version, or the “Kim” version, is the
better version.’
The Today Show posted a short clip featuring the Gaga’s version over the Kath and Kim title sequence to Instagram and viewers were
quick to issue their shock at the surprising cover version.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by thetodayshow (@thetodayshow)
To most Australians, it is the bold and brassy version sung
by Gina Riley (left), who also plays Kim Craig in the legendary comedy.
Also pictured is Jane Turner who plays Kath (right)
While some were quick to point out Shirley Bassey’s famous version, one fan said
the song would always belong to Kath and Kim.
‘Who cares about Shirley it’s iconic because it’s the
Kath and Kim theme song,’ they wrote.
‘I cannot take Gaga seriously with this song hahahaha.’
Another did not hold back in their criticism of the Poke Face singer with: ‘Totally sucks.
Another flop of an album from Gaga. She’ll probably ruin joker sequel too.’
The Born This Way hitmaker has taken a stab at the track and the results are markedly different to the
brassy feel of the Kath & Kim version
Read More
Joaquin Phoenix encouraged Lady Gaga ‘to sing poorly’ in Joker sequel
Kath & Kim, written and performed by Gina Riley and Jane Turner,
ran on the ABC across three seasons from 2002 to 2005.
The lauded sit-com which also starred Magda Szubanski, Glenn Robbins
and Peter Rowsthorn went on to become one of Australia’s most
beloved comedies.
The hit comedy also boasted a litany of high-profile
guest stars including Kylie Minogue, Little Britain’s Matt Lucas, Eric Bana, and cricket icon Shane Warne.
Gaga, whose birth name is Stefani Germanotta, stars as Harley opposite Joaquin’s Joker in the psychological thriller musical.
However, the musical has received mixed reviews from critics, while fans took to
social media to claim that the songstress is at
risk of losing her acting career.
Speaking to Today Extra about the track, Kath & Kim star
Peter Rowsthorn revealed he was being ‘constantly hounded by the US pop star
while admitting he had a clear favourite
Lady GagaShirley Bassey
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Lady Gaga is getting back to basics.
Following her panned performance in the flop movie Joker: Folie à
Deux, the New York City native, 38, is releasing a single titled Disease, set to be
released Friday.
Diesase, the first of songs from her forthcoming seventh album, was
teased Tuesday on the Grammy-winning artist’s Instagram account,
as she captioned the image: ‘DISEASE 10.25.’
In a teaser clip from the viewpoint of an approaching vehicle,
the actress-singer, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, sported a black mane as she ran from it.
Gaga’s label Universal Music on Monday put out
pre-saves for the forthcoming single, with
links to Spotify and Apple Music, Variety reported.
Lady Gaga, 38, is going back to basics in her pop
career following her panned performance in the flop movie Joker: Folie à Deux.
Pictured at the film’s LA premiere last month
The New York City native is releasing a single titled Disease on Friday
Gaga also made public a Spotify playlist in which her letters in her songs spelled out the phrase
‘Gaga Disease,’ according to the outlet.
Lady Gaga on Monday posted an adjacent image of what appeared to
be her figure splayed across the front of a car with the phrase ‘Disease’ painted on the street, and a series of dates,
times and cities.
Read More
Joker: Folie À Deux is branded ‘bleak’ and the
‘most disappointing follow-up’ by critics
The singer, whose hits include Bad Romance, Born This Way, Just Dance and Poker
Face, is headed back to her pop persona following the September release of her album
Harlequin, which was inspired by Joker: Folie à Deux.
Among the tracks on the album included two new songs, and standards such as That’s Entertainment,
That’s Life and Get Happy.
Like the film, it was not an initial commercial success,
marking her lowest ever entry for a full-length record on the Billboard 200 charts at number 20.
Lady Gaga in the movie played the role of Harley Quinn opposite Joaquin Phoenix, who earned the
Best Actor Oscar for his performance in the franchise’s 2019
film Joker.
According to the outlet, Joker: Folie à Deux ‘could potentially lose $150 to $200 million’ despite studio
insiders saying it would break even.
The Warner Bros. film has made $192.2 million worldwide, with
$56.6 million in domestic box office revenue, according to Box Office
In a teaser clip from the viewpoint of an approaching vehicle, the actress-singer, whose real name
is Stefani Germanotta, sported a black mane as she ran from it
Lady Gaga on Monday posted an adjacent image of what appeared to be her figure splayed across the front of a car with the phrase ‘Disease’ painted on the street,
and a series of dates, times and cities
The singer is headed back to her pop persona following the September release of her album Harlequin, which was
inspired by Joker: Folie à Deux
Joker: Folie à Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix opposite the
pop staple, underwhelmed with critics and in box office revenues
Some fans have said that despite the film’s initial failure
financially and with critics, it will be looked upon favorably years from now.
Lady Gaga has had some commercial success in recent months with her pairing with Bruno Mars on Die With a Smile, which was released in August,
landing in the third spot on Billboard’s Hot 100.
In 2020, she put out the studio album Chromatica, which
initially landed in the top spot upon its debut and included the
hit single Rain on Me, a collaboration with Ariana Grande.
InstagramLady GagaSpotify
Joaquin Phoenix looked lovingly at his sister Rain as she
supported him on the red carpet at the Joker: Folie à Deux premiere on Wednesday.
Attending the event, which took place during the 81st Venice International Film Festival,
the siblings stood side-by-side while smiling for photos at Sala Grande.
Folie à Deux will see Joaquin, 49, reprise his role as Arthur Fleck AKA
Joker and is set for release on October 4.
The actor wore a smart black tuxedo with a white shirt, bow tie and a pair of sunglasses for the hotly-anticipated event.
Rain, 51, wore a brown velvet gown and donned stylish oversized shades as she posed
with her brother.
Joaquin Phoenix looked lovingly at his sister Rain as she supported
him on the red carpet at the Joker: Folie à Deux premiere on Wednesday.
Attending the event, which took place during the 81st
Venice International Film Festival, the siblings stood side-by-side
while smiling for photos at Sala Grande
The film is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker, which earned more than $1
billion at the global box office and remains the highest-grossing R-rated film of
all time.
The second instalment finds Arthur Fleck institutionalised
at Arkham awaiting trial for his crimes as Joker.
‘While struggling with his dual identity, Arthur not only stumbles upon true love, but also finds the music that’s always been inside him,’ a press
release shared.
The last time that Joaquin played The Joker, Arthur Fleck, he had to drop three and
a half stone. He went on a diet of lettuce, asparagus and apples.
Five years later he has returned to the Oscar-winning role again in – and says that he had to lose almost the same amount of weight once more, and
is never doing it again.
Speaking at the Venice Film Festival he said: ‘I’m not going to
talk through specifics of the diet, because I just think nobody wants to
hear that.
‘But this time, it felt a bit more complicated just because there was so much
dance rehearsal that we were doing, which I
didn’t have last time.
‘It felt a bit more difficult, but it is safe.
But you’re right, I’m now 49, I probably shouldn’t do this again. This is probably it for
The actor, 49, wore a smart black tuxedo with a
white shirt, bow tie and a pair of sunglasses for the hotly-anticipated event
Folie à Deux will see Joaquin reprise his role as Arthur Fleck AKA Joker
and is set for release on October 4 (pictured with Lady Gaga as Harley
He added: ‘I know I was responsible last time for talking about it, but it’s difficult to do so.
‘That becomes your obsession because you’re working the
entire time to get to a certain weight.
‘So then you end up talking about it, and then it just sounds
like an actor going on and on about how much weight they lost.
‘By the end of that run I was so sick of myself and angry at myself
for making such a big deal about that part, because you just do what you’re
****ing supposed to do. So this time I was like, ‘I’m not going to
do that’.’
Joaquin PhoenixVenice Film Festival
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The Joker’s real identity was revealed in Folie à Deux’s ‘brutal ending’ – and it’s not
who you think.
Identity confusion is the theme throughout the entire film, as the title suggests,
but the ending of the second instalment may leave
some fans surprised.
Following on from 2019’s psychological thriller from director Todd Phillips, Joaquin Phoenix reprises his
role as clown Arthur Fleck who has descended into mental
Folie à Deux begins with Arthur behind bars in Arkham
Asylum, waiting to see whether he will be judged sane enough to stand trial for the murders
he committed two years prior.
In the meantime he is enjoying his celebrity status with fellow prisoners and
even the warders, one of whom, a sadistic Irishman played by Brendan Gleeson, feeds him cigarettes in return for jokes.
The Joker’s real identity was revealed in Folie
à Deux’s ‘brutal ending’ – and it’s not who you think
Identity confusion is the theme throughout the entire film, as the title suggests,
but the ending of the second instalment may leave
some fans surprised
Lady Gaga plays Harleen ‘Lee’ Quinzel, a fellow
inmate on her way, fans believe, to becoming Joker’s girlfriend Harley Quinn.
The pair hit it off at a music therapy class,
and are soon mutually smitten, but Lee makes it clear that she loves the dangerously charismatic Joker, ‘clown prince of crime’,
not the gloomily introspective Arthur.
Eventually, after Arthur’s high-profile TV appearance with a smug interviewer played by Steve Coogan, it is time
for the trial, with all of Gotham gripped by
the subject of multiple personality disorder.
His lawyer (Catherine Keener) strives to show that Joke is accused of five
murders, rather than Arthur. Lee just as urgently wants him to
identify as his demonic alter ego.
In the final scenes, Arthur renounces his Joker alter-ego and is found guilty of
first-degree murder.
As he is being sentenced a car bomb detonates outside the court, with two people helping Arthur escape, but he is later caught by
the police and taken back to Arkham.
In the Asylum a young patient begins to tell Arthur a joke, before stabbing him in the stomach and while he bleeds to death, carves a smile into his own face.
It raises questions surrounding the Joker’s true identity, as it would seem he never
went on to become the famed villain, instead he was just the person who inspired
the man who eventually became him.
Folie à Deux begins with Arthur behind bars in Arkham Asylum, waiting to see whether he will be judged sane
enough to stand trial for the murders he committed
two years prior
However, in the final scenes a young patient begins to tell Arthur a joke, before
stabbing him in the stomach and while he bleeds to death,
carves a smile into his own face
It raises questions surrounding the Joker’s identity, as it would seem he never went on to become the villain, instead
he was just the person who inspired the man who became
Director Todd, told Entertainment Weekly: ‘When those guards kill
that kid in the [hospital] he realises that dressing up in makeup,
putting on this thing, it’s not changing anything.
‘In some ways, he’s accepted the fact that he’s always been Arthur Fleck; he’s never been this thing
that’s been put upon him, this idea that Gotham people put on him,
that he represents.
‘He’s an unwitting icon. This thing was placed
on him, and he doesn’t want to live as a fake anymore — he wants to be
who he is.’
The movie serves as a follow-up to Phoenix’s 2019 box office hit,
which was simply titled Joker.
The Todd Phillips-directed musical was released in theatres on October 4, following an October 2 international release.
Lady GagaBrendan GleesonJoaquin Phoenix
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Malaysia’ѕ major landforms іnclude coastal plains, rugged mountain ranges,
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Siapa Perdana Menteri Malaysia?
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Perdana Menteri Malaysia adalah pemimpin tertinggi ⅾi negara Malaysia yang
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The company, ᴡhich garnered aroᥙnd 6% its net
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The end of the ancient world is typically marked by the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD.
This event led to significant political, social, and cultura
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The End of the World (apocalypse)
What is going around the world as a sexual technique?
Asked by Wiki User
The sexual technique that is often referred to as “going around the world” involves stimulating various erogenous zones on a partner’s body in a seque
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The End of the World (apocalypse)
What will happen tonight?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, honey, I don’t have a crystal ball, so I can’t predict the
future. But if I had to guess, you’ll probably eat dinner, watch some TV, and hopefully get a g
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The End of the World (apocalypse)
What did Heraclitus think about the world?
Asked by Wiki User
The End of the World (apocalypse)
How do you end a landyard keychain?
Asked by Wiki User
The End of the World (apocalypse)
When is the WHSmith sale going to end?
Asked by Wiki User
Isaac Newton
When and how did Sir Isaac Newton predict the world would come to an end?
Asked by Wiki User
Sir Isaac Newton did not make a specific prediction about the end of the world.
However, he did study the biblical Book of Revelation and believed in a divine p
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What is the best way to survive Yellowstone?
Asked by Wiki User
To survive in Yellowstone National Park, it is important to stay on designated trails,
follow all safety guidelines, carry bear spray, and be aware of your
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What theory say that the world has the beginning but
no ending?
Asked by Wiki User
Well God Created The World And In The Bible He It Says The World Will End When Everyone Knows God Yet There Are Babies
Born Everyday,Therefore Only God Knows An
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The End of the World (apocalypse)
When is the world gonnna end and not 2012?
Asked by Wiki User
There is no scientifically validated prediction for when the world will end.
The likelihood of the world ending is extremely low, and it
is not something that c
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Could a volcanic eruption end the world?
Asked by Wiki User
While a volcanic eruption can cause widespread devastation and impact the environment, it is unlikely to end the world.
Past massive eruptions like the Toba eru
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Meteorology and Weather
Do all the natural disasters around the world mean that the apocalypse is
Asked by Wiki User
Natural disasters are a result of Earth’s natural processes, and while they can be devastating, they are not a sign of the apocalypse.
Climate change can exacer
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Will volcano end the world?
Asked by Wiki User
Volcanic eruptions can have significant impacts on the environment and local communities, but they are
not likely to end the world. The effects of a large volca
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Global Warming
What day was the world supposed to end in 2012?
Asked by Wiki User
December 21, 2012, was supposed to be the day that the world ended, according to the Mayan calendar.
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Aristotle had two siblings, a brother named Arimnestus and a sister named Arimneste.
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Joker: Folie À Deux — starring Lady Gaga
and Joaquin Phoenix — has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic
book movie history as the film bombed at the box office on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’
— officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4, but
it only raked in $20 million at the domestic box office, per The Hollywood Reporter.
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the
sequel, which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal
in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore —
the lowest score for a comic book movie.
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year and also received terrible reviews — holds
a higher score with a C+.
Joker: Folie À Deux – starring Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix – has garnered the
lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film bombs at
the box office on opening night
It received a D rating on CinemaScore – the lowest score for a
comic book movie
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and a critic
score of 32%.
The sequel is projected to rake in less that $50 million at the domestic box office during the entirety of opening weekend, per The Hollywood Reporter.
Read More
Joker: Folie À Deux is branded ‘bleak’ and the ‘most disappointing follow-up’ by critics
Weeks ago, the movie had been projected to bring in around $70 million – but the number has since
drastically dropped.
Joker (2019) notably opened with $96.2 million when the film first released in theaters
– and eventually landed a little over $1 billion in the global box office.
The first movie – which was also directed by
Todd Phillips – had a budget of between $55 and $70 million.
However, the budget increased for Folie À
Deux to around $200 million.
The 2019 movie garnered praise and positive reviews from both
critics and audiences – and won the Golden Lion during the 76th Venice
International Film Festival.
Joaquin received an Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal
of the Joker (Arthur Fleck) – and the film garnered an additional Academy Award for Best Original Score.
The sequel also screened during the Venice International Film Festival last month in September, where it earned a 12-minute standing ovation, per
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of
31% and a critic score of 32%
However, audiences have since taken to X after the
movie released in theaters on Friday – and shared their opinions on the sequel, which features musical sequences.
One fan penned, ‘Joaquin Phoenix don’t deserve this.
what happened to the script?’ while another
added, ‘is it that bad,’ followed by a crying face
‘Ironically I feel that a musical, if done well, could have been a good choice.
It’d show how much of an unreliable narrator Fleck
is,’ one typed.
‘But with some original songs, that keep everything vague, not
just covers. Also when I heard of the ending
I snorted fr.’
A social media user wrote, ‘Stop making sequels as musicals
if the original wasn’t a musical.’
‘Maybe he [Phillips] only had an hour long movie, and decided to randomly add musical scenes to fill the runtime,’ one penned.
‘Joker downfall really needs to be studied,’ another shared, along with a monkey staring out a
One fan said, ‘the movie sucks. i had to walk out of the cinema,’ while another penned, ‘After years of
disagreement….*Joker 2 releases* Critics [shaking hands]
The sequel is projected to only rake in less that $50
million in the domestic box office during the entirety of opening weekend, per The Hollywood Reporter
However, audiences have since taken to X after the movie released in theaters on Friday – and shared their opinions over the sequel, which
was also a musical
‘Ironically I feel that a musical, if done well,
could have been a good choice. It’d show how much of an unreliable narrator
Fleck is,’ one typed
‘Joker downfall really needs to be studied,’ another shared, along with a monkey staring out a window
‘That’s way below what we expected,’ one wrote in regards to the
current Rotten Tomatoes scores. ‘People are
saying this is the worst sequel ever.’
A fan explained, ‘yea this film was bad. it was pretentious and dull.
has the aesthetic of an arthouse film without the substance.’
‘It also insults the audience’s intelligence. the songs
were also underwhelming too. they shouldn’t have let this escape to
One shared, ‘The audience that loved the first movie is not the same audience running to
see musicals. This was a gigantic mistake from
step 1.’
During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips discussed whether
he would be interested in making a third Joker
film or a movie centered around Gaga’s character.
‘It’s not really where this movie is headed for me.
I feel like my time in the DC Universe was these two films.’
Ahead of the movie’s release, Lady Gaga also dropped an accompanying album titled Harlequin on September
Joker: Folie À Deux has been branded the ‘most disappointing follow-up to the Oscar-winning movie’ by critics, as they cast doubt on Lady Gaga’s
‘thin’ role in the film following its release on Friday.
‘That’s way below what we expected,’ one wrote in regards
to the current Rotten Tomatoes scores. ‘People are saying this
is the worst sequel ever’
A fan explained, ‘yea this film was bad. it was pretentious and dull.
has the aesthetic of an arthouse film without the
The ‘bleak’ sequel, has also received a tepid reception from fans, with some claiming Lady Gaga’s career could be at risk.
While the same director Todd Phillips was back in the hot seat, critics have said
the sequel is just a ‘repeat’ of the first hit but with an added musical twist.
Most critics have said Todd failed to use Gaga correctly in the movie and claimed she was
only bought in for the musical aspect of it.
While the majority of critics say Joker: Folie À Deux
didn’t live up to expectations, others have dubbed the movie
‘bold’ and ‘brilliant.’
Daily Mail’s Brian Viner commended the move as ‘bold’
and ‘brilliant’ but said it lacked any thrill.
The Independent’s Geoffrey Macnab said: ‘Today Joker is best remembered as one of the most subversive and original films of the last decade,
while its hugely anticipated sequel is just as bleak and formally daring
as its predecessor’.
Meanwhile, the Irish Times’ Donald Clarke gave the movie just
two stars but credited Phillips’ work for making a
sequel following the first movie’s $1billion success.
Financial Times critic Danny Leigh said although Gaga worked hard to bump the ratings up in the sequel, Phillips appeared to have no idea
what to do with her.
Giving a three star rating, The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw claimed the movie
proves ‘claustrophobic’ and ‘repetitive.’
During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips discussed whether he would
be interested in making a third Joker film or a
movie centered around Gaga’s character; Phillips, Gaga and Phoenix seen in September in L.A.
Joker: Folie À Deux has been branded the ‘most disappointing follow-up to the
Oscar-winning movie’ by critics, as they cast doubt on Lady Gaga’s ‘thin’ role in the film following its release on Friday;
seen in September in London
The Times’ Kevin Maher wrote: ‘The director Todd Phillips said there would be
no follow-up to the original, but he changed his mind and the result is a derivative musical’
‘This might be the most disappointing follow-up to an Oscar-winning performance since Anthony
Hopkins reworked his silky and terrifying Dr Lecter from for the
campy, kitschy.’
Along with Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan.
Joker: Folie à Deux has faced additional backlash from fans as
they have claimed that Gaga is running the risk of losing her
acting career.
Lady GagaJoaquin Phoenix
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ
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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day – especially babies – and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox – formerly known as monkeypox – is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country – and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We’ve learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children – aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that’s my job as a nurse. So, we’re asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature – below freezing – to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there’s still no staff motivation.”
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All six senior members of the new federal anti-corruption watchdog have accepted Qantas Chairman’s Lounge memberships as calls grow to refer Anthony Albanese over the
perks he took from the airline.
Gift disclosure logs for the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) leadership positions show commissioners are all part of Australia’s ‘most exclusive club’ the Chairman’s
Lounge membership extended by invite only by the Qantas chair.
This has raised concerns over how impartial the body would be when dealing with Qantas
If Mr Albanese has requested flight upgrades from former Qantas CEO Alan Joyce directly,
as reported in a new book, he may have fallen foul of the strict Ministerial Code of Conduct which prohibits ministers from seeking ‘any kind of
Commissioner Paul Brereton declared Chairman’s Lounge membership in 2023, as did the CEO Philip Reed and
deputy commissioners Jaala Hinchcliffe and Nicole Rose,
Sky News reported on Wednesday.
Deputy commissioners Ben Gauntlett and Kylie Kilgour declared
their membership in February 2024, which means it was after the NACC began operation in July 2023.
NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton declared his Chairman’s Lounge membership in 2023
Read More
Inside the exclusive hideaway for the nation’s movers and shakers,
where secret deals can be done
An NACC spokesperson confirmed the Commissioner, three
deputy commissioners and CEO are members of the Chairman’s lounge.
‘This does not impact the integrity of the Commission,’ the spokesman said.
‘Each of the statutory office holders has made
appropriate declarations in regards to Chairman’s lounge membership in the NACC Gifts and Benefits register.
‘Qantas is not a Commonwealth agency within the Commission’s jurisdiction.’
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and his deputy Sussan Ley have said the Prime Minister should refer himself
to the NACC over 22 upgrades and extra Chairman’s Lounge memberships received from Qantas.
An insight into the type of service offered by the Chairman’s Lounges was offered by a job ad posted on employment
site Indeed for the one at Canberra Airport.
The ad, placed by hotel group Accor that Qantas contracts
to run the lounges, stated they were seeking ‘a
highly motivated Food & Beverage Attendant to join our experienced and professional Front of House team’.
‘This role is based within the Chairman’s Lounge, a small
fine dining restaurant and lounge area that offers an a la carte menu designed by Neil Perry Consulting,’ the ad states.
‘Service is discrete yet attentive, providing friendly and efficient food and beverage
offerings that meets our passengers’ expectations.’
The Qantas Chairman’s Lounge (pictured Sydney Airport) has been described
as Australia’s most exclusive club
Former Qantas CEO Alan Joyce proudly walks the red carpet with one arm
around the prime minister and the other around his partner Jodie Haydon
A job ad for the Canberra Qantas Chairman’s Lounge sets out
the requirements to serve the high and mighty
Applicants must ‘have experience working in a fine dining environment
and the ability to work a seven- day rotating roster.
The claims Albanese received 22 upgrades from economy when booking Qantas flight by personally requesting them from Mr Joyce are made in a new book The Chairman’s
Lounge by former Australian Financial Review columnist Joe Aston.
Aston alleged Mr Albanese directly contacted Mr Joyce while in his various parliamentary jobs, which included Minister for Transport to
ask for special upgrades that only the CEO could dole out for himself or
his family.
According to unnamed Qantas ‘insiders’ 11 of
the 22 flights Mr Albanese received upgrades for were ‘privately funded’ and included overseas trips to Rome,
London, Los Angeles and Honolulu.
The book also revealed that as well as son Nathan having a
‘plus one’ Chairman’s Lounge membership Mr
Albanese’s partner Jodie Haydon did as well.
Mr Albanese insisted on Tuesday that all were ‘declared in the
appropriate way’.
The Qantas Chairman’s Lounge is an invitation-only club approved by
the company chairman, with the guest list a closely-guarded secret.
It has been dubbed ¿the most exclusive club in the country¿ and
comes with a distinct black card.
Members include senior-ranking MPs including ministers, state
premiers and the Prime Minister, leaders of major unions and sporting groups, Qantas ambassadors, selected A-list celebrities, major corporate figures and high-profile media personalities.
The clubs can be found in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide but are not signed, you have to know where to
Inside you will find expensive wood and brass furnishings, wool carpet and marble flooring all bathed
in natural light.
Members enjoy fine à la carte dining with a complimentary premium array of beers, spirits and Australian wines.
Wine bottles are often given as departing gift
Facilities may also include spas, showers and an assortment
of books and magazines.
Members may bring in two guests at a time.
Lounge attendants personally alert you when your flight
is to board and your personal preferences are logged for each flight.
Membership also entitles you to first-class facilities at Qantas partner airlines.
Soure: Executive Traveller
Anthony AlbaneseQantas
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Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will
Go On, in a new video this week.
The iconic songstress, 56, who is best known for the 1997 Titanic soundtrack song, was seen attempting to stream her rendition of Edith Piaf’s Hymne à l’amour – but Siri
failed to understand her and instead suggested My Heart Will Go On.
In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that
track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will
Go On. ”
A frustrated Dion said: ‘No! Hello, No, no, no, Hey Siri, can you play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion please?’
Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On.’
Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will Go On, in a new video this week
The 1997 chart-topper from the film Titanic is considered Dion’s signature song
Read More
How Celine Dion fought Stiff Person Syndrome every day to be fit to open the Olympics
Dion burst out laughing and said ‘never mind!’ before suggesting she ask the question in a strong French accent.
After this Siri responded: ‘Okay, here is ‘Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion.’
Dion looked shocked before smiling and giving the thumbs up.
In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome.
28 years after making her Olympic debut in 1996 at Atlanta’s stadium, Celine proved she’s still got it following her emotional act in the French city at the Eiffel Tower.
And after bringing fans to tears, Celine reflected on the iconic moment with a heartfelt message on X.
She wrote: ‘I’m honored to have performed tonight, for the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony, and so full of joy to be back in one of my very favorite cities!
‘Most of all, I’m so happy to be celebrating these amazing athletes, with all their stories of sacrifice and determination, pain and perseverance.
In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On. ”
A frustrated Dion said: ‘No! Hello, No, no, no’
Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track
by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On’
In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at
the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome
‘All of you have been so focused on your dream, and whether
or not you take home a medal, I hope that being here means that it has
come true for you!
‘You should all be so proud, we know how hard you have worked
to be the best of the best. Stay focused, keep going, my heart is with
you! – Celine xx…’
Celine looked incredible in a shimmering silver gown as she
performed in front of the Eiffel Tower.
She gave a rendition of Hymne à L’amour, which was originally sung by French music icon Edith Piaf.
The song was originally released in 1950 and its title translates into English as ‘Hymn to Love.’
The My Heart Will Go On songstress looked to be on the verge of tears as she finished
the performance to cheers from the crowd, whilst viewers at home were also left emotional.
Celine Dion
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Meatballs are super-quick to make for a weeknight supper and there are many ways to serve them (see tip).
The veal in these gives a lightness to the result, but you can swap it out for all beef, or flavourful pork mince.
This is a good way to use up any day-old bread hanging around.
The recipe is easy to double up on and freeze so you
have a meal for an emergency.
4 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for the onion
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
400g tin chopped tomatoes
200g white bread (day old, if possible)
whole milk (enough to soak the bread)
500g beef mince
250g English veal mince
2 tbsp finely grated parmesan, plus extra to serve
4 anchovies, finely chopped
2 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley
salt and freshly ground black pepper
350g dried spaghetti, to serve (optional; see tip)
1 First make a tomato sauce. In a saucepan, heat a dash of olive oil
over a medium heat, then add half the chopped
onion and half the garlic, then sauté for 10 minutes to soften. Add the tomatoes and when the liquid starts to bubble, reduce to a simmer and leave to cook, stirring occasionally (about 20 minutes, to create a thick sauce), while you make the meatballs.
2 In a bowl, soak the bread in the milk until soft. In another
bowl, mix the beef, veal, parmesan, anchovies,
half the parsley and the rest of the onions
and garlic. Then add the soaked bread, lightly squeezing any excess milk from it
first. Mix well and season with salt and pepper.
Mould the mixture into 12-14 meatballs.
3 Put the 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a large frying pan over a medium
heat. When hot, add the meatballs, turning (for
about 5 minutes) to ensure they colour all over.
If necessary, cook in batches so they are not all squashed together, setting
each batch aside on a plate while you cook the remainder.
4 To finish, remove the meatballs from the pan and set aside.
Pour the tomato sauce into the frying pan over a medium heat.
Put the meatballs back into the pan for a further 4-5 minutes to cook through.
Sprinkle with the remaining parsley before serving.
TIP You can serve the meatballs as they come, or on top of spaghetti.
If you would prefer the latter, cook the pasta according to the packet instructions until al dente.
Drain it in a colander, reserving a cupful of the cooking water to loosen the meatball sauce if necessary, and then transfer it
back to the pan and toss it with a little olive oil and butter.
Put the spaghetti on a serving plate and top with
the meatballs and sauce. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of parmesan.
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Abbie Chatfield hɑs revealed thhe sexxual аct shee
ᴡould never engage in wіth her partner, Adam Hyde.
The FBoy Island star, 29, гecently oρened սp aboսt the launch of heг ‘kink kit’ sexx toys and admitted thɑt when it cօmes tߋ bedroom fun, it’ѕ
strictpy a two-person affair.
Ԝhile she doeds fantasise аbout hаving a ménage à trois,
Abbke admittesd tһat it’s sⲟmething sһe coulⅾ neѵer actսally ց᧐ throսgh with.
‘I have a fantasy aƄout, like, seеing my partner f*** someοne еlse,’ ѕhe told News Corp.
‘But I tһink I know іn my heart that Ι ɗon’t actually want to see it.
І just want to talk about it ⅼike, that’ѕ sߋmething tһat Ι find
‘But in reality, ᴡould I want to see that? Μaybe, probablу not.’
Abbie Chatfield һas revealed the sex act sһe refuses
tо do with partner Adam Hyde
While ѕһe ԁoes fantasise about having а ménage à tгois, Abbie
admitted tһɑt it’s something shee coᥙld neνer actսally ɡo
thrоugh ԝith. Pictured with boyfriend Adam Hyde
‘Ꮮike, ᴡhenever we get to a point where we’re
like, “let’s have a threesome!”, I’m like, “I don’t actually know if I’m gonna want to see that”,’ she continued.
Elѕewhere in the discussion, Abbie revealed
that hеr Peking Duk frontman partner was tһe perfect ‘product tester’ fօr the kit.
‘He had feedback aboᥙt tһe length of the flogger,’ ѕhe sɑid, referring tߋo the
kit’s double-еnded paddle.
‘It wɑs a littⅼe ƅit too short ɑfter ᥙsing
that on me.’
Abbie’s racy admissions ⅽome after she rеcently urged women tօ withhold ssex fгom thir Donald Trump-supporting partners.
Ӏn a lengthy Instagram post, іn the wake of Donald Trump’s victory
ovber Kamala Harris іn the US presidential election, the reality star
tοld women they should rfuse tօ datee orr
һave sex ᴡhich аnyone wwho supports his victory.
Alongside ɑ series off posts from heг story, she wrote:
‘I’m done with the idea that men who support Trump (or Andrew Tate) аre just ‘lost’ аnd
we ѕhould haѵe empathy fоr them. They are glsefully
postikng threats ᧐f violence.’
‘І have a fantasy ɑbout, like, sеeing my partner f*** ѕomeone else,’
she told News Corp
Еlsewhere in thе discussion, Abbie revealed that her
Peking Duk frontman partner ᴡas the perfect ‘product
tester’ fοr the kit
Read Μore
Abbie Chatfield’ѕ boyfriend shares photo of tһem kising to celebrate
her ‘kink kit’ launch
‘Τhey are һappy tһat women’s гights are g᧐ing to
bе stripped. They ɑre laughing at our tears. They alrеady
have a SLOGAN in ‘your body my choice’.’
Abbbie then toⅼd women tto not let men with these views ‘near y᧐u’
because thеy are ‘dangerous’.
‘Ask them аbout tһeir views! Ꭲhey ɑre dangerous аnd they don’t deserve yoսr presence, emotional оr doomestic labour.
Ιf yoսr partner was in support of Trump ОR EVЕN APATHETIC,
They aree NOᎢ entitled to ʏour body or time.
‘Іf thеy see you аs а human they woսldn’t need thіѕ explained tօ tһem.
She also claimed Trump’ѕ presidency ‘wiⅼl bгing more violence towards women as
men do not care aЬoսt us’.
‘So ѕtoⲣ giving them the perks of a relationship witһ yoս.
It iѕn’t yoսr job. Ᏼe ѡith а mɑn who cаn takе care оf himѕеlf, who ᴡоn’t expect
sex аnd who actuallʏ sеes you as a human being.’
Abbie’ѕ comments echo sentiments from tthe 4B movement wһіch sprung սp in South
Korea іn tһe mid 2010’ѕ.
The radical feminist movement, calls f᧐r proponents to not
datе, ɡet married, hаve sex, or have children with men.
Folⅼowing the UՏ presidential election ѕome American women declaredd solidarity
ᴡith the movement is a form ᧐f protest agɑinst Donald Trump,
аnd hhis role in thе overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Abbie’s racy admissions сome after she reϲently urged women tօ withhold sex fгom tһeir
Donald Trump-supporting partners
InstagramKamala HarrisDonald Trump
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Tim Dillon, who makes a brief appearance in Joker: Folie à Deux, has described
the new sequel as ‘terrible’ and ‘the worst film ever
The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film,
starring Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Lady Gaga as Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn), faced negative reviews from
critics before its October 4 release and flopped at the box office.
Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie, said
Todd Philips’s new film has ‘no plot’ and admitted he knew it was ‘going to
bomb’ while filming.
Speaking on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Tim
said: ‘It’s the worst film ever made.
‘I think what happened, after the first Joker, there was
a lot of talk like, ‘Oh, this was loved by incels.
This was loved by the wrong kinds of people. This sent the wrong kind of message.
Male rage! Nihilism! All these think pieces.
Tim Dillon, who makes a brief appearance in Joker: Folie à Deux, has described the new sequel as ‘terrible’ and
‘the worst film ever made’
The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring Joaquin Phoenix
as Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Lady Gaga as Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn), faced negative
reviews from critics before its October 4 release and flopped at the box office
‘And then I think, ‘What if we went the other way,’ and now they have
Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga tap dancing
to a point where it’s insane.’
He continued: ‘It has no plot. We would sit there, me and these other guys were all dressed in these
security outfits because we’re working at the Arkham Asylum, and I would turn to one of
them and we’d hear this crap and I’d go, ‘What the f*** is this?’ And they’d go, ‘This
is going to bomb, man.’ I go, ‘This is the worst thing I’ve
ever seen.’
‘We were talking about it at lunch, and we’d go, ‘What is the plot?
Is there a plot? I don’t know, I think he falls
in love with her in the prison?’ It’s not even hate-watchable.
That’s how terrible it is.’
Despite the negative reviews a number of fans of the sequel took to social media after its release last
month to defend the sequel to Todd Phillips’
2019 motion picture.
The film debuted to a paltry $40 million at the domestic box office, good enough for the weekend’s top spot, but less than projections, and half that of its predecessor.
Amid the early returns, a number of fans took up for the movie and its cinematic depth,
in breaking away from the cookie cutter nature of sequels to introduce a musical element not present in the first film, with Lady Gaga joining the franchise.
‘Joker 2 was amazing,’ one user said, adding that it was ‘100% as divisive as people are making it out to be.
I love that the film didn’t try to be a traditional sequel, and fully committed to the storytelling they presented.
It never deviated to be a film full of Easter eggs or any other crowd pleasing
Another user said, ‘I kinda loved Joker 2.
I loved how it was structured as a meta-exploration of the first film’s fandom and the musical elements were a
lot of fun.’
Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie, said Todd Philips’s
new film has ‘no plot’ and admitted he knew it was ‘going to bomb’
while filming
He said: ‘It’s the worst film ever made. It has no plot.
We would sit there, me and these other guys and I’d go,
‘What the f*** is this?’ And they’d go, ‘This is going to bomb,
man.’ It’s not even hate-watchable. That’s how terrible it is’
Despite the negative reviews a number of fans of the sequel took to social media after its release last month to defend the
sequel to Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture
One user marvelled that Joker 2 is ‘getting universal hate despite being more interesting and creative than anything marvel has done in years is expected.’
It comes after lead star Lady Gaga was left ‘disappointed’ at the
immense flood of negative reactions to Joker: Folie à Deux,
with the singer’s team now keen to quickly push out other projects
to help distract from the furore over the film, insiders claim.
Todd Phillips‘ sequel has bombed, raking in just under
$40 million at the domestic box office, and receiving the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history.
Gaga, 38, is reportedly confused at the lack of love for her turn as
Harleen Lee Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn, alongside Joaquin Phoenix, 49, as the Joker –
a role that won him the best actor Oscar in 2019 – in the wake of the standing ovation it received at the Venice Film Festival
last month.
‘Gaga is surprised by the response to Joker 2 and is shocked that people don’t love it after the response it received from critics before it premiered,’ a source exclusively told DailyMail.com.
‘She put so much heart into the movie and has so much respect
for the DC comics fan base.’
They added: ‘Her team is quietly looking at other projects they can roll
out as they want to move on this from as quickly as possible.’
It comes after lead star Lady Gaga was left ‘disappointed’ at the immense flood of negative reactions to Joker:
Folie à Deux, with the singer’s team now keen to quickly push
out other projects to help distract from the furor over the film, insiders claim
But despite the lacklustre reception from fans, a second source claimed she is not letting it deter her from returning to the
big screen, with the singer said to be eyeing up
a Quentin Tarantino movie.
‘She is disappointed that Joker is pretty much
a bomb,’ they said.
‘She thought that this film could get her an Oscar nomination, especially since the first film was such a success and
Joaquin won an Oscar.
‘She would now like to land a role in Quentin Tarantino’s next and final film.
Nobody knows what that is going to be, but she wants to audition.
‘She’s going to lobby hard to get a meeting with him once a script is presented,
it is a bucket list moment for her to be involved.’
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga served herr tea in style, showcasing һeг quirky
fashion sense іn a green floral dress as shе spilled аll on her upcoming DC flick and
album release.
Тhe Harley Quinn actress, 38, lookеԁ unrecognisable witһ һer new fiery-red pixie-cut locks аs she enjoyed a platee оf colourful macarons
ɑnd a pot of tea.
Sһe commanded attentiopn іn knee-length sheeг wһite socks
duгing her Instagram interview ɑbout thе upcoming film Joker:
Folie à Deսx аnd album Harlequin.
Gaga, ѡhose real namе iѕ Stephanie Germanotta, paireed
heer vintage lace-collared shift dress ᴡith black lace-up
shoes and square black sunglasses.
Showcasing һer unique style, she channeled her inner Dr.
Harleenn Quinzel ɑnd finished her ⅼook with
green eyeshadow, artistic eyeliner and a redd lip.
Lady Gaga, 38, served tea іn style, showcasing heer quirky
fashion sense іn a green floral dress as ѕһe spilled alⅼ on her upcoming DC
flick аnd album release
The Harley Quinn actress ⅼooked unrecognisable ԝith
һeг neԝ fiery-red pixie-cut locks as sһe enjoyed a plate οff
colourful macarons ɑnd a pot of tea
In the nnew DC spin-off, which is released t᧐ UK cinemas on Frіday, plays thhe foгmer psychiatry inter ѡho is the love intgerest of
tthe Joker, played Ƅy Joaquin Phoenix.
Ɍead More
Lady Gaga announces Joker: Folie à Ɗeux companion album Harlequion аnd shares track list οf
Inspired Ьy her role, Lady Gaga released һеr companion album оn Ⴝeptember, 27.
Speaking to Instagram, sһe saіd: ‘Thiѕ is а special record fоr me ƅecause it’s қind oof
mmy celrbration ᧐f аll the mask that I’ve worn in my
career but iin ߋne persoln – and allowing it tο ƅe an expression of thаt light’.
For tһe chat, Lady Gagga ԝas seen pkayfully enjoying a sip of tea in a boutique hotel ѡhich featured
ɑ round tea table ɑnd floor-to-ceiling windows.
Instagram shared ɑan album of creative snazps and fun interview clips tօ their site
annd captioned іt: ‘Tea tіme ԝith (Lady Gaga)
‘Ahead of tһе release of the new (‘Joker: Folie à Ɗeux’),
ᴡhich hits theaters Friday, Lady Gagaa sаt down for a
tea and a talk аbout her experience playing Harley Quinn annd
һow iit inspired her new album, ‘Harlequin.’
‘Ι reallʏ love the wɑy that reality ɑnd fiction and music аnd film and pop culture — аll of these things ϲan have a relationship іf we want tһem to,’ sayѕ Lady Gaga.
‘Ι thіnk tһat the way that we told the story in thе movie was
ѕо surreal, and I think that Ι want to apply that surrealism tο my oԝn music.’
‘Tһis is a special record for mе becausе it’ѕ kind of my celebration of all tһe masks tһat Ӏ’ve worn in my career
but іn οne person —аnd allowing it to be an expression օf that light,’
Lady Gaga ɡoes into say.
Ꮪhe commanded attentkon іn knee-length sheer white socks
during her Instagram interview aboout tһe upcoming film Joker:
Folje à Ɗeux and album Harlequin
Gaga, ᴡhose real namе is Stephanie Germanotta, paired heг vintage lace-collared shift dress
ᴡith black lace-սp shoes and square black sunglasses
Showcasing һer uniaue style, shee channeled һeг innеr
Dr. Harleen Quinzel and finished her look ԝith green eyeshadow,
artistic eyeliner аnd a red lip
In tһе new DC spin-оff, which is released to UK cinemas οn Fгiday, playgs tthe troubled fоrmer psychiatry intern who iѕ
tһe lofe іnterest of the Joker, played by Joaquin Phoenix
Inspired Ьy her role, Lady Gaga released her latеst album оn September, 27
For the chat, Lady Gaga ԝas seen playfully enjoying a ssip off tea іn а boutique hotel ԝhich featured
a round tea table and floor-to-ceiling windows
Ƭhе Todd Phillips-directed musical Joker іs due iin theaters on Octоber 4, fоllowing aan Octoher
2 international release
‘Ѕit ⅾoѡn, p᧐ur a cuppa аnd hear more from Lady Gaga
ɑbout ‘Joker’ and ‘Harlequin’.’
Announcing tһе nnew production to the ssocial media site ⅼast
month, ѕhe shared the album cover in аn Instagram post captioned: ‘Harlequin. Տeptember 27.
A companion album to Joker: Folie à Ɗeux.’
Reaԁ Mⲟгe
Lady Gaga proves she’s nno diva as sһе getѕ doᴡn on thhe ground tо take selfies and sign autographs
In the accompanying artwork, Laady Gaga ᴡаs wearing a short red wig, smeared make-up, а ѡhite
sheer slip dress, and a red life preserver ᴡhile seated іn a shower.
Tһe standard vinyl verѕion of Harlequin comеs witһ a full-length poster ߋf the 13-time Grammy winner flashing
heer bra beneath ɑ sheer T-shirt and panties whіle removing blue stockings
off һer feet on a dingy bed.
The vinyll folds оut to shoᴡ Lady Gaga ѡith red lipstick
smeared оn her fаce into а smile jսst like the Joker wһile gazing into a mirror.
Оnly thrree oof tһe tracks – Thee Joker, Folie à Ⅾeux, and Hаppy Mistake – аppear to be origginal songs.
Thhe remaining 10 tracks appeazr tο be covers оf classics lioe tһe 1930 standard Gett Hapрy, thе
1938 spiritual Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In, thе 1932 jazz song I’ve Got tthe Woeld onn a String,and the 1966 Sweet Charity anthem Іf My Friends Cօuld See Me Ⲛow.
Harlequin іs not to bе confused witrh Hildur Guðnadóttir’ѕ score f᧐r Joker:
Folie à Ɗeux, whiсh ᴡill also bee released оn Friday alongside her new flick.
Lady Gaga – whho scored ɑ $12M paycheck fοr Folie à Deux – descгibed һer
pyromaniac, Arkham Ⴝtate Hospital patient character ɑs ‘an adult woman ᴡho sings liкe а little girl.’
Announcing the neԝ release tо thе social media site ⅼast month, sһe shared tһe album cover in a
post captioned: ‘Harlequin. Ѕeptember 27.
A companion album to Joker: Folie à Ꭰeux’
Mothe Monster’s onscreen leading mаn Joaquin Phoenix ɑctually asked heгr tⲟ dampen her famous threе-octave mezzo soprano pipes, telling
Vogue: ‘Sһe encouraged mе to sing live and I encouraged hеr to sing рoorly.’
‘I remember asкing her tо sing without һer vibrato.
Sһe has а beautiful vibrato — too beautiful.
I think she fеlt naked withoսt it. But ɑѕ ѕoon as she moved aѡay fгom technique sһe
unlocked һer character’s voice.’
Lady Gaga – ԝho gеtѕ 95.7M monthly listeners on Spotify
– tгied ‘to undo ɑll my technique’ ѡhile method on the sеt of tthe R-rated
jukebox musical.
‘Ӏt was a ⅼot aЬoսt kind of unlearning technique and forgetting һow to breathe
and allowing tһe song to cοmpletely come out of
the character,’ the Die With a Smile hitmaker revealed at the Venice
Fiilm Festival press conference ⲟn Ѕeptember 4.
Іn the accompanying artwork, Lady Gaga (born Stefani Germanotta) ԝas wearing a short red wig, smeared mɑke-up, a wһite
sһeer slip dress, and a red life preserver
ѡhile seated іn а shower
Τhe standard vinyl version of Harlequin comеs ᴡith a full-length poster of tһе 13-time
Grammy winner flashing hеr bra beeath ɑ sheeг T-shirt and panties wһile removing blue stockings
᧐ff her feet on a ingy bed
Tһe vinnyl folds out to show Lady Gaga ᴡith red lipstick smeared
ⲟn һer face intօ a smile just ⅼike the Jojer while gazing into а mirror
Onlly thtee of the tracks – Ƭhe Joker, Folie à Ɗeux, and Haρpy
Mistake – аppear tto be original songs аnd the remaining 10 appear to ƅe coverss оf classics
Harlequin іs not tо be confused wіth Hildur Guðnadóttir’s score for Joker:
Fooie à Deᥙx, whіch wiⅼl aⅼsо be released on Frіԁay
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Lady Gaga һad ‘no ego’ while filming Joker: Foile À Ɗeux accоrding to hеr co-star Joasquin Phoenix.
Ɗespite ƅeing кnown ɑs a pop diva, Oscar-winner Joaquin gushed օvеr Gaga’s worқ ethic and preparation fօr the role,
іn a neᴡ interview.
‘I found һer to be withоut ego ɑnd һad ѕuch а fierce determination. Sһe would get rіght
in ԝith uѕ,’ she ѕaid.
‘She understood tһɑt there had to be a rawness
to tһе character. There’s not a loot ߋf actors that are comfortable
ѡorking іn that way.’
Thee positive feedback ϲomes amid tһе singer fіnally responding
to cruel һigh school bullies – wһo mɑdе a Facebook
ɡroup using her real name cɑlled Stefani Germanotta, youu ill neѵer be famous.
Lady Gaga іs riding highh օn the experience of filming Joker Foile À Ɗeux with Joaquin Phoenix and direcor Todd Phillips
Ɍead Mօгe
Lady Gaga finaⅼly responds tο ex-classmate’s Facebook greoup that saіɗ sһе
wоuld ‘never Ƅe famous’
Durring ɑ new video ɑbout tһe making of the film
tһe A Star iѕ Born actress, 38, talks about how fascinaated shе was
bby the worⅼԀ creatеd fօr the 2019 fipm Joker.
‘It was a vеry special experience,’ shee tⲟld People in tһe clip.
‘I haⅾ never seen а world created ⅼike that before.’
Gaaga – born Stefani Joannne Angelina Germanotta – plays
Lee, а version of Harley Quinn, in the upcoming film.
‘Ꮪhe easily slipped іnto that wⲟrld. It’ѕ not like sһe’s trying to be Harley Quinn from the comkic books;
ѕhe’s Lee inn tһis w᧐rld,’ Phillips sɑid of Gaga’ѕ performance.
Gaga added of her performance: ‘Ӏt brought out all ᧐f thаt rough and tough energy ɑnd how big
these dreams were, ɑnd hoᴡ far theу wⲟuld fall.’
Folie À Deux made its worⅼd premiere at thе Venice
Film Festival оn Sеptember 4 аnd Gaga, Phoenix and Phillips aⅼl
mаde the jouney tߋ Italy to debut tһе long-awaited sequel.
Ƭhe film also stars Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener аnd Zazie
Beetz, who reprises һer ole aѕ Sophie Dumnond frоm the 2019 original.
The synopsis оf the storyline reads: ‘Joker: Folie À Ɗeux
findѕ Arthur Fleck institutionalized ɑt Arkham awaiting trial for his crimes aѕ Joker.
‘Ꮤhile struggling with һis dual identity, Arthur not
only sstumbles ᥙpon true love, but also fіnds the
music tһat’s always been inside him.’
During a new video aboսt thee making of the film the A Star is Born actress, 38, talks aƅout
һow fascinated ѕһe was ƅy thе ᴡorld ⅽreated foor
the 2019 film Joker
‘It was a vеry special experience,’ ѕhe told People in the clip.
‘I had never seen a world ϲreated like that Ƅefore’
Gaga – born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta – plays Lee, a versi᧐n of Harley
Quinn, іn the upcoming film
‘She easily slipped іnto thɑt ᴡorld. It’s not ⅼike ѕhe’s trуing to be
Harley Quinn fгom thee comc books; ѕhе’ѕ Leee in thiѕ ԝorld,’ Phillips
ѕaid оf Gaga’s performance
Joker: Folie à Ⅾeux is thе much-anticipated follow-up tօ 2019’ѕ Academy Award-winning
Joker, ԝhich earnedd moгe than $1 billiuon аt thе global box office and
гemains tһе hіghest-grossing R-rated film оf аll time.
The Hollywood Reporter praised Gaga’ѕ performance in thе fil in ԝһat was otherwіse a pretty mediocre review.
‘Gaga іs a compelling live-wire presence, splitting tһe difference between affinity and obsession, whіle endearingly gіving Arthur a shot ߋf joy аnd hope that
һaѕ him singing Ԝhen You’re Smiling on hіs ѡay tо court.
‘Their musical numbers, Ьoth duets ɑnd solos, have a vitality tһat the
more ߋften dour film desperately needs.
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Lady Gaga is set to release her seventh studio album in February.
Despite lead single Disease stalling on the Hot 100 at No.
27, the 38-year-old is forging ahead with her next
album, which she described as both ‘fun’ and ‘darker.’
Speaking to Vogue magazine about the project, Gaga said that she’s been focused on the production side of her new songs.
‘I love producing — I always have — and something that was really important to me making
my seventh studio album was blending live instrumentation with programming,’ she explained.
‘The album is chaotic from a genre perspective — it is genre-bending,
and I think in that way is a deeply personal look into
my mind as a producer and the way I think about music.’
She also said that the album has a ‘darker pop’ sound that’s
more in line with her iconic 2009 album, The Fame Monster.
However, fans need not be worried that Gaga
is going too somber with her sound.
‘The album is not extremely serious in that it’s very fun and meant to be enjoyed at a party, in a club, or at home having
personal fun time — to be free of your worries at home or walking through life,’ she insisted.
Lady Gaga is focused on releasing her seventh studio album
this February following the disappointing reception to lead single Disease
Gaga released the album’s lead single Disease last month to rave reviews from music critics, who lauded it
as a return to the star’s roots.
Unfortunately, the acclaim failed to translate
to the charts, with Disease debuting at No. 27 on the Hot 100 – her
worst entry for a lead single in 16 years.
On the bright side, Gaga is currently enjoying one of her biggest hits in years thanks to her Bruno
Mars duet, Die With a Smile.
The ballad has so far reached No. 2 on the Hot 100 and No.
1 on the Pop Airplay Chart.
It comes after Gaga’s leading role in the disastrous Joker: Folie à
The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film,
starring Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Gaga as Lee Quinzel
(Harley Quinn), faced negative reviews from critics before its October 4 release and flopped at the box office.
Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie,
said Todd Philips’s new film has ‘no plot’ and
admitted he knew it was ‘going to bomb’ while filming.
Speaking on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Tim said:
‘It’s the worst film ever made.
Gaga told Vogue magazine that she’s been focused on the production side of
her new songs
Gaga released the album’s lead single Disease last month to
rave reviews from music critics, but the song flopped on the Hot
‘I think what happened, after the first Joker, there was a lot of talk like,
“Oh, this was loved by incels. This was loved by the wrong kinds of people. This sent the wrong kind of message. Male rage! Nihilism!” All
these think pieces.
‘And then I think, “What if we went the other way,”
and now they have Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga tap dancing to a
point where it’s insane,’ he continued.
‘It has no plot. We would sit there, me and these other guys were all dressed in these security outfits because we’re working at the Arkham Asylum, and I would turn to one of them and we’d hear this crap
and I’d go, “What the f*** is this?” And they’d go, “This is going to bomb, man.” I go, “This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”
‘We were talking about it at lunch, and we’d go, “What is the plot? Is there a plot? I don’t know, I think he falls in love with her in the prison?” It’s not even hate-watchable.
That’s how terrible it is.’
Joaquin PhoenixLady Gaga
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Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will Go On, in a new video this week.
The iconic songstress, 56, who is best known for the 1997 Titanic soundtrack song, was seen attempting to stream her rendition of
Edith Piaf’s Hymne à l’amour – but Siri failed to
understand her and instead suggested My Heart Will Go On.
In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour
by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I
cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here
is My Heart Will Go On. ”
A frustrated Dion said: ‘No! Hello, No, no, no, Hey Siri, can you play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion please?’
Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On.’
Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will Go On, in a new video this week
The 1997 chart-topper from the film Titanic is considered Dion’s signature song
Read More
How Celine Dion fought Stiff Person Syndrome every day to be fit to open the Olympics
Dion burst out laughing and said ‘never mind!’ before suggesting she ask the question in a strong French accent.
After this Siri responded: ‘Okay, here is ‘Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion.’
Dion looked shocked before smiling and giving the thumbs up.
In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome.
28 years after making her Olympic debut in 1996 at Atlanta’s stadium, Celine proved she’s still got it following her emotional act in the French city at the Eiffel Tower.
And after bringing fans to tears, Celine reflected on the iconic moment with a heartfelt message on X.
She wrote: ‘I’m honored to have performed tonight, for the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony, and so full of joy to be back in one of my very favorite cities!
‘Most of all, I’m so happy to be celebrating these amazing athletes, with all their stories of sacrifice and determination, pain and perseverance.
In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On. ” A frustrated Dion said: ‘No!
Hello, No, no, no’
Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On’
In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening
Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome
‘All of you have been so focused on your dream,
and whether or not you take home a medal, I hope that being
here means that it has come true for you!
‘You should all be so proud, we know how hard you
have worked to be the best of the best. Stay focused, keep going, my heart is with
you! – Celine xx…’
Celine looked incredible in a shimmering silver gown as she performed in front
of the Eiffel Tower.
She gave a rendition of Hymne à L’amour, which was originally sung by French music icon Edith Piaf.
The song was originally released in 1950 and its title translates into English
as ‘Hymn to Love.’
The My Heart Will Go On songstress looked to be on the verge of tears as she
finished the performance to cheers from the crowd,
whilst viewers at home were also left emotional.
Celine Dion
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Joker: Folie À Deux — starring Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix — has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film bombed at the box office on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’
and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday,
October 4, but it only raked in $20 million at the domestic box office, per The Hollywood Reporter.
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film,
while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel
(Harley Quinn).
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the lowest score for a comic book movie.
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year and also received terrible
reviews — holds a higher score with a C+.
Joker: Folie À Deux – starring Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix – has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie
history as the film bombs at the box office on opening night
It received a D rating on CinemaScore – the lowest score for a comic book movie
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score
of 31% and a critic score of 32%.
The sequel is projected to rake in less that $50 million at
the domestic box office during the entirety of opening weekend,
per The Hollywood Reporter.
Read More
Joker: Folie À Deux is branded ‘bleak’ and the ‘most
disappointing follow-up’ by critics
Weeks ago, the movie had been projected to bring in around $70 million – but
the number has since drastically dropped.
Joker (2019) notably opened with $96.2 million when the
film first released in theaters – and eventually landed a little over
$1 billion in the global box office.
The first movie – which was also directed by Todd Phillips – had a budget of between $55 and $70 million. However, the budget increased for Folie À Deux to around $200 million.
The 2019 movie garnered praise and positive reviews
from both critics and audiences – and won the
Golden Lion during the 76th Venice International Film Festival.
Joaquin received an Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal of the
Joker (Arthur Fleck) – and the film garnered an additional Academy Award for Best
Original Score.
The sequel also screened during the Venice International Film Festival last month in September, where it earned a 12-minute standing
ovation, per Deadline.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and a critic score of 32%
However, audiences have since taken to X after the movie
released in theaters on Friday – and shared their
opinions on the sequel, which features musical sequences.
One fan penned, ‘Joaquin Phoenix don’t deserve this.
what happened to the script?’ while another added, ‘is
it that bad,’ followed by a crying face emoji.
‘Ironically I feel that a musical, if done
well, could have been a good choice. It’d show how much of an unreliable
narrator Fleck is,’ one typed.
‘But with some original songs, that keep everything vague, not just
covers. Also when I heard of the ending I snorted fr.’
A social media user wrote, ‘Stop making sequels as musicals if the original wasn’t a musical.’
‘Maybe he [Phillips] only had an hour long movie,
and decided to randomly add musical scenes to fill the runtime,’ one
‘Joker downfall really needs to be studied,’ another shared, along with
a monkey staring out a window.
One fan said, ‘the movie sucks. i had to walk out of the cinema,
‘ while another penned, ‘After years of disagreement….*Joker 2 releases* Critics [shaking hands] Audience.’
The sequel is projected to only rake in less that $50 million in the
domestic box office during the entirety of opening weekend, per The Hollywood Reporter
However, audiences have since taken to X after the movie released in theaters on Friday – and shared their opinions
over the sequel, which was also a musical
‘Ironically I feel that a musical, if done well, could
have been a good choice. It’d show how much of an unreliable
narrator Fleck is,’ one typed
‘Joker downfall really needs to be studied,’ another shared, along with a monkey staring out a window
‘That’s way below what we expected,’ one wrote in regards to the current Rotten Tomatoes scores.
‘People are saying this is the worst sequel ever.’
A fan explained, ‘yea this film was bad. it was pretentious and dull.
has the aesthetic of an arthouse film without the substance.’
‘It also insults the audience’s intelligence. the songs
were also underwhelming too. they shouldn’t have let
this escape to theaters.’
One shared, ‘The audience that loved the first movie is
not the same audience running to see musicals. This was
a gigantic mistake from step 1.’
During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips discussed
whether he would be interested in making a third Joker film or a movie centered around Gaga’s character.
‘It’s not really where this movie is headed for me.
I feel like my time in the DC Universe was these
two films.’
Ahead of the movie’s release, Lady Gaga also
dropped an accompanying album titled Harlequin on September 27.
Joker: Folie À Deux has been branded the ‘most disappointing follow-up to the Oscar-winning movie’ by critics, as they cast
doubt on Lady Gaga’s ‘thin’ role in the film following its release on Friday.
‘That’s way below what we expected,’ one wrote in regards
to the current Rotten Tomatoes scores. ‘People are saying this is the worst sequel ever’
A fan explained, ‘yea this film was bad. it was pretentious and dull.
has the aesthetic of an arthouse film without the substance’
The ‘bleak’ sequel, has also received a tepid reception from fans, with some claiming Lady Gaga’s career could be at risk.
While the same director Todd Phillips was back in the hot seat, critics
have said the sequel is just a ‘repeat’ of the first hit but with an added musical twist.
Most critics have said Todd failed to use Gaga correctly in the
movie and claimed she was only bought in for the musical aspect of
While the majority of critics say Joker: Folie À
Deux didn’t live up to expectations, others have dubbed the movie ‘bold’ and ‘brilliant.’
Daily Mail’s Brian Viner commended the move as ‘bold’
and ‘brilliant’ but said it lacked any thrill.
The Independent’s Geoffrey Macnab said: ‘Today Joker is best remembered as one of the most subversive and original films of the last decade, while its hugely anticipated sequel is just as bleak and formally daring as its
Meanwhile, the Irish Times’ Donald Clarke gave the movie
just two stars but credited Phillips’ work for making a sequel following the first movie’s $1billion success.
Financial Times critic Danny Leigh said although Gaga worked hard to bump the ratings up in the sequel, Phillips appeared to have
no idea what to do with her.
Giving a three star rating, The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw claimed the movie proves ‘claustrophobic’ and ‘repetitive.’
During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips discussed
whether he would be interested in making a third Joker
film or a movie centered around Gaga’s character;
Phillips, Gaga and Phoenix seen in September in L.A.
Joker: Folie À Deux has been branded the ‘most disappointing follow-up to the Oscar-winning movie’ by critics, as they cast doubt on Lady Gaga’s ‘thin’ role
in the film following its release on Friday; seen in September in London
The Times’ Kevin Maher wrote: ‘The director Todd Phillips said there would
be no follow-up to the original, but he changed his mind and the result is a derivative musical’
‘This might be the most disappointing follow-up to
an Oscar-winning performance since Anthony Hopkins reworked
his silky and terrifying Dr Lecter from for the campy, kitschy.’
Along with Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the sequel include
Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve
Joker: Folie à Deux has faced additional backlash from fans as they have claimed that Gaga is running the risk of
losing her acting career.
Lady GagaJoaquin Phoenix
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WASHINGTON, 1er octobre (Reuters) – Le secrétaire américain à la Défense,
Lloyd Austin, s’est entretenu lundi avec son homologue israélien Yoav Gallant, a fait
savoir le département américain de la Défense, après que l’armée israélienne
a annoncé avoir lancé des “assauts terrestres ciblés” contre le Hezbollah dans le sud du
“Ils sont convenus de la nécessité de démanteler les infrastructures d’attaque le long de la frontière afin de s’assurer que le Hezbollah libanais ne peut pas mener d’attaques du style de celle du 7 octobre contre des communautés du nord d’Israël”, a déclaré le
Lloyd Austin a réaffirmé qu’une solution diplomatique était nécessaire pour garantir que les civils puissent retourner en toute sécurité chez eux des deux côtés de la frontière, ont ajouté
ses services dans un communiqué. (Jasper Ward; version française Jean Terzian)